210 research outputs found

    Epigenetic regulation of mammalian Hedgehog signaling to the stroma determines the molecular subtype of bladder cancer

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    In bladder, loss of mammalian Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) accompanies progression to invasive urothelial carcinoma, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this cancer-initiating event are poorly defined. Here, we show that loss of Shh results from hypermethylation of the CpG shore of the Shh gene, and that inhibition of DNA methylation increases Shh expression to halt the initiation of murine urothelial carcinoma at the early stage of progression. In full-fledged tumors, pharmacologic augmentation of Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activity impedes tumor growth, and this cancer-restraining effect of Hh signaling is mediated by the stromal response to Shh signals, which stimulates subtype conversion of basal to luminal-like urothelial carcinoma. Our findings thus provide a basis to develop subtype-specific strategies for the management of human bladder cancer.11Ysciescopu

    Metazoans evolved by taking domains from soluble proteins to expand intercellular communication network.

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    A central question in animal evolution is how multicellular animals evolved from unicellular ancestors. We hypothesize that membrane proteins must be key players in the development of multicellularity because they are well positioned to form the cell-cell contacts and to provide the intercellular communication required for the creation of complex organisms. Here we find that a major mechanism for the necessary increase in membrane protein complexity in the transition from non-metazoan to metazoan life was the new incorporation of domains from soluble proteins. The membrane proteins that have incorporated soluble domains in metazoans are enriched in many of the functions unique to multicellular organisms such as cell-cell adhesion, signaling, immune defense and developmental processes. They also show enhanced protein-protein interaction (PPI) network complexity and centrality, suggesting an important role in the cellular diversification found in complex organisms. Our results expose an evolutionary mechanism that contributed to the development of higher life forms

    Domain-mediated interactions for protein subfamily identification

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    Within a protein family, proteins with the same domain often exhibit different cellular functions, despite the shared evolutionary history and molecular function of the domain. We hypothesized that domain-mediated interactions (DMIs) may categorize a protein family into subfamilies because the diversified functions of a single domain often depend on interacting partners of domains. Here we systematically identified DMI subfamilies, in which proteins share domains with DMI partners, as well as with various functional and physical interaction networks in individual species. In humans, DMI subfamily members are associated with similar diseases, including cancers, and are frequently co-associated with the same diseases. DMI information relates to the functional and evolutionary subdivisions of human kinases. In yeast, DMI subfamilies contain proteins with similar phenotypic outcomes from specific chemical treatments. Therefore, the systematic investigation here provides insights into the diverse functions of subfamilies derived from a protein family with a link-centric approach and suggests a useful resource for annotating the functions and phenotypic outcomes of proteins.11Ysciescopu

    Network rewiring is an important mechanism of gene essentiality change.

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    Gene essentiality changes are crucial for organismal evolution. However, it is unclear how essentiality of orthologs varies across species. We investigated the underlying mechanism of gene essentiality changes between yeast and mouse based on the framework of network evolution and comparative genomic analysis. We found that yeast nonessential genes become essential in mouse when their network connections rapidly increase through engagement in protein complexes. The increased interactions allowed the previously nonessential genes to become members of vital pathways. By accounting for changes in gene essentiality, we firmly reestablished the centrality-lethality rule, which proposed the relationship of essential genes and network hubs. Furthermore, we discovered that the number of connections associated with essential and non-essential genes depends on whether they were essential in ancestral species. Our study describes for the first time how network evolution occurs to change gene essentiality

    Rampant exchange of the structure and function of extramembrane domains between membrane and water soluble proteins.

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    Of the membrane proteins of known structure, we found that a remarkable 67% of the water soluble domains are structurally similar to water soluble proteins of known structure. Moreover, 41% of known water soluble protein structures share a domain with an already known membrane protein structure. We also found that functional residues are frequently conserved between extramembrane domains of membrane and soluble proteins that share structural similarity. These results suggest membrane and soluble proteins readily exchange domains and their attendant functionalities. The exchanges between membrane and soluble proteins are particularly frequent in eukaryotes, indicating that this is an important mechanism for increasing functional complexity. The high level of structural overlap between the two classes of proteins provides an opportunity to employ the extensive information on soluble proteins to illuminate membrane protein structure and function, for which much less is known. To this end, we employed structure guided sequence alignment to elucidate the functions of membrane proteins in the human genome. Our results bridge the gap of fold space between membrane and water soluble proteins and provide a resource for the prediction of membrane protein function. A database of predicted structural and functional relationships for proteins in the human genome is provided at sbi.postech.ac.kr/emdmp

    Evolutionary coupling analysis identifies the impact of disease-associated variants at less-conserved sites

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    Genome-wide association studies have discovered a large number of genetic variants in human patients with the disease. Thus, predicting the impact of these variants is important for sorting disease-associated variants (DVs) from neutral variants. Current methods to predict the mutational impacts depend on evolutionary conservation at the mutation site, which is determined using homologous sequences and based on the assumption that variants at well-conserved sites have high impacts. However, many DVs at less-conserved but functionally important sites cannot be predicted by the current methods. Here, we present a method to find DVs at less-conserved sites by predicting the mutational impacts using evolutionary coupling analysis. Functionally important and evolutionarily coupled sites often have compensatory variants on cooperative sites to avoid loss of function. We found that our method identified known intolerant variants in a diverse group of proteins. Furthermore, at less-conserved sites, we identified DVs that were not identified using conservation-based methods. These newly identified DVs were frequently found at protein interaction interfaces, where species-specific mutations often alter interaction specificity. This work presents a means to identify less-conserved DVs and provides insight into the relationship between evolutionarily coupled sites and human DVs.11Ysciescopu

    Design of a Time-of-Flight Sensor with Standard Pinned-Photodiode Devices Towards 100 MHz Modulation Frequency

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    We present an indirect Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor based on standard pinned-photodiode (PPD) devices and design guides to pave the way for the development of a ToF pixel operating at 100 MHz modulation frequency. The standard PPDs are established well as predominant devices for 2-D color imagers in these days because of their low noise characteristic, but slow transfer speed of photo-generated electrons still prevents them from being employed to 3-D depth imagers. Optimized PPD structure with no process modifications is introduced to create a lateral electric field for enhancing charge transfer speed inside the PPD, and essential design parameters for achieving high operating frequency such as the epitaxial layer thickness, the pinning voltage, and the threshold voltage of the transfer gates are discussed with TCAD simulation results in this paper. Prototype indirect ToF sensors with various structures and parameters were fabricated using a 0.11-??m standard CIS process and characterized fully. We successfully evaluated the demodulation contrast of each pixel at 10 to 75 MHz frequencies, figuring out the suitable conditions of the PPD-based pixel. The best pixel operating at 50 MHz frequency demonstrated a depth resolution of less than 13 mm and a linearity error of about 3.7% between 1 and 3 m distance with a zeroorder calibration. We believe further optimization of the ToF pixel incorporated with the PPD devices is possible to improve the performance, operating it towards 100 MHz modulation frequency

    Source signatures from combined isotopic analyses of PM2.5 carbonaceous and nitrogen aerosols at the peri-urban Taehwa Research Forest, South Korea in summer and fall.

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    Isotopes are essential tools to apportion major sources of aerosols. We measured the radiocarbon, stable carbon, and stable nitrogen isotopic composition of PM2.5 at Taehwa Research Forest (TRF) near Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA) during August-October 2014. PM2.5, TC, and TN concentrations were 19.4 ± 10.1 μg m-3, 2.6 ± 0.8 μg C m-3, and 1.4 ± 1.4 μg N m-3, respectively. The δ13C of TC and the δ15N of TN were - 25.4 ± 0.7‰ and 14.6 ± 3.8‰, respectively. EC was dominated by fossil-fuel sources with Fff (EC) of 78 ± 7%. In contrast, contemporary sources were dominant for TC with Fc (TC) of 76 ± 7%, revealing the significant contribution of contemporary sources to OC during the growing season. The isotopic signature carries more detailed information on sources depending on air mass trajectories. The urban influence was dominant under stagnant condition, which was in reasonable agreement with the estimated δ15N of NH4+. The low δ15N (7.0 ± 0.2‰) with high TN concentration was apparent in air masses from Shandong province, indicating fossil fuel combustion as major emission source. In contrast, the high δ15N (16.1 ± 3.2‰) with enhanced TC/TN ratio reveals the impact of biomass burning in the air transported from the far eastern border region of China and Russia. Our findings highlight that the multi-isotopic composition is a useful tool to identify emission sources and to trace regional sources of carbonaceous and nitrogen aerosols

    Selective laser ablation of metal thin films using ultrashort pulses

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    Selective thin-film removal is needed in many microfabrication processes such as 3-D patterning of optoelectronic devices and localized repairing of integrated circuits. Various wet or dry etching methods are available, but laser machining is a tool of green manufacturing as it can remove thin films by ablation without use of toxic chemicals. However, laser ablation causes thermal damage on neighboring patterns and underneath substrates, hindering its extensive use with high precision and integrity. Here, using ultrashort laser pulses of sub-picosecond duration, we demonstrate an ultrafast mechanism of laser ablation that leads to selective removal of a thin metal film with minimal damage on the substrate. The ultrafast laser ablation is accomplished with the insertion of a transition metal interlayer that offers high electron-phonon coupling to trigger vaporization in a picosecond timescale. This contained form of heat transfer permits lifting off the metal thin-film layer while blocking heat conduction to the substrate. Our ultrafast scheme of selective thin film removal is analytically validated using a two-temperature model of heat transfer between electrons and phonons in material. Further, experimental verification is made using 0.2 ps laser pulses by micropatterning metal films for various applications.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. This manuscript has been submitted to International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technolog

    Rewiring of PDZ Domain-Ligand Interaction Network Contributed to Eukaryotic Evolution

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    PDZ domain-mediated interactions have greatly expanded during metazoan evolution, becoming important for controlling signal flow via the assembly of multiple signaling components. The evolutionary history of PDZ domain-mediated interactions has never been explored at the molecular level. It is of great interest to understand how PDZ domain-ligand interactions emerged and how they become rewired during evolution. Here, we constructed the first human PDZ domain-ligand interaction network (PDZNet) together with binding motif sequences and interaction strengths of ligands. PDZNet includes 1,213 interactions between 97 human PDZ proteins and 591 ligands that connect most PDZ protein-mediated interactions (98%) in a large single network via shared ligands. We examined the rewiring of PDZ domain-ligand interactions throughout eukaryotic evolution by tracing changes in the C-terminal binding motif sequences of the PDZ ligands. We found that interaction rewiring by sequence mutation frequently occurred throughout evolution, largely contributing to the growth of PDZNet. The rewiring of PDZ domain-ligand interactions provided an effective means of functional innovations in nervous system development. Our findings provide empirical evidence for a network evolution model that highlights the rewiring of interactions as a mechanism for the development of new protein functions. PDZNet will be a valuable resource to further characterize the organization of the PDZ domain-mediated signaling proteome