2,254 research outputs found

    Robust optimization utilizing the second-order design sensitivity information

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    This paper presents an effective methodology for robust optimization of electromagnetic devices. To achieve the goal, the method improves the robustness of the minimum of the objective function chosen as a design solution by minimizing the second-order sensitivity information, called a gradient index (GI) and defined by a function of gradients of performance functions with respect to uncertain variables. The constraint feasibility is also enhanced by adding a GI corresponding to the constraint value. The distinctive feature of the method is that it requires neither statistical information on design variables nor calculation of the performance reliability during the robust optimization process. The validity of the proposed method is tested with the TEAM Workshop Problem 2

    Contextual Linear Bandits under Noisy Features: Towards Bayesian Oracles

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    We study contextual linear bandit problems under uncertainty on features; they are noisy with missing entries. To address the challenges from the noise, we analyze Bayesian oracles given observed noisy features. Our Bayesian analysis finds that the optimal hypothesis can be far from the underlying realizability function, depending on noise characteristics, which is highly non-intuitive and does not occur for classical noiseless setups. This implies that classical approaches cannot guarantee a non-trivial regret bound. We thus propose an algorithm aiming at the Bayesian oracle from observed information under this model, achieving O~(dT)\tilde{O}(d\sqrt{T}) regret bound with respect to feature dimension dd and time horizon TT. We demonstrate the proposed algorithm using synthetic and real-world datasets.Comment: 30 page

    The projective cover of tableau-cyclic indecomposable Hn(0)H_n(0)-modules

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    Let α\alpha be a composition of nn and σ\sigma a permutation in S(α)\mathfrak{S}_{\ell(\alpha)}. This paper concerns the projective covers of Hn(0)H_n(0)-modules Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha, XαX_\alpha and Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha}, which categorify the dual immaculate quasisymmetric function, the extended Schur function, and the quasisymmetric Schur function when σ\sigma is the identity, respectively. First, we show that the projective cover of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha is the projective indecomposable module Pα\mathbf{P}_\alpha due to Norton, and XαX_\alpha and the ϕ\phi-twist of the canonical submodule Sβ,Cσ\mathbf{S}^{\sigma}_{\beta,C} of Sβσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\beta} for (β,σ)(\beta,\sigma)'s satisfying suitable conditions appear as Hn(0)H_n(0)-homomorphic images of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha. Second, we introduce a combinatorial model for the ϕ\phi-twist of Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha} and derive a series of surjections starting from Pα\mathbf{P}_\alpha to the ϕ\phi-twist of Sα,Cid\mathbf{S}^{\mathrm{id}}_{\alpha,C}. Finally, we construct the projective cover of every indecomposable direct summand Sα,Eσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha, E} of Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha}. As a byproduct, we give a characterization of triples (σ,α,E)(\sigma, \alpha, E) such that the projective cover of Sα,Eσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha, E} is indecomposable.Comment: 41 page

    Homological properties of 0-Hecke modules for dual immaculate quasisymmetric functions

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    Let nn be a nonnegative integer. For each composition α\alpha of nn, Berg et al.\textit{et al.} introduced a cyclic indecomposable Hn(0)H_n(0)-module Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha with a dual immaculate quasisymmetric function as the image of the quasisymmetric characteristic. In this paper, we study Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha's from the homological viewpoint. To be precise, we construct a minimal projective presentation of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha and a minimal injective presentation of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha as well. Using them, we compute ExtHn(0)1(Vα,Fβ){\rm Ext}^1_{H_n(0)}(\mathcal{V}_\alpha, {\bf F}_\beta) and ExtHn(0)1(Fβ,Vα){\rm Ext}^1_{H_n(0)}( {\bf F}_\beta, \mathcal{V}_\alpha), where Fβ{\bf F}_\beta is the simple Hn(0)H_n(0)-module attached to a composition β\beta of nn. We also compute ExtHn(0)i(Vα,Vβ){\rm Ext}_{H_n(0)}^i(\mathcal{V}_\alpha,\mathcal{V}_{\beta}) when i=0,1i=0,1 and βlα\beta \le_l \alpha, where l\le_l represents the lexicographic order on compositions.Comment: 44 pages, to be published in Forum of Math: Sigm

    DreamStyler: Paint by Style Inversion with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

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    Recent progresses in large-scale text-to-image models have yielded remarkable accomplishments, finding various applications in art domain. However, expressing unique characteristics of an artwork (e.g. brushwork, colortone, or composition) with text prompts alone may encounter limitations due to the inherent constraints of verbal description. To this end, we introduce DreamStyler, a novel framework designed for artistic image synthesis, proficient in both text-to-image synthesis and style transfer. DreamStyler optimizes a multi-stage textual embedding with a context-aware text prompt, resulting in prominent image quality. In addition, with content and style guidance, DreamStyler exhibits flexibility to accommodate a range of style references. Experimental results demonstrate its superior performance across multiple scenarios, suggesting its promising potential in artistic product creation

    Gaussian Quantum Illumination via Monotone Metrics

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    Quantum illumination is to discern the presence or absence of a low reflectivity target, where the error probability decays exponentially in the number of copies used. When the target reflectivity is small so that it is hard to distinguish target presence or absence, the exponential decay constant falls into a class of objects called monotone metrics. We evaluate monotone metrics restricted to Gaussian states in terms of first-order moments and covariance matrix. Under the assumption of a low reflectivity target, we explicitly derive analytic formulae for decay constant of an arbitrary Gaussian input state. Especially, in the limit of large background noise and low reflectivity, there is no need of symplectic diagonalization which usually complicates the computation of decay constants. First, we show that two-mode squeezed vacuum (TMSV) states are the optimal probe among pure Gaussian states with fixed signal mean photon number. Second, as an alternative to preparing TMSV states with high mean photon number, we show that preparing a TMSV state with low mean photon number and displacing the signal mode is a more experimentally feasible setup without degrading the performance that much. Third, we show that it is of utmost importance to prepare an efficient idler memory to beat coherent states and provide analytic bounds on the idler memory transmittivity in terms of signal power, background noise, and idler memory noise. Finally, we identify the region of physically possible correlations between the signal and idler modes that can beat coherent states.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure