971 research outputs found

    A Practical Strategy for the 21st Century Church Growth of Baptist Bible Fellowship Korea

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    The purpose of this thesis project is to understand what the biblical principles for Church Growth are and, to evaluate the problems hindering Church Growth within the Baptist Bible Fellowship Korea. Based on surveys sent to the BBF pastors in Korea, the project analyzes and evaluates the actual figures of church ministry, strategy, pastoral leadership, and common hindrances of Church Growth. Ten practical strategies for 21st Century Church Growth of BBF in Korea are proposed. These ten strategies are effective because they draw from the biblical principles, the growing churches, the studies of Church Growth, and church growth experts

    The Control Method for Wavelength-Based CCT of Natural Light Using Warm/Cool White LED

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    Reproducing circadian patterns of natural light through lighting requires technology that can control correlated color temperature (CCT) and short wavelength ratio (SWR) simultaneously. This study proposes a method for controlling wavelength-based CCT of natural light using LED light sources. First, the spectral power distribution (SPD) of each channel of the test lighting (two-channel LED lighting with warm white and cool white) is identified through actual measurement. Next, CCT and SWR are calculated based on the additive mixing of SPD using the mixing ratio from the measured SPD. Finally, the regression equations for mixing ratio-CCT and mixing ratio-SWR are derived through regression analysis. These equations are then utilized to implement a wavelength-based CCT control algorithm. For performance and evaluation purposes, natural light reproduction experiments were conducted, achieving a mean error of 94.5K for CCT and 1.5% for SWR

    Geomagnetic field influences probabilistic abstract decision-making in humans

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    To resolve disputes or determine the order of things, people commonly use binary choices such as tossing a coin, even though it is obscure whether the empirical probability equals to the theoretical probability. The geomagnetic field (GMF) is broadly applied as a sensory cue for various movements in many organisms including humans, although our understanding is limited. Here we reveal a GMF-modulated probabilistic abstract decision-making in humans and the underlying mechanism, exploiting the zero-sum binary stone choice of Go game as a proof-of-principle. The large-scale data analyses of professional Go matches and in situ stone choice games showed that the empirical probabilities of the stone selections were remarkably different from the theoretical probability. In laboratory experiments, experimental probability in the decision-making was significantly influenced by GMF conditions and specific magnetic resonance frequency. Time series and stepwise systematic analyses pinpointed the intentionally uncontrollable decision-making as a primary modulating target. Notably, the continuum of GMF lines and anisotropic magnetic interplay between players were crucial to influence the magnetic field resonance-mediated abstract decision-making. Our findings provide unique insights into the impact of sensing GMF in decision-makings at tipping points and the quantum mechanical mechanism for manifesting the gap between theoretical and empirical probability in 3-dimensional living space.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, 4 supplementary figures, 2 supplementary tables, and separate 15 ancillary file

    Guideline of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences for Assessing Respiratory Impairment

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    The presently used impairment rating guidelines in Korea do not accurately reflect the injury in various lung diseases. Therefore, they need to be made more objective and quantitative with new measurements, using indicators to more precisely represent impairment in the major respiratory diseases. We develop a respiratory impairment rating guideline to ensure that the same grade or impairment rating would be obtained regardless of surgeons who determinate it. Specialists in respiratory medicine and thoracic surgeons determined the impairment grades. Moreover, the impairment should be irreversible for more than 6 months. The impairment rating depends on the level of forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume 1 second, diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide, arterial oxygen pressure, and arterial carbon dioxide pressure. The degree of whole body impairment is defined by each grade: first 81-95%, second 66-80%, third 51-65%, fourth 36-50%, and fifth 21-35%. In conclusion, we develop a respiratory impairment rating guideline for Koreans. Any qualified specialist can easily use it and judge objective scoring

    Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes

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    AbstractRegulation of tomato fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, tomato fruit were investigated whether sound treatment could delay their ripening. Harvested fruit were treated with low-frequency sound waves (1kHz) for 6h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruit over 14-days at 23±1°C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruit were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruit. Most of the tomato fruit had transitioned to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the sound-treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruit. To investigate how sound wave treatment effects on fruit ripening, the expression of ethylene-related genes was analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. The expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic (ACS2, ACS4, ACO1, E4 and E8) and ripening-regulated (RIN, TAGL1, HB-1, NOR, CNR) genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results indicated that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways

    Nucleotide sequence of the vmhA gene encoding hemolysin from Vibrio mimicus

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    AbstractThe structural gene (vmhA) of hemolysin from Vibrio mimicus (ATCC33653) was cloned and sequenced. The vmhA gene contains an open reading frame consisting of 2232 nucleotides which can code for a protein of 744 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 83 059. The similarity of amino acid sequence shows 81.6% identity with Vibrio cholerae El Tor hemolysin

    A Study of Micronucleus Induction with Methyl Formate and 2-Methylbutane in Bone Marrow Cells of Male ICR Mice

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    Objectives: We investigated the genotoxicity of two chemicals, methyl formate and 2-methylbutane, using male ICR mice bone marrow cells for the screening of micronucleus induction. Although these two chemicals have already been tested numerous times, a micronucleus test has not been conducted and the amounts used have recently been increased.Methods: 7 week male ICR mice were tested at dosages of 250, 500, and 1,000mg/kg for methyl formate and 500, 1,000, and 2,000mg/kg for 2-methlybutane, respectively. After 24 hours of oral administration with the two chemicals, the mice were sacrificed and their bone marrow cells were prepared for smearing slides.Results: As a result of counting the micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte (MNPCE) of 2,000 polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE), all treated groups expressed no statistically significant increase of MNPCE compared to the negative control group. There were no clinical signs related with the oral exposure of these two chemicals.Conclusion: It was concluded that the two chemicals did not induce micronucleus in the bone marrow cells of ICR mice, and there was no direct proportion with dosage. These results indicate that the two chemicals have no mutagenic potential under each study condition