12,146 research outputs found

    Geographical Coarsegraining of Complex Networks

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    We perform the renormalization-group-like numerical analysis of geographically embedded complex networks on the two-dimensional square lattice. At each step of coarsegraining procedure, the four vertices on each 2×22 \times 2 square box are merged to a single vertex, resulting in the coarsegrained system of the smaller sizes. Repetition of the process leads to the observation that the coarsegraining procedure does not alter the qualitative characteristics of the original scale-free network, which opens the possibility of subtracting a smaller network from the original network without destroying the important structural properties. The implication of the result is also suggested in the context of the recent study of the human brain functional network.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    20 K superconductivity in heavily electron doped surface layer of FeSe bulk crystal

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    A superconducting transition temperature Tc as high as 100 K was recently discovered in 1 monolayer (1ML) FeSe grown on SrTiO3 (STO). The discovery immediately ignited efforts to identify the mechanism for the dramatically enhanced Tc from its bulk value of 7 K. Currently, there are two main views on the origin of the enhanced Tc; in the first view, the enhancement comes from an interfacial effect while in the other it is from excess electrons with strong correlation strength. The issue is controversial and there are evidences that support each view. Finding the origin of the Tc enhancement could be the key to achieving even higher Tc and to identifying the microscopic mechanism for the superconductivity in iron-based materials. Here, we report the observation of 20 K superconductivity in the electron doped surface layer of FeSe. The electronic state of the surface layer possesses all the key spectroscopic aspects of the 1ML FeSe on STO. Without any interface effect, the surface layer state is found to have a moderate Tc of 20 K with a smaller gap opening of 4 meV. Our results clearly show that excess electrons with strong correlation strength alone cannot induce the maximum Tc, which in turn strongly suggests need for an interfacial effect to reach the enhanced Tc found in 1ML FeSe/STO.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Double resonance in the infinite-range quantum Ising model

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    We study quantum resonance behavior of the infinite-range kinetic Ising model at zero temperature. Numerical integration of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation in the presence of an external magnetic field in the zz direction is performed at various transverse field strengths gg. It is revealed that two resonance peaks occur when the energy gap matches the external driving frequency at two distinct values of gg, one below and the other above the quantum phase transition. From the similar observations already made in classical systems with phase transitions, we propose that the double resonance peaks should be a generic feature of continuous transitions, for both quantum and classical many-body systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Influence of congruency between ideal self and brand image on Sustainable Happiness

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    Building on the Sustainable Happiness Model, this study examines how congruency between ideal self-concepts and brand image influences a sense of happiness. The findings show that when the ideal self-image and the ideal social self-image are congruent with brand image, a sense of happiness can be enhanced through brand identification and positive emotions. An additional two-mediation analysis confirms that there are full mediation effects of brand identification and positive emotions between ideal self/ideal social self-brand congruency and happiness. This study contributes to the literature as it reveals the mechanism of how congruency between ideal self-concepts and brand image positively affects happiness. In addition, this study also provides useful insights for business practitioners as previous studies suggest that enhancing consumer well-being helps increase firms’ long-term sustainability in many ways

    Scale-freeness for networks as a degenerate ground state: A Hamiltonian formulation

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    The origin of scale-free degree distributions in the context of networks is addressed through an analogous non-network model in which the node degree corresponds to the number of balls in a box and the rewiring of links to balls moving between the boxes. A statistical mechanical formulation is presented and the corresponding Hamiltonian is derived. The energy, the entropy, as well as the degree distribution and its fluctuations are investigated at various temperatures. The scale-free distribution is shown to correspond to the degenerate ground state, which has small fluctuations in the degree distribution and yet a large entropy. We suggest an implication of our results from the viewpoint of the stability in evolution of networks.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Europhysics lette

    Fundamental thickness limit of itinerant ferromagnetic SrRuO3_3 thin films

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    We report on a fundamental thickness limit of the itinerant ferromagnetic oxide SrRuO3_3 that might arise from the orbital-selective quantum confinement effects. Experimentally, SrRuO3_3 films remain metallic even for a thickness of 2 unit cells (uc), but the Curie temperature, TC_C, starts to decrease at 4 uc and becomes zero at 2 uc. Using the Stoner model, we attributed the TC_C decrease to a decrease in the density of states (No_o). Namely, in the thin film geometry, the hybridized Ru-dyz,zx_yz,zx orbitals are terminated by top and bottom interfaces, resulting in quantum confinement and reduction of No_o.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure