157,759 research outputs found

    Wavelength- and material-dependent absorption in GaAs and AlGaAs microcavities

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    The quality factors of modes in nearly identical GaAs and Al_{0.18}Ga_{0.82}As microdisks are tracked over three wavelength ranges centered at 980 nm, 1460 nm, and 1600 nm, with quality factors measured as high as 6.62x10^5 in the 1600-nm band. After accounting for surface scattering, the remaining loss is due to sub-bandgap absorption in the bulk and on the surfaces. We observe the absorption is, on average, 80 percent greater in AlGaAs than in GaAs and in both materials is 540 percent higher at 980 nm than at 1600nm.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, minor changes to disucssion of Qrad and Urbach tai

    A box-covering algorithm for fractal scaling in scale-free networks

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    A random sequential box-covering algorithm recently introduced to measure the fractal dimension in scale-free networks is investigated. The algorithm contains Monte Carlo sequential steps of choosing the position of the center of each box, and thereby, vertices in preassigned boxes can divide subsequent boxes into more than one pieces, but divided boxes are counted once. We find that such box-split allowance in the algorithm is a crucial ingredient necessary to obtain the fractal scaling for fractal networks; however, it is inessential for regular lattice and conventional fractal objects embedded in the Euclidean space. Next the algorithm is viewed from the cluster-growing perspective that boxes are allowed to overlap and thereby, vertices can belong to more than one box. Then, the number of distinct boxes a vertex belongs to is distributed in a heterogeneous manner for SF fractal networks, while it is of Poisson-type for the conventional fractal objects.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, a proceedings of the conference, "Optimization in complex networks." held in Los Alamo

    Pulse-shape discrimination between electron and nuclear recoils in a NaI(Tl) crystal

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    We report on the response of a high light-output NaI(Tl) crystal to nuclear recoils induced by neutrons from an Am-Be source and compare the results with the response to electron recoils produced by Compton scattered 662 keV γ\gamma-rays from a 137^{137}Cs source. The measured pulse-shape discrimination (PSD) power of the NaI(Tl) crystal is found to be significantly improved because of the high light output of the NaI(Tl) detector. We quantify the PSD power with a quality factor and estimate the sensitivity to the interaction rate for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with nucleons, and the result is compared with the annual modulation amplitude observed by the DAMA/LIBRA experiment. The sensitivity to spin-independent WIMP-nucleon interactions based on 100 kg\cdotyear of data from NaI detectors is estimated with simulated experiments, using the standard halo model.Comment: 11page

    Non-Classical Response from Quench-Cooled Solid Helium Confined in Porous Gold

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    We have investigated the non-classical response of solid 4He confined in porous gold set to torsional oscillation. When solid helium is grown rapidly, nearly 7% of the solid helium appears to be decoupled from the oscillation below about 200 mK. Dissipation appears at temperatures where the decoupling shows maximum variation. In contrast, the decoupling is substantially reduced in slowly grown solid helium. The dynamic response of solid helium was also studied by imposing a sudden increase in the amplitude of oscillation. Extended relaxation in the resonant period shift, suggesting the emergence of the pinning of low energy excitations, was observed below the onset temperature of the non-classical response. The motion of a dislocation or a glassy solid is restricted in the entangled narrow pores and is not likely responsible for the period shift and long relaxation

    Nanocomposites of Reduced Graphene Oxide for Energy Storage Applications

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    A well-crystallized and nano-sized Metal oxide/reduced graphene oxide composite material for lithium ion batteries has been successfully synthesized. The nano-sized metal oxide particles were evenly dispersed on the reduced graphene oxide template without any agglomeration, which allows the inherent high active surface area of individual metal oxide nano-particles in the composite. These unique structural and morphological properties of metal oxide on the highly conductive reduced graphene oxide sheets in the composite enable achieving the high specific capacity, and excellent high rate capability and stable cycling performance. an analysis of the cyclic voltammogram data revealed that a large surface charge storage contribution of the metal oxide/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite plays an important role in achieving faster charge/discharge. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3526

    Seasonal Emergence Patterns of Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Northwestern Pennsylvania

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    A two-year emergence trap study of black flies at four sites in northwestern Pennsylvania yielded 1%3 individuals of nine species. The collections included Prosimulium mixtum, P. jU5cum, Stegapterna mutata, Simulium aureum, S. excisum (recorded for the first time from Pennsylvania), S. gauldingi, S. sp. nr. innacens, S. vittatum, and S. tuberasum. Species richness for all sites peaked during May. Emergence collections below a sewage plant effluent outfall represented fewer individuals and species than collections above the effluent outfall. Chromosomal analysis of supplementary larval collections revealed the IIIL-l and IS-7 sibling species of S. vittatum and the FG sibling of S. tuberasum

    Least-squares methods for identifying biochemical regulatory networks from noisy measurements

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    <b>Background</b>: We consider the problem of identifying the dynamic interactions in biochemical networks from noisy experimental data. Typically, approaches for solving this problem make use of an estimation algorithm such as the well-known linear Least-Squares (LS) estimation technique. We demonstrate that when time-series measurements are corrupted by white noise and/or drift noise, more accurate and reliable identification of network interactions can be achieved by employing an estimation algorithm known as Constrained Total Least Squares (CTLS). The Total Least Squares (TLS) technique is a generalised least squares method to solve an overdetermined set of equations whose coefficients are noisy. The CTLS is a natural extension of TLS to the case where the noise components of the coefficients are correlated, as is usually the case with time-series measurements of concentrations and expression profiles in gene networks. <b>Results</b>: The superior performance of the CTLS method in identifying network interactions is demonstrated on three examples: a genetic network containing four genes, a network describing p53 activity and <i>mdm2</i> messenger RNA interactions, and a recently proposed kinetic model for interleukin (IL)-6 and (IL)-12b messenger RNA expression as a function of ATF3 and NF-κB promoter binding. For the first example, the CTLS significantly reduces the errors in the estimation of the Jacobian for the gene network. For the second, the CTLS reduces the errors from the measurements that are corrupted by white noise and the effect of neglected kinetics. For the third, it allows the correct identification, from noisy data, of the negative regulation of (IL)-6 and (IL)-12b by ATF3. <b>Conclusion</b>: The significant improvements in performance demonstrated by the CTLS method under the wide range of conditions tested here, including different levels and types of measurement noise and different numbers of data points, suggests that its application will enable more accurate and reliable identification and modelling of biochemical networks

    Performance experiments with alternative advanced teleoperator control modes for a simulated solar maximum satellite repair

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    Experiments are described which were conducted at the JPL Advanced Teleoperator Lab to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness of various teleoperator control modes in the performance of a simulated Solar Max Satellite Repair (SMSR) task. THe SMSR was selected as a test because it is very rich in performance capability requirements and it actually has been performed by two EVA astronauts in the Space Shuttle Bay in 1984. The main subtasks are: thermal blanket removal; installation of a hinge attachment for electrical panel opening; opening of electrical panel; removal of electrical connectors; relining of cable bundles; replacement of electrical panel; securing parts and cables; re-mate electrical connectors; closing of electrical panel; and reinstating thermal blanket. The current performance experiments are limited to thermal blanket cutting, electrical panel unbolting and handling electrical bundles and connectors. In one formal experiment even different control modes were applied to the unbolting and reinsertion of electrical panel screws subtasks. The seven control modes are alternative combinations of manual position and rate control with force feedback and remote compliance referenced to force-torque sensor information. Force-torque sensor and end effector position data and task completion times were recorded for analysis and quantification of operator performance