234 research outputs found

    Diskrimineerimiskeeld ja ülesütlemiskaitse põhimõte kui ettevõtte kaalutlusruumi piirang

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    Human CuZn superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in cells is regulated by the length of the mRNA

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    AbstractSingle functional human CuZnSOD gene encodes two species of mRNA differing in size by 200 nucleotides in the 3′-untranslated region (UTR). We studied the expression of the CuZnSOD cDNA with different 3′- and 5′-UTR. Deletion in the 5′-end does not affect the expression of the enzyme, however, deletion in the 3′-UTR decreases the level of expression of CuZnSOD. The plasmids containing the long CuZnSOD cDNA with all polyadenylation signal sequences utilize primarily the last polyadenylation site and give a long mRNA, which produces three times more enzyme than the short mRNA lacking the last polyadenylation site and the AU-rich region

    Õnnelikkus ja selle seos sotsiaalmajanduslike teguritega

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    Muukeelse lapse keeleõpe eesti õppekeelega rühmas

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    Uued meetmed vilepuhuja kaitsmiseks töösuhtes

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    Õpilaste motivatsioon akordioniorkestris osalemises "Tremolo" näitel

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    El origen y la originalidad en la obra poética de Humberto Ak’abal

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    Thermally activated transitions in a system of two single domain ferromagnetic particles

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    Numerical simulations based on the stochastic Langevin equation are applied here to a system of two uniaxial single domain ferromagnetic particles with antiferromagnetic dipolar coupling. The hysteresis loops of a strongly coupled systems exhibit fully demagnetized, intermediate metastable configurations which separate the two fully saturated states. At small magnetostatic couplings, on the other hand, and at sufficiently weak damping, the intermediate metastable configuration becomes only partially demagnetized. This state cannot be associated with any single local minimum of the free energy function