162,123 research outputs found

    GPS source solution of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake

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    We compute a series of finite-source parameter inversions of the fault rupture of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake based on 1 Hz GPS records only. We confirm that some of the co-seismic slip at shallow depth (<5 km) constrained by InSAR data processing results from early post-seismic deformation. We also show 1) that if located very close to the rupture, a GPS receiver can saturate while it remains possible to estimate the ground velocity (~1.2 m/s) near the fault, 2) that GPS waveforms inversions constrain that the slip distribution at depth even when GPS monuments are not located directly above the ruptured areas and 3) the slip distribution at depth from our best models agree with that recovered from strong motion data. The 95th percentile of the slip amplitudes for rupture velocities ranging from 2 to 5 km/s is, 55 +/- 6 cm.Comment: 24 pages including supp. material

    Phonon-mediated electron spin phase diffusion in a quantum dot

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    An effective spin relaxation mechanism that leads to electron spin decoherence in a quantum dot is proposed. In contrast to the common calculations of spin-flip transitions between the Kramers doublets, we take into account a process of phonon-mediated fluctuation in the electron spin precession and subsequent spin phase diffusion. Specifically, we consider modulations in the longitudinal g-factor and hyperfine interaction induced by the phonon-assisted transitions between the lowest electronic states. Prominent differences in the temperature and magnetic field dependence between the proposed mechanisms and the spin-flip transitions are expected to facilitate its experimental verification. Numerical estimation demonstrates highly efficient spin relaxation in typical semiconductor quantum dots.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Inclusive angular distribution of alpha and Li fragments produced in the Fe-C and Fe-Pb collisions at 1.88 GeV/u

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    The LS (laboratory system) emission angles theta for 2188 and 298 Li fragments, produced inclusively in relativistic Fe-C and Fe-Pb collisions, have been measured in reference to incident Fe-ion beam tracks nearby in nuclear emulsion. An empirical differential frequency formula, dN(cot theta) = exp (a + b cot theta)d(cot theta) is obtained with the constant b approx. = -0.026 at 1.88 GeV/u, which seems to be independent on the kinds of target nucleus as well as on the kinds of projectile fragments

    Recent developments in multilevel optimization

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    Recent developments in multilevel optimization are briefly reviewed. The general nature of the multilevel design task, the use of approximations to develop and solve the analysis design task, the structure of the formal multidiscipline optimization problem, a simple cantilevered beam which demonstrates the concepts of multilevel design and the basic mathematical details of the optimization task and the system level are among the topics discussed

    Quantum Dynamics for de Sitter Radiation

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    We revisit the Hamiltonian formalism for a massive scalar field and study the particle production in a de Sitter space. In the invariant-operator picture the time-dependent annihilation and creation operators are constructed in terms of a complex solution to the classical equation of motion for the field and the Gaussian wave function for each Fourier mode is found which is an exact solution to the Schr\"odinger equation. The in-out formalism is reformulated by the annihilation and creation operators and the Gaussian wave functions. The de Sitter radiation from the in-out formalism differs from the Gibbons-Hawking radiation in the planar coordinates, and we discuss the discrepancy of the particle production by the two methodComment: LaTex 12 pages, no figure; CosPA2011, Peking Univ., Oct. 28-31, 2011; references added; to be published in International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Serie

    Geographical Coarsegraining of Complex Networks

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    We perform the renormalization-group-like numerical analysis of geographically embedded complex networks on the two-dimensional square lattice. At each step of coarsegraining procedure, the four vertices on each 2×22 \times 2 square box are merged to a single vertex, resulting in the coarsegrained system of the smaller sizes. Repetition of the process leads to the observation that the coarsegraining procedure does not alter the qualitative characteristics of the original scale-free network, which opens the possibility of subtracting a smaller network from the original network without destroying the important structural properties. The implication of the result is also suggested in the context of the recent study of the human brain functional network.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum paramagnetic ground states on the honeycomb lattice and field-induced transition to N\'eel order

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    Motivated by recent experiments on Bi3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}(NO3_3), and a broader interest arising from numerical work on the honeycomb lattice Hubbard model, we have studied the effect of a magnetic field on honeycomb lattice spin models with quantum paramagnetic ground states. For a model with frustrating second-neighbor exchange, J2J_2, we use a Lindemann-like criterion within spin wave theory to show that N\'eel order melts beyond a critical J2J_2. The critical J2J_2 increases with a magnetic field, implying the existence of a field-induced paramagnet-N\'eel transition over a range of J2J_2. We also study bilayer model using a spin-SS generalization of bond operator mean field theory. We show that there is a N\'eel-dimer transition for various spin values with increasing bilayer coupling, and that the resulting interlayer dimer state undergoes a field induced transition into a state with transverse N\'eel order. Finally, we study a spin-3/2 model which interpolates between the Heisenberg model and the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) parent Hamiltonian. Using exact diagonalization, we compute the fidelity susceptibility to locate the Neel-AKLT quantum critical point, obtain the spin gap of the AKLT parent Hamiltonian, and argue that AKLT state also undergoes field-induced Neel ordering.Comment: 8 pages, revised longer version of arXiv:1012.0316. Corrected factor of 2 error in Eq.[16], replotted Fig.[4] and revised the critical Jc/J1J_c/J_1 needed to stabilize interlayer dimer state. We thank S. V. Isakov for discussions which uncovered this erro

    Gravitational Effects in Quantum Mechanics

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    To date, both quantum theory, and Einstein's theory of general relativity have passed every experimental test in their respective regimes. Nevertheless, almost since their inception, there has been debate surrounding whether they should be unified and by now there exists strong theoretical arguments pointing to the necessity of quantising the gravitational field. In recent years, a number of experiments have been proposed which, if successful, should give insight into features at the Planck scale. Here we review some of the motivations, from the perspective of semi-classical arguments, to expect new physical effects at the overlap of quantum theory and general relativity. We conclude with a short introduction to some of the proposals being made to facilitate empirical verification.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, review article. Submitted to Contemporary Physic
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