1,007 research outputs found

    Time as an Empirical Concept in Special Relativity

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    According to a widespread view, Einstein’s definition of time in his special relativity is founded on the positivist verification principle. The present paper challenges this received outlook. It shall be argued that Einstein’s position on the concept of time, to wit, simultaneity, is best understood as a mitigated version of concept empiricism. He contrasts his position to Newton’s absolutist and Kant’s transcendental arguments, and in part sides with Hume’s and Mach’s empiricist arguments. Nevertheless, Einstein worked out a concept empiricism that is considerably more moderate than what we find in the preceding empiricist tradition and early logical positivism. He did not think that the origin of concepts is in observations, but in conventions, and he also maintained a realist ontology of physical events, which he thought is necessary for his theory. Consequently, his philosophy of time in special relativity is not couched in terms of an anti-metaphysical verificationism

    Newton and Hume

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    We may distinguish two interpretations of the relation between Newton’s natural philosophy and Hume’s science of human nature. The first interpretation can be called ‘traditional,’ the second ‘critical.’ This article will not side with either readings of Hume’s Newtonianism (or with some middle positions). Instead, essential points of confluence and divergence will be discussed

    Freemium-pelimallin vaikutus tietokonepelaajan kulutuskäyttäytymiseen

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheeksi valittiin freemium-pelimallit omakohtaisen mielenkiinnon ja asiantuntemuksen kasvattamiseksi. Tutkimuksen teoriaosa pohjautuu peliteollisuuden ansaintamallien kehitykseen, freemium- ansaintamallin syntyyn ja sen kannattavuuden perusteisiin. Keskiössä liiketoimintamalllissa on laaja asiakaskanta, arvoehdotus ja konversioaste, joiden yhdistelmällä yrityksen tuote/palvelu pitäisi houkutella tarpeeksi asiakkaita ollakseen kannattava. Tutkimus tehtiin kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Kyselylomake laadittiin pilvipalvelun avulla ja jaettiin vastaajille sähköisesti internetin välityksellä. Tutkimusjoukkona oli tietokonepelaajat, ja kanavana toimi isoimman pelijulkaisijan keskustelupalsta. Vastausaikaa kyselyllä oli noin viikko, jonka aikana kyselyyn vastasi 101 henkilöä. Tutkimustuloksissa käytiin läpi kaikki kyselylomakkeesta saadut vastaustulokset. Tietoa kerättiin vastaajien taustamuuttujista, ajankäytöstä, hankintapäätöksistä ja rahankäytöstä. Tulokset analysoitiin raportissa tekstin ja taulukoiden avulla, joita on laadittu Excelin sekä SPSS-ohjelman avulla. Merkittävimmät tutkimuksesta saadut tulokset liittyivät pelaajien mielikuvaan ja omien resurssien käyttöön freemium-peleissä. Pelaajat kokivat freemium-pelit negatiivisessa valossa, jota tuki vähäinen ajan ja rahan käyttäminen freemium-peleihin. Pohdinnassa arvioidaan tutkimuksen luotettavuutta. Johtopäätöksissä pohditaan tarkemmin saatujen tuloksien suhdetta teoria- ja tietopohjaan. Koska tutkimuksessa ei ollut varsinaista toimeksiantajaa, kyselyn lopussa pohditaa jatkotutkimuksen mahdollisuutta, aihealueita ja tutkimusmenetelmiä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin keväällä 2017

    Lean Pre-production for Independent Game Development

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    Going indie is a video game industry term for moving from whatever one is doing now to being a full-time independent game developer. With the ease of digital distribution and the availability of game development tools, practically anyone is free to start making games professionally. Developing a successful video game takes a great deal of work, however. Many prospective developers bury themselves in code, burn out, and yet fail to turn a profit. Independent developers often don’t have the resources to take on the development process by sheer force. This makes proper planning indispensable: Making a successful game is much easier if as many informed design and project management decisions as possible are made in advance. Most of the hard choices are made during pre-production, which is the first stage in the process of video game development.Indie-pelikehitys on omatoimista, itsenäistä videopelikehitystä jonka tarkoituksena on tehdä tuottoa omakustanteisella peliprojektilla. Nykyaikana kynnys ryhtyä omatoimiseksi pelikehittäjäksi on erittäin pieni: sähköiset jakelukanavat ja pelkistetyt kehitystyökalut mahdollistavat sen, että kuka tahansa voi alkaa kehittää videopelejä. Menestyksekkään pelin tekeminen on kuitenkin erittäin haastavaa. Moni innokas pelikehittäjä lannistuu, sillä jo peliprojektin loppuun vieminen on äärimmäisen työlästä – puhumattakaan liikevoiton tavoittelusta. Omatoimisilla kehittäjillä ei yleensä ole voimavaroja selviytyä tuotantovaiheesta omin voimin. Tästä syystä huolellinen valmistautuminen on äärimmäisen tärkeää. Kehitysprosessi on huomattavasti helpommin hallittavissa, mikäli pelikehittäjä tekee oikeat toimenpiteet ennen tuotantovaiheen alkua. Monta tärkeää päätöstä pystytään tehdä esituotantovaiheessa ennen kuin riviäkään koodia on kirjoitettu

    Analisis Konten Pesan-Pesan Kesehatan Mental di Dalam Musik Populer

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    Masalah kesehatan mental merupakan sebuah permasalahan yang sangat rawan di antara kaum muda, dengan jumlah penderita pada kaum muda mengalami kenaikan selama dekade 2000-an dan 2010-an, namun upaya untuk mencari bantuan mengalami stagnasi. Dengan begitu, musik dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk menanggulangi dan juga menangani masalah kesehatan mental. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kuantitatif untuk menganalisis keberadaan pesan-pesan dan referensi terhadap masalah kesehatan mental di dalam musik populer, dengan tujuan untuk mencari tahu betapa banyaknya lagu yang mereferensikan kesehatan mental dan apakah terdapat perkembangan atau pengurangan dari referensi ini seiring tahun. Analisis ini dilakukan terhadap 25 lagu paling populer pada tahunnya menurut daftar yang dikeluarkan oleh majalah Billboard yang berjudul Billboard Year-End Hot 100 Singles dari tahun 2001, 2006, 2016, dan 2021. Sebuah coding book kemudian dibuat sebagai kerangka untuk menganalisis keberadaan pesan atau referensi masalah kesehatan mental di dalam tiap lagu. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis frekuensi dan uji One-Way Anova untuk menguji linearitas menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS. Dari hasil analisis ini ditemukan bahwa 53 dari 125 lagu mengandung pesan atau referensi masalah kesehatan mental. Hasil uji juga menunjukan bahwa tidak ada tren linear dari tahun 2001 hingga 2021, dimana terjadi penurunan jumlah referensi dari tahun 2001 ke 2006, kenaikan dari tahun 2006 hingga 2016, lalu penurunan kembali pada tahun 2021. Salah satu penjelasan terhadap perkembangan yang tidak menentu ini bisa dilihat dari kejadian-kejadian dunia seperti resesi ekonomi dan pandemi yang mempengaruhi keadaan mental masyarakat. Akan tetapi, kenaikan jumlah referensi dari tahun 2008 hingga 2016 bisa dilihat dari meningkatnya pula risiko masalah kesehatan mental di masyarakat

    Farmworkers, Nonimmigration Policy, Involuntary Servitude, and a Look at the Sheepherding Industry

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    Congress should abolish the nonimmigrant visa for farmworkers because of its inherently abusive and unjust nature. The visa allows abuse of farmworkers to flourish because guest workers, who live in the United States only for a short period of time, have no hope of becoming permanent residents. The workers constantly fear deportation and are unlikely to assert their rights in court. Because guest workers, by nature of their visas, may only work for one employer and the consequence for quitting is deportation, the workers may be forced to endure abusive treatment. Legal coercion prevents agricultural guest workers from leaving their employers, and so they labor in a state of involuntary servitude. Guest workers do not receive the same statutory protections as other farmworkers, and courts and the Department of Labor have been reluctant to enforce the few rights guest workers do have. The guest worker visa for farmworkers should be discontinued because the availability of cheap foreign workers who cannot choose their employer, negotiate their wages or hours, or even quit, causes overall lower wages and inferior conditions for all farmworkers, and the loss of jobs for U.S. workers

    Predicting stock returns by number of company mentions in tweets

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    This study attempts to establish whether return or magnitude of return can be predicted by how many tweets mention a company by either its name or stock symbol. The sample data consists of 365 million tweets of which 706,700 mention a S&P 500 company between June 1st, 2016 and June 30th, 2017. It was found that tweets which mention a company by its stock symbol while stock markets are open have a positive impact on its return between 0 to 1%. No evidence was found of number of tweets holding a predictive value of the magnitude of return

    Farmworkers, Nonimmigration Policy, Involuntary Servitude, and a Look at the Sheepherding Industry

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    Implementing an Updated Evidenced-Based Maintenance Central Line Bundle (CLB) Policy: Monitoring Adherence and Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSIs) in a Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU).

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    Purpose: The purpose of this project was to update the current policy of CLB maintenance of CVCs by incorporating the latest recommendations from the literature, providing education and disseminating the new policy. Outcomes were measured by evaluating the effect on policy adherence and incidence of CLABSIs in a medical intensive care unit (MICU). Policy adherence was defined by the completion of CLB maintenance components. Methods: This study included a pre- and post-interventional design utilizing a retrospective chart review to evaluate adherence to CLB maintenance interventions and incidence of CLABSI rates pre and post-implementation of a new CLB maintenance policy that included a brief educational intervention. Results: 26 MICU nurses participated in the educational intervention. The mean bundle adherence score of the pre-intervention was 83.1 and the mean bundle adherence score of the post-intervention was 97.45, indicating an increase in bundle adherence (p = \u3c.001). No CLABSIs were reported during the project period. Conclusion: An updated evidence-based CLB maintenance policy with educational intervention increases adherence to CLB maintenance interventions among nurses. There was a statistically significant increase in adherence to CLB interventions after the new CLB maintenance policy was published with educational intervention (p = \u3c.001). No CLABSIs were reported during the project’s time frame. Future research could be performed by a retrospective analysis for a longer duration of time to evaluate the incidence of CLABSIs that may show a relationship between adherence and CLABSIs