253 research outputs found
Undergraduate Students of Color Raising Children and Persisting in Higher Education
Millions of undergraduate students have been identified as parents across the United States. Of those millions, a majority have been identified as undergraduate students of Color who are pregnant, parenting, frequently underrepresented, and often not equitably supported toward degree completion. The purpose of the qualitative single-site case study was to learn what undergraduate students of Color who are parenting have experienced, in terms of support for their continued enrollment, while earning baccalaureate degrees at Portland State University. Through an asset-based approach, this study elaborated on three key findings which include the persistent aspirations of undergraduate Students of Color (USPs of Color), despite the challenges they have faced, their resistance strategies, and their experiences with resources and resourcefulness. Recommendations offered in this study for future practice can be adopted by postsecondary education leaders, and community service leaders alike, to develop resources, improve current efforts, or amend policies and practices to equitably serve USPs of Color toward degree attainment
El delito de feminicidio y su eficacia en la disminución de los índices de criminalidad en el Perú
La presente investigación titulada “El delito de feminicidio y su eficacia en la disminución de los índices de criminalidad en el Perú” se realizó con la finalidad de determinar si el delito de feminicidio ha sido eficaz en la disminución de los índices de criminalidad en nuestro país, es así que tuvo como objetivo general determinar si la incorporación del delito de feminicidio como tipo penal autónomo ha sido eficaz en la disminución de los índices de criminalidad en el Perú y como objetivos específicos, Analizar el delito de feminicidio tipificado en el artículo 108-B del código penal peruano, Demostrar si la regulación del feminicidio como tipo penal autónomo ha sido necesario en el Perú y Determinar si la incorporación del delito de feminicidio lesiona el principio de igualdad ante la ley. Asimismo, la presente investigación de acuerdo a su naturaleza es de tipo cualitativo básica; la técnica que se aplico fue de la entrevista a profundidad y como instrumento se utilizó la guía de preguntas a los participantes de los cuales se obtuvo como resultado que el delito de feminicidio como tipo penal autónomo no ha sido eficaz en la disminución de los índices de criminalidad puesto que los datos recogidos por el observatorio de criminalidad del Ministerio Público y por los entrevistados refieren un incremento de las cifras de homicidios de mujeres
Keeping Pace with Information Literacy Instruction for the Real World: When Will MLS Programs Wake Up and Smell the LILACs?
For over thirty years, numerous studies have discussed the contradiction between the growing importance of information literacy instruction to the Library\u27s core mission and lack of pedagogical training for new librarians. This article reviews the more recent contributions on the topic, presents a survey of New York State MLS curricula and describes initiatives of pedagogy training offered in that region outside of MLS programs. The authors focus on the Library Instruction Leadership Academy (LILAC), an innovative, semester-long training program created in Western New York State to offer instruction in the pedagogical foundation and practical experience essential for teaching information literacy skills effectively. They provide details of the program\u27s content, organization, funding, assessment methods, and learning outcomes. While regional initiatives like LILAC prove to be very valuable to their participants, the authors aim to apply pressure on MLS programs to establish curricular requirements better suited to the demands of today\u27s librarianship
Extending Comprehensive Maritime Awareness to Disconnected Vessels and Users
After the attacks of 9/11, increased security became a national priority that resulted in a focus on National Maritime Security. Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) is an initiative developed by the Coast Guard, in partnership with the U.S. Navy and other agencies to increase awareness in the maritime domain in support of maritime security [Morgan and Wimmer, 2005]. The purpose of MDA is to generate actionable intelligence obtained via the collection, fusion and dissemination of information from U.S. joint forces, U.S. government agencies, international coalition partners and commercial entities. This actionable intelligence is the cornerstone of successful counterterrorist and maritime law enforcement operations and is critical to Maritime Security [Morgan and Wimmer, 2005]. The U.S. Navy, as a partner in the development and creation of MDA, has tasked its subordinate commands to identify and define capabilities to support this program. One effort sponsored is the Comprehensive Maritime Awareness (CMA) Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration (JCTD) [CMA Architecture Team, 2007]. This project supports the CMA JCTD efforts by proposing a deployable system to enable a disconnected vessel to connect to the CMA network. A disconnected user can be seen as a merchant ship, hospital ship or any vessel that is not currently connected to the CMA network. This project's proposed deployable system, as a subset to the CMA network, facilitates information sharing in support of humanitarian efforts worldwide.http://archive.org/details/extendingcompreh109456932N
Efecto de la disponibilidad de máquinas sobre el tiempo de atención al cliente en una empresa concentradora de mineral de Chimbote
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar cómo influye la
disponibilidad de máquinas en los circuitos de chancado y molienda sobre el tiempo
de atención al cliente de una empresa concentradora de mineral ubicada en
Chimbote. La metodología empleada fue tipo aplicado, enfoque cuantitativo y
diseño pre experimental. Como resultados se determinó que el tiempo medio entre
defectos fue de 20.48 horas, el tiempo medio para reparar salió 9.34 horas, y la
disponibilidad de máquinas fue de 68.67%, asimismo, se halló que el tiempo de
atención hasta antes de la operación del servicio, en promedio fue de 1.07 días, el
tiempo de operación fue de 11.97 días y el tiempo de atención al cliente inicial, fue
de 13.04 días, siendo indicadores muy elevados que afectan de manera directa al
tiempo de atención al cliente de la empresa minera; para ello, se implementó un
sistema de automatización para los procesos que se emplean dentro de la empresa
minera, con la finalidad de aumentar la disponibilidad. Como conclusión se
determinó que el tiempo de atención hasta antes de la operación disminuyó 0.37
días, el tiempo de operación tuvo redujo 4.12 días, y el tiempo de atención al cliente
redujo 4.49 días
Tolerancia a la frustración y conductas agresivas en estudiantes de una institución educativa del distrito San Miguel
La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la
tolerancia a la frustración y conductas agresivas en estudiantes de una
institución educativa del distrito de San Miguel. El tipo de estudio que se utilizó
fue básico, el diseño fue no experimental, transversal y correlacional. Para la
muestra se trabajó con 200 estudiantes entre los 12 y 17 años que pertenecían
al nivel secundario, el muestreo que se usó fue no probabilístico por
conveniencia. Los instrumentos para la recolección de datos que se aplicaron
fueron la Escala de tolerancia a la frustración y el Cuestionario de agresión
reactiva y proactiva. Para el análisis de correlación se utilizó el coeficiente de
Rho de Spearman que se realizó en un programa estadístico. Los resultados que
se obtuvieron fueron que el 36,5% de los estudiantes presentaron un nivel medio
de tolerancia a la frustración y el 74,5% un nivel bajo en conductas agresivas,
también se encontró que existe una correlación inversa, moderada y significativa
entre la tolerancia a la frustración y las conductas agresivas, asimismo en las
dimensiones reactiva y proactiva se encontraron la misma correlación. En
conclusión, en la institución educativa los estudiantes presentaron una
correlación inversa, moderada y significativa entre las dos variables
Delivering More Than Food: Understanding and Operationalizing Racial Equity in Food Hubs
This report is a look at a how U.S.-based food hubs understand engagement in racial equity work. The sample of food hubs interviewed for this report are diverse in their structures, leadership, and missions. Through interviews with food hub managers and other roles, we identify common facilitators and inhibitors to food hubs engaging in racial equity work. After presenting the major themes of our findings, we provide an analysis of those findings through multiple frames. We offer takeaways in the form of identifying deeper questions for food hubs, funders, and researchers about how to meaningfully support racial equity within the food system. We also offer specifics of how to operationalize some of our findings by providing a few examples of food hubs/food system organizations that have taken clear action toward achieving racial equity goals.
Microbiology clinical culture diagnostic yields and antimicrobial resistance proportions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in an Indian community hospital and two US community hospitals
Studies comparing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on diagnostic microbiology culture yields and antimicrobial resistance proportions in low-to-middle-income and high-income countries are lacking. A retrospective study using blood, respiratory, and urine microbiology data from a community hospital in India and two community hospitals (Hospitals A and B) in St. Louis, MO, USA was performed. We compared the proportion of cultures positive for selected multi-drug-resistant organisms (MDROs) listed on the WHO\u27s priority pathogen list both before the COVID-19 pandemic (January 2017-December 2019) and early in the COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020-October 2020). The proportion of blood cultures contaminated with coagulase-negativ
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Social and built neighborhood environments and sleep health: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Community and Surrounding Areas and Sueño Ancillary Studies.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To test associations between neighborhood social, built, and ambient environment characteristics and multidimensional sleep health in Hispanic/Latino adults. METHODS: Data were from San Diego-based Hispanic/Latino adults mostly of Mexican heritage enrolled in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (N = 342). Home addresses were geocoded to ascertain neighborhood characteristics of greenness, walkability (density of intersections, retail spaces, and residences), socioeconomic deprivation (e.g. lower income, lower education), social disorder (e.g. vacant buildings, crime), traffic density, and air pollution (PM 2.5) in the Study of Latinos Communities and Surrounding Areas Study. Sleep dimensions of regularity, satisfaction, alertness, timing, efficiency, and duration were measured by self-report or actigraphy approximately 2 years later. Multivariable regression models accounting for study design (stratification and clustering) were used to examine associations of neighborhood variables with individual sleep dimensions and a multidimensional sleep health composite score. RESULTS: Neighborhood characteristics were not significantly associated with the multidimensional sleep health composite, and there were few significant associations with individual sleep dimensions. Greater levels of air pollution (B = 9.03, 95% CI: 1.16, 16.91) were associated with later sleep midpoint, while greater social disorder (B = -6.90, 95% CI: -13.12, -0.67) was associated with earlier sleep midpoint. Lower walkability was associated with more wake after sleep onset (B = -3.58, 95% CI: -7.07, -0.09). CONCLUSIONS: Living in neighborhoods with lower walkability and greater air pollution was associated with worse sleep health, but otherwise findings were largely null. Future research should test these hypotheses in settings with greater variability and investigate mechanisms of these associations
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