10 research outputs found

    Detecting General Algebraic Manipulation Attacks

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    Algebraic manipulation detection codes are a class of error detecting codes which have found numerous applications in cryptography. In this paper we extend these codes to defeat general algebraic attacks - we call such codes general algebraic manipulation detection (GAMD) codes. Positive results are shown for the existence of GAMDs for the families of tampering functions corresponding to point additions and polynomial functions over a finite field. Compared to non-malleable codes, we demonstrate both positive and negative results regarding the existence of GAMDs for arbitrary families of tampering functions

    Universally Verifiable MPC with Applications to IRV Ballot Counting

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    We present a very simple universally verifiable MPC protocol. The first component is a threshold somewhat homomorphic cryptosystem that permits an arbitrary number of additions (in the source group), followed by a single multiplication, followed by an arbitrary number of additions in the target group. The second component is a black-box construction of universally verifiable distributed encryption switching between any public key encryption schemes supporting shared setup and key generation phases, as long as the schemes satisfy some natural additive-homomorphic properties. This allows us to switch back from the target group to the source group, and hence perform an arbitrary number of multiplications. The key generation algorithm of our prototypical cryptosystem, which is based upon concurrent verifiable secret sharing, permits robust re-construction of powers of a shared secret. We demonstrate the scalability of distribution switching as a viable approach to secure vote tallying by implementing a private verifiable form of Instant Runoff Voting on real Australian election data comprising 40,000 votes

    Privately Matching kk-mers

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    We construct the first noninteractive protocols for several tasks related to private set intersection. We provide efficient protocols for three related problems, each motivated by a particular kind of genomic testing. Set intersection with labelling hides the intersecting set itself and returns only the labels of the common elements, thus allowing a genomics company to return diagnoses without exposing the IP of its database. Fuzzy matching with labelling extends this to allow matching at a particular Hamming distance, which solves the same problem but incorporates the possibility of genetic variation. Closest matching returns the item in the server\u27s database closest to the client\u27s query - this can be used for taxonomic classification. Our protocols are optimised for the matching of kk-mers (sets of kk-length strings) rather than individual nucleotides, which is particularly useful for representing the short reads produced by next generation sequencing technologies

    Efficient mixnets with application to electronic voting

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    © 2012 Kim RamchenCryptographic mixnets are a fundamental tool in the construction of secure electronic elections. Traditional mixnets rely upon third party mixers to perform vote anonymisation at election time. This approach places inherent limitations on the robustness and efficiency of mixing. In this thesis we show that third party mixers are not required to be active at election time - in fact it is highly feasible for the shuffle to be constructed before the election. A basic primitive used is the public key obfuscator for a re-encryption shuffle. We show that the seminal obfuscator of Paillier shuffles by Adida and Wikstro ̈m [AW07a] can be extended to generalised Paillier shuffles [DJ01]. The resulting obfuscations are composable, allowing obfuscation of re-encryption permutation networks. This, in turn, implies an obfuscator for a Paillier shuffle with improved efficiency (N log^3.5 N vs. N^2). This leads to a very robust and efficient mixnet: when distributed over O(N) nodes the mixnet achieves mixing in polylogarithmic time, independent of the level of privacy or verifiability required. In fact, our mixnet is the first to achieve mixing in time sublinear in the number of inputs, assuming the number of nodes available is bounded by the number of inputs. Although the mixnet may have a biased distribution, we show that using particular networks leads to an acceptable bias-efficiency tradeoff. We additionally show that the mixnet is secure in the sense of indistinguishability of chosen permutations [NSNK04]

    Privacy preserving protocols for large distributed systems

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    © 2017 Kim Sasha RamchenA fundamental problem in large distributed systems is how to enable parties to communicate securely while maintaining privacy. In this thesis we investigate the construction of privacy preserving protocols in three problem domains. These are secure group communications, secure outsourceable computation and secret sharing. Within these domains, flexible data sharing, low round complexity and the distribution of access control are guiding principles for our constructions. We present a novel construction of attribute based encryption from correlation-relaxed two-to-one recodings. This construction is based upon the use of noisy cryptographic multilinear maps and entails replacing a correlation-secure encoding function with an indistinguishability property that states that a ciphertext is hard to decrypt without access to a certain input encoding. We construct the first noninteractive protocols for several tasks related to private set intersection. We provide efficient protocols for three related problems, each motivated by a particular kind of genomic testing. Set intersection with labelling hides the intersecting set itself and returns only the labels of the common elements, thus allowing a genomics company to return diagnoses without exposing the IP of its database. Fuzzy matching with labelling extends this to allow matching at a particular Hamming distance, which solves the same problem but incorporates the possibility of genetic variation. Closest matching returns the item in the server's database closest to the client's query - this can be used for taxonomic classification. Our protocols are optimised for the matching of k-mers (sets of k-length strings) rather than individual nucleotides, which is particularly useful for representing the short reads produced by next generation sequencing technologies. We present a very simple universally verifiable MPC protocol. The first component is a threshold somewhat homomorphic cryptosystem that permits an arbitrary number of additions (in the source group), followed by a single multiplication, followed by an arbitrary number of additions in the target group. The second component is a black-box construction of universally verifiable distributed encryption switching between any public key encryption schemes supporting shared setup and key generation phases, as long as the schemes satisfy some natural additive-homomorphic properties. This allows us to switch back from the target group to the source group, and hence perform an arbitrary number of multiplications. The key generation algorithm of our prototypical cryptosystem, which is based upon concurrent verifiable secret sharing, permits robust re-construction of powers of a shared secret. We demonstrate the scalability of distribution switching as a viable approach to secure vote tallying by implementing a private verifiable form of Instant Runoff Voting on real Australian election data comprising 40,000 votes. We investigate the construction of algebraic manipulation detection codes which are secure against general algebraic attacks, i.e., error-detecting/correcting codes which are secure against algebraic tampering functions. We prove that such codes exist when the families of tampering functions are point additions and polynomial functions modulo a prime. We prove both positive and negative results concerning the existence of general algebraic manipulation detection codes compared to non-malleable codes

    Coercion-Resistant tallying for STV voting

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    There are many advantages to voting schemes in which voters rank all candidates in order, rather than just choosing their favourite. However, these schemes inherently suffer from a coercion problem when there are many candidates, because a coercer can demand a certain permutation from a voter and then check whether that permutation appears during tallying. In this paper, we solve this problem for the popular STV system, by constructing an algorithm for the verifiable tallying of encrypted votes. Our construction improves upon existing work because it extends to multiple-seat STV and reveals less information than other schemes.

    Shuffle-Sum: Coercion-Resistant Verifiable Tallying for STV Voting

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    Abstract—There are many advantages to voting schemes in which voters rank all candidates in order, rather than just choosing their favourite. However, these schemes inherently suffer from a coercion problem when there are many candidates, because a coercer can demand a certain permutation from a voter and then check whether that permutation appears during tallying. Recently developed cryptographic voting protocols allow anyone to audit an election (universal verifiability), but existing systems are either not applicable to ranked voting at all, or reveal enough information about the ballots to make voter coercion possible. We solve this problem for the popular single transferable vote (STV) ranked voting system, by constructing an algorithm for the verifiable tallying of encrypted votes. Our construction improves upon existing work because it extends to multiple-seat STV and reveals less information than other schemes. The protocol is based on verifiable shuffling of homomorphic encryptions, a wellstudied primitive in the voting arena. Our protocol is efficient enough to be practical, even for a large election. I

    Universally Verifiable MPC and IRV Ballot Counting

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    We present a very simple universally verifiable MPC protocol. The first component is a threshold somewhat homomorphic cryptosystem that permits an arbitrary number of additions (in the source group), followed by a single multiplication, followed by an arbitrary number of additions in the target group. The second component is a blackbox construction of universally verifiable distributed encryption switching between any public key encryption schemes supporting shared setup and key generation phases, as long as the schemes satisfy some natural additive-homomorphic properties. This allows us to switch back from the target group to the source group, and hence perform an arbitrary number of multiplications. The key generation algorithm of our prototypical cryptosystem, which is based upon concurrent verifiable secret sharing, permits robust re-construction of powers of a shared secret