238 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of Artemisia Capillaris Thunb Extracts Embedded Electrospun PVA Nanofiber

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    This study seeks to use the Artemisia capillaris Thunb extracts, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidation effects, to manufacture a nanoweb and seeks to contemplate the form and change of characteristics of the nanofiber according to the content of Artemisia capillaris Thunb extracts

    Identification of the optimal hiit protocol for fatigue resistance in adolescent athletes: a randomized controlled trial

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    The combat sports athletes developed great gains in both muscular function and fatigue resistance by utilizing high-intensity interval training (HIIT). However, it has not been investigated fully whether different work-to-rest ratios of HIIT show the effectiveness on muscle function in adolescent athletes. The purpose of the study was to compare different work-to-rest ratios by applying different rest times in response to the identical work time during HIIT on muscle function in adolescent taekwondo athletes. Forty-seven adolescent male taekwondo athletes (mean age: 16.7±0.8 years) were randomly assigned to the control group (n=11) vs. three HIIT groups by work-to-rest ratios; (1) 1:2 [30s:60s] (n=12), (2) 1:4 [30s:120s] (n=12), and (3) 1:8 [30s:240s] (n=12). All groups completed 10 experimental sessions over four weeks, while the control group maintained their regular taekwondo training. Muscular functions were measured by assessing isokinetic muscle strength and endurance of the knee extensor and flexor. The participants performed three sets of twenty maximal extension and flexion contractions at 120°s-1 with a 1-min interval between the sets for fatigue resistance. Blood samples were collected to measure free-testosterone, cortisol, creatine kinase, and urea as stress-to-recovery indicators. A positive effect on improving muscle fatigue resistance was observed at the first set of assessments in the HIIT with 1:4 (Δ10.2%, p<.05) and 1:8 groups (Δ8.6%, p<.05). Additionally, the 1:4 group exhibited fatigue resistance improvement in the second set (Δ7.7%, p<.01) without any changes of stress-to-recovery indicators, while the other groups did not show any improvement. The 30s all-out work with 120s rest time, lasting over a brief 4-week period, improved participants’ fatigue resistance. A certain amount of rest time between high-intense movements is required to optimize muscle development in adolescent athletes compared with insufficient rest time

    Vitamin D3 Supplementation Reduces the Symptoms of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection during Winter Training in Vitamin D-Insufficient Taekwondo Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Vitamin D insufficiency may be associated with increased risk of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) in athletes. This study examined the effects of vitamin D3 supplementation on salivary immune functions and symptoms of URTI in vitamin D-insufficient taekwondo athletes. Twenty-five male taekwondo athletes, aged 19–22 years with vitamin D insufficiency [serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D concentrations (25(OH)D, 31.3 ± 1.39 nmol/L)], participated in this study. They were randomized to receive 5000 IU/day of vitamin D3 (n = 13) or placebo capsule (n = 12) during 4 weeks of winter training. Blood samples were collected two times (pre- and post-tests) for analyzing serum 25(OH)D concentration while salivary samples were obtained three times (pre-, mid-, and post-tests) for secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) and lactoferrin analyses. The symptoms of URTI were reported daily during the intervention. Serum 25(OH)D concentration significantly increased by 255.6% in the vitamin D group, whereas in the placebo group it did not change (p \u3c 0.001). While the significant increase in SIgA was observed in both groups (p \u3c 0.001), elevated salivary lactoferrin level in response to winter training was found only in the placebo group (p = 0.011). The change in serum 25(OH)D concentration was negatively associated with total URTI symptoms (r = −0.435, p = 0.015). Vitamin D3 supplementation may be effective in reducing the symptoms of URTI during winter training in vitamin D-insufficient taekwondo athletes

    Hachimoji DNA and RNA: A genetic system with eight building blocks

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    Reported here are DNA and RNA-like systems built from eight (hachi-) nucleotide letters (-moji) that form four orthogonal pairs. This synthetic genetic biopolymer meets the structural requirements needed to support Darwinism, including a polyelectrolyte backbone, predictable thermodynamic stability, and stereoregular building blocks that fit a Schrödinger aperiodic crystal. Measured thermodynamic parameters predict the stability of hachimoji duplexes, allowing hachimoji DNA to double the information density of natural terran DNA. Three crystal structures show that the synthetic building blocks do not perturb the aperiodic crystal seen in the DNA double helix. Hachimoji DNA was then transcribed to give hachimoji RNA in the form of a functioning fluorescent hachimoji aptamer. These results expand the scope of molecular structures that might support life, including life throughout the cosmos

    Midweek Increase in U.S. Summer Rain and Storm Heights, Suggests Air Pollution Invigorates Rainstorms

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    Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite data show a significant midweek increase in summertime rainfall over the southeast U.S., due to afternoon intensification. TRMM radar data show a significant midweek increase in rain area and in the heights reached by afternoon storms. Weekly variations in model-reanalysis wind patterns over the region and in rain-gauge data are consistent with the satellite data. A midweek decrease of rainfall over the nearby Atlantic is also seen. EPA measurements of particulate concentrations show a midweek peak over much of the U.S. These observations are consistent with the theory that anthropogenic air pollution suppresses cloud-drop coalescence and early rainout during the growth of thunderstorms over land, allowing more water to be carried above the 0 C isotherm, where freezing yields additional latent heat, invigorating the storms--most dramatically evidenced by the shift in the midweek distribution of afternoon-storm heights--and producing large ice hydrometeors. The enhanced convection induces regional convergence, uplifting and an overall increase of rainfall. Compensating downward air motion suppresses convection over the adjacent ocean areas. Pre-TRMM-era data suggest that the weekly cycle only became strong enough to be detectable beginning in the 1980's. Rain-gauge data also suggest that a weekly cycle may have been detectable in the 1940's, but with peak rainfall on Sunday or Monday, possibly explained by the difference in composition of aerosol pollution at that time. This "weekend effect" may thus offer climate researchers an opportunity to study the regional climate-scale impact of aerosols on storm development and monsoon-like circulation

    Structure and Biophysics for a Six Letter DNA Alphabet that Includes Imidazo[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazine-2(8H)-4(3H)-dione (X) and 2,4-Diaminopyrimidine (K)

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    A goal of synthetic biology is to develop new nucleobases that retain the desirable properties of natural nucleobases at the same time as expanding the genetic alphabet. The nonstandard Watson-Crick pair between imidazo[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazine-2(8H)-4(3H)-dione (X) and 2,4-diaminopyrimidine (K) does exactly this, pairing via complementary arrangements of hydrogen bonding in these two nucleobases, which do not complement any natural nucleobase. Here, we report the crystal structure of a duplex DNA oligonucleotide in B-form including two consecutive X:K pairs in GATCXK DNA determined as a host-guest complex at 1.75 Å resolution. X:K pairs have significant propeller twist angles, similar to those observed for A:T pairs, and a calculated hydrogen bonding pairing energy that is weaker than that of A:T. Thus, although inclusion of X:K pairs results in a duplex DNA structure that is globally similar to that of an analogous G:C structure, the X:K pairs locally and energetically more closely resemble A:T pairs

    Immediate implant placement in conjunction with guided bone regeneration and/or connective tissue grafts: an experimental study in canines

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    PURPOSE This study was conducted to assess the effect of hard and/or soft tissue grafting on immediate implants in a preclinical model. METHODS In 5 mongrel dogs, the distal roots of P2 and P3 were extracted from the maxilla (4 sites in each animal), and immediate implant placement was performed. Each site was randomly assigned to 1 of the following 4 groups: i) gap filling with guided bone regeneration (the GBR group), ii) subepithelial connective tissue grafting (the SCTG group), iii) GBR and SCTG (the GBR/SCTG group), and iv) no further treatment (control). Non-submerged healing was provided for 4 months. Histological and histomorphometric analyses were performed. RESULTS Peri-implant tissue height and thickness favored the SCTG group (height of peri-implant mucosa: 1.14 mm; tissue thickness at the implant shoulder and ±1 mm from the shoulder: 1.14 mm, 0.78 mm, and 1.57 mm, respectively; median value) over the other groups. Bone grafting was not effective at the level of the implant shoulder and on the coronal level of the shoulder. In addition, simultaneous soft and hard tissue augmentation (the GBR/SCTG group) led to a less favorable tissue contour compared to GBR or SCTG alone (height of peri-implant mucosa: 3.06 mm; thickness of peri-implant mucosa at the implant shoulder and ±1 mm from the shoulder: 0.72 mm, 0.3 mm, and 1.09 mm, respectively). CONCLUSION SCTG tended to have positive effects on the thickness and height of the peri-implant mucosa in immediate implant placement. However, simultaneous soft and hard tissue augmentation might not allow a satisfactory tissue contour in cases where the relationship between implant position and neighboring bone housing is unfavorable

    Augmentation of keratinized tissue at tooth and implant sites by using autogenous grafts and collagen-based soft-tissue substitutes

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    AIM To investigate the effect of three treatment modalities on the gain of keratinized tissue (KT) at tooth and implant sites in dogs. MATERIALS AND METHODS In five dogs, the distal roots of the mandibular second, third and fourth premolars were extracted, while the mesial roots were maintained. After 2 months of healing, implants were placed with KT excision. After another 2 months of healing, free gingival grafts, collagen-based matrices and apically positioned flap only were applied. The height of KT was measured during implant placement, immediately before soft-tissue grafting and after 10, 30 and 60 days. RESULTS Two months after KT excision, spontaneous KT regrowth was greater at tooth sites than at implant sites (median, 2.0 mm vs. 1.1 mm). The outcomes of soft-tissue grafting at implant sites favoured the free gingival graft treatment, with a greater final median height (5.0-5.5 mm) and increase in KT (4.0-4.2 mm). Locations of the recipient sites significantly influenced KT regeneration at both tooth and implant sites. CONCLUSIONS At implant sites, the free gingival graft treatment led to higher KT regeneration. At tooth sites, however, the differences between the three treatment modalities seemed clinically irrelevant

    Learning Curve Associated with Complications in Biportal Endoscopic Spinal Surgery: Challenges and Strategies

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    Study DesignDescriptions of technical strategies to overcome pitfalls associated with early learning periods in biportal endoscopic spinal surgery (BESS).PurposeTo introduce BESS for lumbar spinal diseases (LSDs) and to inform certain challenges to be overcome in mastering the technique.Overview of LiteratureBESS has shown superior benefits including excellent magnification, a wider range of view by dynamic handling of an endoscope and instruments. Clinical reports, however, have not yet been very revealing for its new introduction into minimally invasive spine surgery.MethodsTo evaluate the learning curve for BESS, the procedures for various LSDs by one surgeon were analyzed in the view of shortening of the operating times and reduction of complications. Reviewing of recorded procedures helped in finding the reasons and the implemented solutions.ResultsThe 68 cases included 25 for lumbar disc herniation (LDH), 3 for revision for recurred LDH, 39 for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) and 1 for synovial cyst. The operation time for the total cases averaged 83.7±33.6 minutes. According to diagnosis, it was 68.2±23.7 minutes for LDH. After the 14th case of LDH, it was nearly constant and close to the average time. One level of LSS needed 110.4±34.4 minutes. Prolonged operation times even in some later cases of LSS were mainly from struggling against blurred vision due to epidural bleeding. There were 7 cases of complications (10.3%) including 2 cases of dural tear, 1 case of root injury, and 4 cases of incomplete decompression on postoperative magnetic resonance imaging. There was no case of symptomatic hematoma or wound infection.ConclusionsBESS seemed to have a relatively short learning curve period. The overall complication rate in early learning period was 10.3%. These could be avoided by magnified regional views on an endoscope and a clear surgical field by controlling epidural bleeding