22 research outputs found

    Taxonomic studies on the Emarginulinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Fissurellidae) of southern Africa and Mozambique. Emarginula, Emarginella, Puncturella, Fissurisepta and Rimula

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    Nineteen species (six new) of the genera Emarginula, Emarginella, Puncturella, Fissurisepta and Rimula are discussed; the last two genera represent new records for the area. Scanning electron micrographs of shell microsculpture, radula and protoconch are given where possible; microsculpture appears to be a particularly useful taxonomie character. New species: Emarginula phrygium, E.vindicaria, Puncturella voraginosa, P. serraticosta, Fissurisepta onychoides and Rimula rhips. New synonyms: Emarginula vadum Barnard, 1963 = E. undulata Melvill & Standen, 1903; Fissurisepta joschristiaensi Drivas & Jay, 1985 = Puncturella christiaensi Kilburn, 1978. Revised combination: oppressa Barnard, 1963, is an Emarginula, not an Emarginella. New record: Puncturella aethiopicavon Martens, 1902, described from the Zanzibar Channel, occurs off Natal and Transkei. Lectotypes designated and figured: Emarginula undulata Melvill & Standen, 1903, and Emarginella sibogae (Schepman, 1908)

    The family Pectinidae in South Africa and Mozambique (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pectinoidea)

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    Of the 29 species of Pectinidae here recorded from South Africa and Mozambique, ca. 76% have Indo-West Pacific origins, 17% are of Mediterranean-West African origin and ca. 7% are probably of Southern Ocean origin. New species: Mirapecten tuberosus, Veprichlamys africana. New subspecies: Aequipecten commutatus peripheralis. New synonyms: Chlamys liltvedi Wagner, 1984 = Laevichlamys lemniscata(Reeve, 1853). Genus Karnekampia Wagner, 1988 = Pseudamussium Mörch, 1853, Somalipecten Waller, 1996 = Mirapecten Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938. Perapecten Wagner, 1985, and Lindapecten Petuch, 1995 = Aequipecten Fischer, 1886. New records for South Africa: Delectopecten musorstomi Poutiers, 1981; Anguipecten picturatus Dijkstra, 1995; Decatopecten amiculum (Philippi, 1851); D. plica (Linnaeus, 1758); Glorichlamys elegantissima (Deshayes, 1863); Gloripallium pallium (Linnaeus, 1758); Juxtamusium maldivense (Smith, 1903); Laevichlamys deliciosa (Iredale, 1939), L. lemniscata (Reeve, 1853); Pedum spondyloideum (Gmelin, 1791); Semipallium crouchi (Smith, 1892); S. flavicans (Linnaeus, 1758); Haumea minuta (Linnaeus, 1758). New combinations: Chlamys gilchristi Sowerby, 1904, to Pseudamussium; Chlamys weberi Bavay, 1904, to Laevichlamys; Pecten coruscans Hinds, 1845, to Semipallium; Chylams [sic] humilis Sowerby, 1904, and Ostrea multistriata Poli, 1795, to Talochlamys. Lectotypes designated: Pallium striatum Schumacher, 1817; Pecten velutinus Sowerby, 1842; Pecten strangei Reeve, 1852

    Three new marginellid gastropods (Muricoidea: Marginellidae: Granunilinae) from the Red Sea and Djibouti (Gulf of Aden)

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    A new species of Marginellopsis Bavay, 1911, Marginellopsis herosae n. sp. and two new species of Granulina Jousseaume, 1888, Granulina morassii n. sp. and Granulina boyeri n. sp. are described and illustrated from the Red Sea and Djibouti. Marginellopsis herosae n.sp. represents the first Indo-Pacific record of a genus previously known by only one species from Cuba, Caribbean Sea. The biogeographic relevance of this finding and the possible Tethyan origin of the genus Marginellopsis is suggested. Micrographs of the type specimens of Granulina isseli (G. Nevill & H. Nevill, 1875), Granulina mariei (Crosse, 1867), Granulina cartwrighti (Sowerby, 1915) and Marginellopsis serrei Bavay, 1911 are provided