98 research outputs found

    Cotyledon cells of Vigna mungo seedlings use at least two distinct autophagic machineries for degradation of starch granules and cellular components

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    α-Amylase is expressed in cotyledons of germinated Vigna mungo seeds and is responsible for the degradation of starch that is stored in the starch granule (SG). Immunocytochemical analysis of the cotyledon cells with anti–α-amylase antibody showed that α-amylase is transported to protein storage vacuole (PSV) and lytic vacuole (LV), which is converted from PSV by hydrolysis of storage proteins. To observe the insertion/degradation processes of SG into/in the inside of vacuoles, ultrastructural analyses of the cotyledon cells were conducted. The results revealed that SG is inserted into LV through autophagic function of LV and subsequently degraded by vacuolar α-amylase. The autophagy for SG was structurally similar to micropexophagy detected in yeast cells. In addition to the autophagic process for SG, autophagosome-mediated autophagy for cytoplasm and mitochondria was detected in the cotyledon cells. When the embryo axes were removed from seeds and the detached cotyledons were incubated, the autophagosome-mediated autophagy was observed, but the autophagic process for the degradation of SG was not detected, suggesting that these two autophagic processes were mediated by different cellular mechanisms. The two distinct autophagic processes were thought to be involved in the breakdown of SG and cell components in the cells of germinated cotyledon

    Relaxation of the Plant Cell Wall Barrier via Zwitterionic Liquid Pretreatment for Micelle‐Complex‐Mediated DNA Delivery to Specific Plant Organelles

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    Targeted delivery of genes to specific plant organelles is a key challenge for fundamental plant science, plant bioengineering, and agronomic applications. Nanoscale carriers have attracted interest as a promising tool for organelle-targeted DNA delivery in plants. However, nanocarrier-mediated DNA delivery in plants is severely hampered by the barrier of the plant cell wall, resulting in insufficient delivery efficiency. Herein, we propose a unique strategy that synergistically combines a cell wall-loosening zwitterionic liquid (ZIL) with a peptide-displaying micelle complex for organelle-specific DNA delivery in plants. We demonstrated that ZIL pretreatment can enhance cell wall permeability without cytotoxicity, allowing micelle complexes to translocate across the cell wall and carry DNA cargo into specific plant organelles, such as nuclei and chloroplasts, with significantly augmented efficiency. Our work offers a novel concept to overcome the plant cell wall barrier for nanocarrier-mediated cargo delivery to specific organelles in living plants

    Three-dimensional nanoscale analysis of light-dependent organelle changes in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells

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    一つの植物細胞を丸ごと3次元で再現 --光依存的なオルガネラの変化をナノスケールで探る--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-10-19.Different organelles function coordinately in numerous intracellular processes. Photorespiration incidental to photosynthetic carbon fixation is organized across three subcellular compartments: chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and mitochondria. Under light conditions, these three organelles often form a ternary organellar complex in close proximity, suggesting a connection with metabolism during photorespiration. However, due to the heterogeneity of intercellular organelle localization and morphology, organelles' responses to changes in the external environment remain poorly understood. Here we used array tomography by field emission scanning electron microscopy to image organelles inside the whole plant cell at nanometer resolution, generating a three-dimensional (3D) spatial map of the light-dependent positioning of chloroplasts, peroxisomes, nuclei, and vacuoles. Our results show, in light-treated cells, the volume of peroxisomes increased, and mitochondria were simplified. In addition, the population of free organelles decreased, and the ternary complex centered on chloroplasts increased. Moreover, our results emphasized the expansion of the proximity area rather than the increase in the number of proximity sites inter-organelles. All of these phenomena were quantified for the first time on the basis of nanoscale spatial maps. In summary, we provide the first 3D reconstruction of Arabidopsis mesophyll cells, together with nanoscale quantified organelle morphology and their positioning via proximity areas, and then evidence of their light-dependent changes

    Mitochondrial movement during its association with chloroplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    葉緑体との相互作用におけるミトコンドリア運動を発見 --相互作用の制御による効率的な物質代謝の可能性に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-03-19.Plant mitochondria move dynamically inside cells and this movement is classified into two types: directional movement, in which mitochondria travel long distances, and wiggling, in which mitochondria travel short distances. However, the underlying mechanisms and roles of both types of mitochondrial movement, especially wiggling, remain to be determined. Here, we used confocal laser-scanning microscopy to quantitatively characterize mitochondrial movement (rate and trajectory) in Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll cells. Directional movement leading to long-distance migration occurred at high speed with a low angle-change rate, whereas wiggling leading to short-distance migration occurred at low speed with a high angle-change rate. The mean square displacement (MSD) analysis could separate these two movements. Directional movement was dependent on filamentous actin (F-actin), whereas mitochondrial wiggling was not, but slightly influenced by F-actin. In mesophyll cells, mitochondria could migrate by wiggling, and most of these mitochondria associated with chloroplasts. Thus, mitochondria migrate via F-actin-independent wiggling under the influence of F-actin during their association with chloroplasts in Arabidopsis

    Developmental changes and organelle biogenesis in the reproductive organs of thermogenic skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus renifolius)

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    Sex-dependent thermogenesis during reproductive organ development in the inflorescence is a characteristic feature of some of the protogynous arum species. One such plant, skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus renifolius), can produce massive heat during the female stage but not during the subsequent male stage in which the stamen completes development, the anthers dehisce, and pollen is released. Unlike other thermogenic species, skunk cabbage belongs to the bisexual flower group. Although recent studies have identified the spadix as the thermogenic organ, it remains unclear how individual tissues or intracellular structures are involved in thermogenesis. In this study, reproductive organ development and organelle biogenesis were examined during the transition from the female to the male stage. During the female stage, the stamens exhibit extensive structural changes including changes in organelle structure and density. They accumulate high levels of mitochondrial proteins, including possible thermogenic factors, alternative oxidase, and uncoupling protein. By contrast, the petals and pistils do not undergo extensive changes during the female stage. However, they contain a larger number of mitochondria than during the male stage in which they develop large cytoplasmic vacuoles. Comparison between female and male spadices suggests that mitochondrial number rather than their level of activity correlates with thermogenesis. Their spadices, even in the male, contain a larger amount of mitochondria that had greater oxygen consumption, compared with non-thermogenic plants. Taken together, our data suggest that the extensive maturation process in stamens produces massive heat through increased metabolic activities. The possible mechanisms by which petal and pistil metabolism may affect thermogenesis are also discussed

    A Synthetic Multidomain Peptide That Drives a Macropinocytosis-Like Mechanism for Cytosolic Transport of Exogenous Proteins into Plants

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    Direct delivery of proteins into plants represents a promising alternative to conventional gene delivery for probing and modulating cellular functions without the risk of random integration of transgenes into the host genome. This remains challenging, however, because of the lack of a protein delivery tool applicable to diverse plant species and the limited information about the entry mechanisms of exogenous proteins in plant cells. Here, we present the synthetic multidomain peptide (named dTat-Sar-EED4) for cytosolic protein delivery in various plant species via simple peptide-protein coincubation. dTat-Sar-EED4 enabled the cytosolic delivery of an active enzyme with up to ∼20-fold greater efficiency than previously described cell-penetrating peptides in several model plant systems. Our analyses using pharmacological inhibitors and transmission electron microscopy revealed that dTat-Sar-EED4 triggered a unique endocytic mechanism for cargo protein internalization. This endocytic mechanism shares several features with macropinocytosis, including the dependency of actin polymerization, sensitivity to phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase activity, and formation of membrane protrusions and large intracellular vesicles (>200 nm in diameter), even though macropinocytosis has not been identified to date in plants. Our study thus presents a robust molecular tool that can induce a unique cellular uptake mechanism for the efficient transport of bioactive proteins into plants

    Design of an Artificial Peptide Inspired by Transmembrane Mitochondrial Protein for Escorting Exogenous DNA into the Mitochondria to Restore their Functions by Simultaneous Multiple Gene Expression

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    新規ミトコンドリア膜貫通ペプチドによる遺伝子送達 --ミトコンドリア内部で効率的な多重遺伝子発現を達成--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-11-02.Mitochondria are vital organelles regulating essential cellular functions. Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) consists of 37 genes, 13 of which encode mitochondrial proteins, and the remaining 24 genes encode two ribosomal RNAs and 22 transfer RNAs needed for the translation of the mtDNA-encoded 13 proteins. However, mtDNA often impairs the expression and function of these genes due to various mutations, ultimately causing mitochondrial dysfunction. To recover from this desperate condition, developing the technology to supply all mitochondrial proteins encoded by mtDNA at once is an urgent task, but there is no established strategy for this purpose. In this study, a simple yet effective mitochondrial gene delivery system is proposed comprising an artificial peptide inspired by a transmembrane mitochondrial membrane protein. The designed mitochondria-targeting peptides presented on the carrier surface effectively guide the encapsulated plasmid to the mitochondria, facilitating mitochondrial uptake and gene expression. The developed system successfully delivers exogenous mtDNA to mtDNA-depleted cells and leads to simultaneous multigene expression, ultimately restoring mitochondrial functions, including the mitochondrial respiration rate. The established multiple gene expression system in each mitochondrion is a game-changing technology that can accelerate the development of mitochondrial engineering technologies as well as clinical applications for mitochondrial diseases

    VISUAL-CC system uncovers the role of GSK3 as an orchestrator of vascular cell type ratio in plants

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    The phloem transports photosynthetic assimilates and signalling molecules. It mainly consists of sieve elements (SEs), which act as "highways" for transport, and companion cells (CCs), which serve as "gates" to load/unload cargos. Though SEs and CCs function together, it remains unknown what determines the ratio of SE/CC in the phloem. Here we develop a new culture system for CC differentiation in Arabidopsis named VISUAL-CC, which almost mimics the process of the SE-CC complex formation. Comparative expression analysis in VISUAL-CC reveals that SE and CC differentiation tends to show negative correlation, while total phloem differentiation is unchanged. This varying SE/CC ratio is largely dependent on GSK3 kinase activity. Indeed, gsk3 hextuple mutants possess many more SEs and fewer CCs, whereas gsk3 gain-of-function mutants partially increase the CC number. Taken together, GSK3 activity appears to function as a cell-fate switch in the phloem, thereby balancing the SE/CC ratio. Tamaki et al. develop VISUAL-CC to study SE-CC (sieve elements-companion cells) complex formation. They show that the balance in the SE/CC ratio is dependent on GSK3 activity using different genetic backgrounds. Their work provides insights on the role of GSK3 as a cell-fate switch in the phloem.Peer reviewe