4 research outputs found


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    Son yıllarda akademik ve siyasi çalışmalara konu olan iklim değişikliği yanında COVID-19 pandemisi ve Rusya-Ukrayna arasındaki savaş, dünyada gıda güvenliği sorununun tartışılmasına neden olmaktadır. 2022’de dünya çapında gıda fiyatlarında hızlı bir artış ve başta tahıl olmak üzere dünyanın birçok yerinde gıda arz kıtlığı ve kendi kendine yeterlilikte sıkıntılar görülmüştür. Bu çerçevede Dünya Ticaret Örgütü’nün (DTÖ) tarımsal ürün ve girdiler üzerinde devlet müdahalelerine yönelik politikaları da tartışmaya açılması gerekmektedir. İç destekler konusunda düzenlemeler getiren DTÖ Tarım Anlaşması politikaları, gelişmiş ülkelere ve çok uluslu şirketlere avantajlar sunarken, gelişmekte olan ülkelerin başta yerel kalkınmaları olmak üzere kırılganlıklarını artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, son yıllarda konjonktürün ve coğrafyanın etkisi ile giderek daha fazla ekonomik ortak haline gelen Türkiye ve Rusya’daki tarımsal alandaki gelişmeler Üçüncü Gıda Rejimi kuralları çerçevesinde analiz edilmiş ve iki ülke arasındaki ticari ilişkiler bu açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Türkiye, mevcut gıda rejimine göre, ağırlıklı olarak nispeten stoklanamayan, depolama ve raf ömrü kısa olan emek yoğun sebze ve meyve üretiminde üretici ve ihracatçı iken sermeye yoğun hububat, hayvan yemi ve yağlı tohumlarda ise ithalatçı konumundadır. Her ne kadar tarımsal ticaret dengesi fazla veriyor olsa da tarımdaki bu iş bölümü gelecekte Türkiye açısından arz güvenliği ve ithalata bağımlılık yanında sürdürülebilir kalkınma için de riskler barındırmaktadır.In addition to climate change, which has been the subject of academic and political studies in recent years, the COVID-19 epidemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine caused the food security problem to be discussed in the world. In 2022, there has been a rapid increase in food prices worldwide, food supply security in many parts of the world, and self-sufficiency problems, especially in grain. In this context, the World Trade Organization (WTO) policies regarding government interventions for agricultural products and inputs should also be discussed. While the WTO Agriculture Agreement policies, which bring regulations regarding internal support, offer advantages to developed countries and multinational companies, they increase the vulnerability of developing countries, especially in terms of local development. In this study, developments in agriculture in Turkey and Russia, which have become more and more economic partners with the influence of conjuncture and geography in recent years, are examined within the framework of the Third Food Regime rules and commercial relations. The relations between the two countries were evaluated from this perspective. According to the current food regime, Turkey is mainly a producer and exporter in the production of labor-intensive vegetables and fruits that cannot be stocked and have a short storage and shelf life. It is an importer of storable grain, feed and oilseeds and animal products. Although the agricultural trade balance gives a surplus, this division of labor in agriculture poses a risk for Turkey in the future, not only in terms of supply security and dependence on imports, but also in terms of sustainable development

    Electropolymerizations of two novel EDOT-BODIPY zinc oxide nanocomposites and evaluation of their in vitro antibacterial activities

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    Boron containing materials as novel classes of antibacterial agents have been widely used in coating or medical applications due to their excellent functionality against microorganisms. In this study, two different boron dipyrromethene (BODIPY)/zinc oxide based P(M1-co-Edot)/ZnO and P(M2-co-Edot)/ZnO nanocomposite copolymer materials were prepared. The BODIPY/ZnO nanocomposite films were synthesized using potentiostat. ZnO nanoparticles were used to increase the strength and conductivity of the obtained semiconducting materials. Spectroelectrochemical analysis show that the copolymers, P(M1-co-Edot)/ZnO and P(M2-co-Edot)/ZnO, have electronic band gaps at 1.56 and 2.51 eV and optical band gaps at 2.11 and 2.00 eV, respectively. The synthesized nanocomposite films were characterized by Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and FT-IR spectroscopies. The optical properties of the synthesized monomers and their nanocomposite copolymers were demonstrated using UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. SEM and AFM images show the surface morphologies of nanocomposite copolymer films and surface roughness of P(M1-co-Edot)/ZnO and P(M2-co-Edot)/ZnO were calculated as Ra = 84.6 nm Rq = 106 nm and 120 nm, respectively. Antibacterial activities of the obtained nanocomposite films prepared in ultrapure water with different concentrations (2.5-0.25 mg/mL) were discovered against Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria by using disc diffusion method. The antibacterial activities of obtained films were found to be higher against Gram negative bacteria compared to that of Gram positives. Obtained results show that synthesized nanocomposites with easy production and nontoxic properties can be used as functional bioengineering materials for antibacterial electrochromical materials

    Investigation of PCB ve PAHsin Soil: Alikahya Region

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    In this study, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) andPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in the soil samples taken from Alikahya, Kocaeli. For this purpose, Sampling was conducted in a circular area with a Radius of approximately 2,5 km at six points of which coordinates are determined before. There are residential places, industrial facilities, TEM highway, E-5 motorway and a waste incineration plant around the area. The soil samples were collected from north, south, east and west side of a waste incineration plant. Samples were taken from 5 to 30 cm depth within 1,25 km and 2,5 km Radius of incineration plant. PCB and PAH concentrations in the soil samples were determined by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). The determined concentrations of these pollutants in the soil were compared with the limit values of Turkish Soil Contaminated Sites on Point Source Pollution Control and Regulation. Among the PCB derivatives, whose concentration shave exceeded the limit values of the regulation, were measured at North and east direction. Among PAH derivatives, concentrations of Benzo(a)anthracene and Benzo(a)pyrenemeasured at all directions, Benzo(k)flouranthene and Benzo(b)flouranthene measured at North and west and east directions, Dibenzo(a.h)anthracene measured at North and west directions and Indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene measured at west directions are above the limit values