3 research outputs found

    PERBURUAN KASUARI (Casuarius spp.) SECARA TRADISIONAL OLEH MASYARAKAT SUKU NDUGA DI DISTRIK SAWAERMA KABUPATEN ASMAT (The traditional hunting of Kasuari (Casuarius sp.) by Nduga tribe in Sawaerma District, Asmat Regency)

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kegiatan perburuan kasuari secara tradisonal oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma, Kabupaten Asmat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perburuan kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani dan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga. Aktivitas berburu kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga masih dilakukan secara tradisional dengan menggunakan alat-alat tradisional seperti parang, kapak dan busur, anak panah. Selain itu cara penangkapan kasuari dilakukan dengan jerat leher dan jerat kaki maupun bantuan anjing berburu. Kegiatan berburu kasuari dilakukan secara secara perorangan maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hak adat (dusun). Kegiatan berburu lebih banyak dilakukan pada pagi dan malam hari, terutama saat musim hujan. Jenis kasuari yang terdapat pada areal hutan di sekitar Distrik Sawaerma adalah Kasuari Gelambir Ganda (Casuarius-casuarius), Kasuari Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unppendiculatus), dan Kasuari Kerdil (Casuarius bennetti). Rata-rata jumlah hasil buruan kasuari yang mengunakan jerat kaki atau leher sebanyak 2-3 ekor/hari, sedangkan menggunakan anjing berburu 1-2 ekor/hari. ABSTRACTThe research was aimed to discribe how the Nduga tribe in Sawaerma district, Asmat Regency is hunting kasuari traditionally. Descriptive method with case study was employed in this research. The resultshave shown that the main purposes of hunting kasusari by Nduga tribe were to fulfill their own need of protein as well as family income. The Nduga tribe have hunted kasuari traditionally by using traditional tools including cleavers, axe, and arrow. In addition, this tribe also hunts kasuari using neck and feet trapsas well as hunting dogs.The result also showed that Nduga tribe hunted kasuari alone or in group, and they did it based on their land customary. The most hunting time were in the morning and evening especially during rainy seasons. Single wattle (Casuarius unppendiculatus),double wattle (Casuarius-casuarius),and dwarf (Casuarius bennetti) cassowaries were foundin the area. Average number of kasuari hunted using neck and feet trap was 2 – 3 individu per day, while using hunting dogs was 1 – 2 individu per day.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kegiatan perburuan kasuari secara tradisonal oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma, Kabupaten Asmat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perburuan kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani dan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga. Aktivitas berburu kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga masih dilakukan secara tradisional dengan menggunakan alat-alat tradisional seperti parang, kapak dan busur, anak panah. Selain itu cara penangkapan kasuari dilakukan dengan jerat leher dan jerat kaki maupun bantuan anjing berburu. Kegiatan berburu kasuari dilakukan secara secara perorangan maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hak adat (dusun). Kegiatan berburu lebih banyak dilakukan pada pagi dan malam hari, terutama saat musim hujan. Jenis kasuari yang terdapat pada areal hutan di sekitar Distrik Sawaerma adalah Kasuari Gelambir Ganda (Casuarius-casuarius), Kasuari Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unppendiculatus), dan Kasuari Kerdil (Casuarius bennetti). Rata-rata jumlah hasil buruan kasuari yang mengunakan jerat kaki atau leher sebanyak 2-3 ekor/hari, sedangkan menggunakan anjing berburu 1-2 ekor/hari. ABSTRACTThe research was aimed to discribe how the Nduga tribe in Sawaerma district, Asmat Regency is hunting kasuari traditionally. Descriptive method with case study was employed in this research. The resultshave shown that the main purposes of hunting kasusari by Nduga tribe were to fulfill their own need of protein as well as family income. The Nduga tribe have hunted kasuari traditionally by using traditional tools including cleavers, axe, and arrow. In addition, this tribe also hunts kasuari using neck and feet trapsas well as hunting dogs.The result also showed that Nduga tribe hunted kasuari alone or in group, and they did it based on their land customary. The most hunting time were in the morning and evening especially during rainy seasons. Single wattle (Casuarius unppendiculatus),double wattle (Casuarius-casuarius),and dwarf (Casuarius bennetti) cassowaries were foundin the area. Average number of kasuari hunted using neck and feet trap was 2 – 3 individu per day, while using hunting dogs was 1 – 2 individu per day

    Pattern of tree diversity in lowland tropical forest in Nikiwar, West Papua, Indonesia

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    Trees are significant components of ecosystems built by several widespread species. For instance, Papua forest is known to comprise abiotic and biotic elements. Also, certain plants have grown in popu- larity to a point where they are discovered almost everywhere. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to investigate tree diversity, distribution, and the importance of conservation. Data were collected in four locations using a total of 24 sample plots spread across Idoor, Karst, Persemaian, and Torembi, where seven, four, seven, and five plots were allocated, respectively. These forests formed a mixed natural plantation comprising 76 species from 35 families. Furthermore, Idoor and Karst generated the highest species diver- sity and varied significantly compared to Persemaian, while Torembi showed similarities with the other three locations. This condition formed three ecosystem communities across Persemaian, Karst, Idoor, and Torembi. Also, the composition of the dominant species showed variations at the seedling and sapling levels believed to structure the understory, while the pole and tree levels characterized the overstory. The total species status was described as critically endangered (CR) of two species, vulnerable (VU) of six species, least con- cern (LC) of 28 species, and data deficient (DD) species. Therefore, location management is advised to not only pay significant attention in terms of economic benefits but also ecological, including the provisions for ex-situ and in-situ conservation to support sustainable forest management