2,827 research outputs found

    Wettability and ζ potentials of a series of methacrylate polymers and copolymers

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    Polymers and copolymers of different methacrylates were synthesized and coated on glass slides. The surfaces of the polymer films were characterized by their water contact angles and potentials using the Wilhelmy plate technique and streaming potential measurements, respectively. From contact-angle measurements information was also obtained about mobility of surface polymer chains. Receding contact angles of methyl methacrylate (MMA) copolymers containing hydrophilic or charged units were decreased as compared to the MMA homopolymer. When charged hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) copolymers were compared with the HEMA homopolymer, the advancing contact angles increased, probably due to reorientation of surface polymer chains. The receding contact angles of poly(alkyl methacrylates) first increased and then decreased with increasing side-chain lengths. These changes were related to the mobility of the different polymers. Incorporation of positively or negatively charged groups in MMA or HEMA polymers accordingly changed the potential of the polymers

    Study of solid 4He in two dimensions. The issue of zero-point defects and study of confined crystal

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    Defects are believed to play a fundamental role in the supersolid state of 4He. We report on studies by exact Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations at zero temperature of the properties of solid 4He in presence of many vacancies, up to 30 in two dimensions (2D). In all studied cases the crystalline order is stable at least as long as the concentration of vacancies is below 2.5%. In the 2D system for a small number, n_v, of vacancies such defects can be identified in the crystalline lattice and are strongly correlated with an attractive interaction. On the contrary when n_v~10 vacancies in the relaxed system disappear and in their place one finds dislocations and a revival of the Bose-Einstein condensation. Thus, should zero-point motion defects be present in solid 4He, such defects would be dislocations and not vacancies, at least in 2D. In order to avoid using periodic boundary conditions we have studied the exact ground state of solid 4He confined in a circular region by an external potential. We find that defects tend to be localized in an interfacial region of width of about 15 A. Our computation allows to put as upper bound limit to zero--point defects the concentration 0.003 in the 2D system close to melting density.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in J. Low Temp. Phys., Special Issue on Supersolid

    Zero-point vacancies in quantum solids

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    A Jastrow wave function (JWF) and a shadow wave function (SWF) describe a quantum solid with Bose--Einstein condensate; i.e. a supersolid. It is known that both JWF and SWF describe a quantum solid with also a finite equilibrium concentration of vacancies x_v. We outline a route for estimating x_v by exploiting the existing formal equivalence between the absolute square of the ground state wave function and the Boltzmann weight of a classical solid. We compute x_v for the quantum solids described by JWF and SWF employing very accurate numerical techniques. For JWF we find a very small value for the zero point vacancy concentration, x_v=(1.4\pm0.1) x 10^-6. For SWF, which presently gives the best variational description of solid 4He, we find the significantly larger value x_v=(1.4\pm0.1) x 10^-3 at a density close to melting. We also study two and three vacancies. We find that there is a strong short range attraction but the vacancies do not form a bound state.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to J. Low Temp. Phy

    Steering effect on the shape of islands for homoepitaxial growth of Cu on Cu(100)

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    The steering effect on the growth of islands is investigated by combining molecular dynamics (MD) and kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. Dynamics of depositing atoms and kinetics of atoms on a substrate are realized by MD and KMC, respectively. The reported experimental results on the asymmetric island growth [van Dijken {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 4038 (1999).] is well reproduced. A salient phenomenon, the reversal of the asymmetry, is found as the island size increases, and attributed to the asymmetric flux on the lower terrace of island.Comment: 5 figur

    PDCD4 is a CSL associated protein with a transcription repressive function in cancer associated fibroblast activation.

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    The Notch/CSL pathway plays an important role in skin homeostasis and carcinogenesis. CSL, the key effector of canonical Notch signaling endowed with an intrinsic transcription repressive function, suppresses stromal fibroblast senescence and Cancer Associated Fibroblast (CAF) activation through direct down-modulation of key effector genes. Interacting proteins that participate with CSL in this context are as yet to be identified. We report here that Programmed Cell Death 4 (PDCD4), a nuclear/cytoplasmic shuttling protein with multiple functions, associates with CSL and plays a similar role in suppressing dermal fibroblast senescence and CAF activation. Like CSL, PDCD4 is down-regulated in stromal fibroblasts of premalignant skin actinic keratosis (AKs) lesions and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). While devoid of intrinsic DNA binding capability, PDCD4 is present at CSL binding sites of CAF marker genes as well as canonical Notch/CSL targets and suppresses expression of these genes in a fibroblast-specific manner. Thus, we propose that PDCD4 is part of the CSL repressive complex involved in negative control of stromal fibroblasts conversion into CAFs

    Annealing Effect for Supersolid Fraction in 4^4He

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    We report on experimental confirmation of the non-classical rotational inertia (NCRI) in solid helium samples originally reported by Kim and Chan. The onset of NCRI was observed at temperatures below ~400 mK. The ac velocity for initiation of the NCRI suppression is estimated to be ~10 μ\mum/sec. After an additional annealing of the sample at T=1.8T= 1.8 K for 12 hours, ~ 10% relative increase of NCRI fraction was observed. Then after repeated annealing with the same conditions, the NCRI fraction was saturated. It differs from Reppy's observation on a low pressure solid sample.Comment: to be published in J. of Low Temp. Phys. (QFS2006 proceedings

    Attosecond counter-rotating-wave effect in xenon driven by strong fields

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    We investigate the subfemtosecond dynamics of a highly excited xenon atom coherently driven by a strong control field at which the Rabi frequency of the system is comparable to the frequency of a driving laser. The widely used rotating-wave approximation breaks down at such fields, resulting in features such as the counter-rotating-wave (CRW) effect. We present a time-resolved observation of the CRW effect in the highly excited 4d-1np xenon using attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Time-dependent many-body theory confirms the observation and explains the various features of the absorption spectrum seen in experiment. ?2017 American Physical Society.111Ysciescopu

    Rotational symmetry and degeneracy: a cotangent-perturbed rigid rotator of unperturbed level multiplicity

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    We predict level degeneracy of the rotational type in diatomic molecules described by means of a cotangent-hindered rigid rotator. The problem is shown to be exactly solvable in terms of non-classical Romanovski polynomials. The energies of such a system are linear combinations of t(t+1) and 1/[t(t+1)+1/4] terms with the non-negative integer principal quantum number t=n+|/bar{m}| being the sum of the degree n of the polynomials and the absolute value, |/bar{m}|, of the square root of the separation constant between the polar and azimuthal motions. The latter obeys, with respect to t, the same branching rule, |/bar{m}|=0,1,..., t, as does the magnetic quantum number with respect to the angular momentum, l, and, in this fashion, the t quantum number presents itself indistinguishable from l. In effect, the spectrum of the hindered rotator has the same (2t+1)-fold level multiplicity as the unperturbed one. For small t values, the wave functions and excitation energies of the perturbed rotator differ from the ordinary spherical harmonics, and the l(l+1) law, respectively, while approaching them asymptotically with increasing t. In this fashion the breaking of the rotational symmetry at the level of the representation functions is opaqued by the level degeneracy. The model provides a tool for the description of rotational bands with anomalously large gaps between the ground state and its first excitation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; Molecular Physics 201

    Two-body correlations and the superfluid fraction for nonuniform systems

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    We extend the one-body phase function upper bound on the superfluid fraction in a periodic solid (a spatially ordered supersolid) to include two-body phase correlations. The one-body current density is no longer proportional to the gradient of the one-body phase times the one-body density, but rather it depends also on two-body correlation functions. The equations that simultaneously determine the one-body and two-body phase functions require a knowledge of one-, two-, and three-body correlation functions. The approach can also be extended to disordered solids. Fluids, with two-body densities and two-body phase functions that are translationally invariant, cannot take advantage of this additional degree of freedom to lower their energy.Comment: 13 page

    Study on high throughput nanomanufacturing of photopatternable nanofibers using tube nozzle electrospinning with multi-tubes and multi-nozzles

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    High throughput nanomanufacturing of photopatternable nanofibers and subsequent photopatterning is reported. For the production of high density nanofibers, the tube nozzle electrospinning (TNE) process has been used, where an array of micronozzles on the sidewall of a plastic tube are used as spinnerets. By increasing the density of nozzles, the electric fields of adjacent nozzles confine the cone of electrospinning and give a higher density of nanofibers. With TNE, higher density nozzles are easily achievable compared to metallic nozzles, e.g. an inter-nozzle distance as small as 0.5 cm and an average semi-vertical repulsion angle of 12.28° for 8-nozzles were achieved. Nanofiber diameter distribution, mass throughput rate, and growth rate of nanofiber stacks in different operating conditions and with different numbers of nozzles, such as 2, 4 and 8 nozzles, and scalability with single and double tube configurations are discussed. Nanofibers made of SU-8, photopatternable epoxy, have been collected to a thickness of over 80 μm in 240 s of electrospinning and the production rate of 0.75 g/h is achieved using the 2 tube 8 nozzle systems, followed by photolithographic micropatterning. TNE is scalable to a large number of nozzles, and offers high throughput production, plug and play capability with standard electrospinning equipment, and little waste of polymer. © 2017, The Author(s)