425 research outputs found

    Materials flow control in hybrid make-to-stock/make-to-order manufacturing

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    Today’s company competiveness is favoured by product customisation and fast delivery. A strategy to meet this challenge is to manufacture standard items to stock for product customisation. This configures a hybrid environment of make-to-stock and make-to-order. To explore the advantages of this requires good understanding of production control. Thus, we study production under hybrid MTS-MTO, organising the system in two stages. The 1 st manufactures items to inventory, which are then customised in the 2 nd . We analyse how the percentage of tardy orders is affected by the inventory of items required to achieve a given fill rate. The impact of two mechanisms for releasing orders to both stages is also analysed. Results of a simulation study indicate that most of the reduction on the percentage of tardy orders is achieved by a moderate increase in the stock level of semi-finished products. Moreover the percentage of tardy orders decreases if suitable controlled release of orders is exerted.This study had the financial support of FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia of Portugal under the project PEst2015-2020: UID/CEC/ 00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Protein Hydrolysates Are Avoided by Herbivores but Not by Omnivores in Two-Choice Preference Tests

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    Background: The negative sensory properties of casein hydrolysates (HC) often limit their usage in products intended for human consumption, despite HC being nutritious and having many functional benefits. Recent, but taxonomically limited, evidence suggests that other animals also avoid consuming HC when alternatives exist. Methodology/Principal Findings: We evaluated ingestive responses of five herbivorous species (guinea pig, mountain beaver, gopher, vole, and rabbit) and five omnivorous species (rat, coyote, house mouse, white-footed mouse, and deer mouse; N = 16–18/species) using solid foods containing 20% HC in a series of two-choice preference tests that used a nonprotein, cellulose-based alternative. Individuals were also tested with collagen hydrolysate (gelatin; GE) to determine whether it would induce similar ingestive responses to those induced by HC. Despite HC and GE having very different nutritional and sensory qualities, both hydrolysates produced similar preference score patterns. We found that the herbivores generally avoided the hydrolysates while the omnivores consumed them at similar levels to the cellulose diet or, more rarely, preferred them (HC by the white-footed mouse; GE by the rat). Follow-up preference tests pairing HC and the nutritionally equivalent intact casein (C) were performed on the three mouse species and the guinea pigs. For the mice, mean HC preference scores were lower in the HC v C compared to the HC v Cel tests, indicating that HC’s sensory qualities negatively affected its consumption. However, responses were species-specific. For the guinea pigs, repeated exposure to HC or C (4.7-h sessions; N = 10) were found to increase subsequent HC preference scores in an HC v C preference test, which was interpreted in the light of conservative foraging strategies thought to typify herbivores. Conclusions/Significance: This is the first empirical study of dietary niche-related taxonomic differences in ingestive responses to protein hydrolysates using multiple species under comparable conditions. Our results provide a basis for future work in sensory, physiological, and behavioral mechanisms of hydrolysate avoidance and on the potential use of hydrolysates for pest management

    Longer pregnancy and slower fetal development in women with latent "asymptomatic" toxoplasmosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to confirm that women with latent toxoplasmosis have developmentally younger fetuses at estimated pregnancy week 16 and to test four exclusive hypotheses that could explain the observed data.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the present retrospective cohort study we analysed by the GLM (general linear model) method data from 730 <it>Toxoplasma</it>-free and 185 <it>Toxoplasma</it>-infected pregnant women.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At pregnancy week 16 estimated from the date of the last menstruation, the mothers with latent toxoplasmosis had developmentally younger fetuses based on ultrasound scan (<it>P </it>= 0.014). Pregnancy of <it>Toxoplasma</it>-positive compared to <it>Toxoplasma</it>-negative women was by about 1.3 days longer, as estimated both from the date of the last menstruation (<it>P </it>= 0.015) and by ultrasonography (<it>P </it>= 0.025).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The most parsimonious explanation for the observed data is retarded fetal growth during the first weeks of pregnancy in <it>Toxoplasma</it>-positive women. The phenomenon was only detectable in multiparous women, suggesting that the immune system may play some role in it.</p

    Numerical simulation of performance and exhaust emissions of a marine main engine using heavy fuel oil during the whole voyage

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    In this study, the performance and exhaust emissions of the marine main engine (ME) of a large cargo vessel operating on the east coast of Australia by numerical thermodynamic simulation were investigated. The simulation were validated using on-board measurements of the ME conducted in October and November 2015 on a large cargo ship cruising between Ports of Brisbane, Gladstone and Newcastle. The commercial engine modelling/design software, AVL Boost, was used with special adaptation to marine engines and Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO). All measurements here carried out on the ME at different engine speeds and loads when the ship experienced different working conditions such as manoeuvring near port areas and cruising at sea. Specific engine parameters including in-cylinder mean and peak pressure, power, exhaust temperature and turbocharger boost were investigated. A good agreement between experimental and numerical results was observed for engine emissions of NOx and soot at higher engine speed conditions. The capacity of AVL Boost for marine engine simulation is evaluated, including prediction on the engine performance and emissions under different engine working conditions where they cannot be measured in the experiment

    HIV-related travel restrictions: trends and country characteristics

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    Introduction: Increasingly, HIV-seropositive individuals cross international borders. HIV-related restrictions on entry, stay, and residence imposed by countries have important consequences for this mobile population. Our aim was to describe the geographical distribution of countries with travel restrictions and to examine the trends and characteristics of countries with such restrictions. Methods: In 2011, data presented to UNAIDS were used to establish a list of countries with and without HIV restrictions on entry, stay, and residence and to describe their geographical distribution. The following indicators were investigated to describe the country characteristics: population at mid-year, international migrants as a percentage of the population, Human Development Index, estimated HIV prevalence (age: 15&#x2013;49), presence of a policy prohibiting HIV screening for general employment purposes, government and civil society responses to having non-discrimination laws/regulations which specify migrants/mobile populations, government and civil society responses to having laws/regulations/policies that present obstacles to effective HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support for migrants/mobile populations, Corruption Perception Index, and gross national income per capita. Results: HIV-related restrictions exist in 45 out of 193 WHO countries (23%) in all regions of the world. We found that the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific Regions have the highest proportions of countries with these restrictions. Our analyses showed that countries that have opted for restrictions have the following characteristics: smaller populations, higher proportions of migrants in the population, lower HIV prevalence rates, and lack of legislation protecting people living with HIV from screening for employment purposes, compared with countries without restrictions. Conclusion: Countries with a high proportion of international migrants tend to have travel restrictions &#x2013; a finding that is relevant to migrant populations and travel medicine providers alike. Despite international pressure to remove travel restrictions, many countries continue to implement these restrictions for HIV-positive individuals on entry and stay. Since 2010, the United States and China have engaged in high profile removals. This may be indicative of an increasing trend, facilitated by various factors, including international advocacy and the setting of a UNAIDS goal to halve the number of countries with restrictions by 2015

    Developing capacity in health informatics in a resource poor setting: lessons from Peru

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    The public sectors of developing countries require strengthened capacity in health informatics. In Peru, where formal university graduate degrees in biomedical and health informatics were lacking until recently, the AMAUTA Global Informatics Research and Training Program has provided research and training for health professionals in the region since 1999. The Fogarty International Center supports the program as a collaborative partnership between Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru and the University of Washington in the United States of America. The program aims to train core professionals in health informatics and to strengthen the health information resource capabilities and accessibility in Peru. The program has achieved considerable success in the development and institutionalization of informatics research and training programs in Peru. Projects supported by this program are leading to the development of sustainable training opportunities for informatics and eight of ten Peruvian fellows trained at the University of Washington are now developing informatics programs and an information infrastructure in Peru. In 2007, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia started offering the first graduate diploma program in biomedical informatics in Peru

    Anaesthesia and airway management in mucopolysaccharidosis

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    Abstract This paper provides a detailed overview and dis-cussion of anaesthesia in patients with mucopolysacchari-dosis (MPS), the evaluation of risk factors in these patients and their anaesthetic management, including emergency airway issues. MPS represents a group of rare lysosomal storage disorders associated with an array of clinical mani-festations. The high prevalence of airway obstruction and restrictive pulmonary disease in combination with cardio-vascular manifestations poses a high anaesthetic risk to these patients. Typical anaesthetic problems include airway obstruction after induction or extubation, intubation diffi-culties or failure [can’t intubate, can’t ventilate (CICV)], possible emergency tracheostomy and cardiovascular and cervical spine issues. Because of the high anaesthetic risk, the benefits of a procedure in patients with MPS shoul