34 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Etos Kerja Perawat Magang di Rumah Sakit Baptis Kediri

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    Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing his own feelings and others, ability to motivate ourselves and ability to manage emotions well in ourselves and in relation with other. Feeling and emotion re almost engaged in nurses\u27 routine in which every treatment given forces them to acquire high emotional intelligence. The phenomenon will appear on apprenticeship nurses, they always be energetic in doing their jobs which also become their lives. Further, the sprit of working was called work ethics. The objective of the research was to find out the correlation between emotional intelligence and work ethics of apprenticeship nurses on Kediri Baptist Hospital. The design of the research was cross sectional research design. The population was the whole apprenticeship nurses on Kediri Baptist Hospital. The sample was 38 using Total Sampling. The independent variable was emotional intelligence while the dependent variable was work ethics. The data were analyzed using Spearman Rho with significant level α ≤ 0.05. The result showed 28 respondents had a medium emotional intelligence level (73.7 %) and 22 respondents had a medium work ethics (57.9 %). The statistical analysis showed p = 0.001 which means there was correlation between emotional intelligence and work ethics of apprenticeship nurses on Kediri Baptist Hospital. The research showed there was significant correlation between emotional intelligence and work ethics of apprenticeship nurses on Kediri Baptist Hospital

    Preschool Children, Coping Mecanism, Coloring Play Activities, Hospitalization

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    Children will experience the stress of hospitalization time due to changes in the environment. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of coloring activities toward the using of coping mecanism when hospitalization. Design of this research is pra eksperimental pre-post test one group design. This population is children preschool old even hospitalization at Kediri Baptist Hospital total sample was 31 respondent, sample taken on accidental sampling. Variable of this research were coloring play activities and coping mecanism. The data were collected by using questionaire. Collecting data using a statistical test by using wilcoxon signed range test with α≤0,05. The results showed that 24 respondent change coping mecanism to positive range, 6 respondent fixed on their coping mecanism before interview, and 1 respondent change their coping mecanism to negative range. p=0,000. Concluded that coloring activities giving patients preschoolers will enhance adoptive coping mechanism when hospitalization

    Recherche de polluants inorganiques sur un ancien site de décharge d’ordures ménagères érigé en aire de jeux : Cas de Bè-Aveto à Lomé au Togo

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    Les déchets ménagers des pays en développement ne connaissent pas en général des tris. Les poubelles des ménages reçoivent les déchets de tout genre et il en est de même des décharges publiques qui sont par voie de conséquence potentiellement polluées et polluantes. Ce travail porte sur l’évaluation du degré de pollution de l’ancien site de décharge des ordures ménagères de Bè-Aveto à Lomé (Togo) actuellement érigé en une airede jeux, en recherchant les teneurs des polluants chimiques. Ainsi, après avoir réalisé un zonage de l’aire de jeux, des échantillons représentatifs de sable ont été prélevés et analysés. Les résultats des analyses montrentque, l’actuelle aire de jeux renferme des éléments traces métalliques (ETM) tels que le plomb, le cadmium, l’arsenic, le mercure, de même que les nitrates et les phosphates dont les teneurs sont parfois plus de deux fois supérieures aux normes. Le taux de certains métaux comme le plomb laisse penser à d’autres sources telles que les pratiques cérémoniales au cours desquelles ce métal est souvent utilisé. En effet, le site ayant été auparavant une forêt sacrée, a pu recevoir des balles en plomb pour  célébrer les dieux de la chasse. Toutefois, le taux de matière organique a été évalué afin de pouvoir postuler sur le potentiel de rétention des  polluants organiques par ladite matière organique. Cette aire de jeux est donc polluée et nécessite des actions de dépollution. En marge des  approches de dépollution chimiques proposées, il est aussi possible de garnir le site en gazon afin de réduire les risques de contamination.Mots clés : Déchet, décharge, jeux, polluant, contamination, site pollué, ETM

    The Influence of Aspects of Interpersonal Skills, Compensation, and Teacher Performance at Madrasah Aliyah Manado

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    Many environmental factors can affect teacher performance, three of which are as follows: 1). Principal leadership is the effort of an individual who is trusted as an organizational leader in the school that influences its members including teachers, staff/employees, students, and school committees to realize an educational goal. This research is a survey research that uses a quantitative approach. This quantitative method is a scientific or scientific method because it has fulfilled scientific principles, namely concrete or empirical, objective, measurable, rational, and systematic. In simple terms, there is a positive and significant effect between interpersonal skills and the performance of Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Manado City, where Y = 36.91 + 0.534X1 and the hypothesis value is 0.00 <0.05. Simply put, there is a positive and significant effect between compensation and the performance of Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Manado City, where Y = 39,079 + 0.541X2 and the hypothesis value is 0.00 <0.05. Simultaneously there is a positive and significant effect between interpersonal skills and compensation on the performance of Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Manado City, where the formulaY= 27,583 + 0.361X1+0.412X2 and the hypothesis value is 20.38 > 4,009 or F-count > F-table