7 research outputs found

    Equatorial Density Irregularity Structures at Intermediate Scales and Their Temporal Evolution

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    We examine high resolution measurements of ion density in the equatorial ionosphere from the AE-E satellite during the years 1977-1981. Structure over spatial scales from 18 km to 200 m is characterized by the spectrum of irregularities at larger and smaller scales and at altitudes above 350 km and below 300 km. In the low-altitude region, only small amplitude large-scale (lambda greater than 5 km) density modulations are often observed, and thus the power spectrum of these density structures exhibits a steep spectral slope at kilometer scales. In the high-altitude region, sinusoidal density fluctuations, characterized by enhanced power near 1-km scale, are frequently observed during 2000-0200 LT. However, such fluctuations are confined to regions at the edges of larger bubble structures where the average background density is high. Small amplitude irregularity structures, observed at early local time hours, grow rapidly to high-intensity structures in about 90 min. Fully developed structures, which are observed at late local time hours, decay very slowly producing only-small differences in spectral characteristics even 4 hours later. The local time evolution of irregularity structure is investigated by using average statistics for low-(1% less than sigma less than 5%) and high-intensity (sigma greater than 10%) structures. At lower altitudes, little chance in the spectral slope is seen as a function of local time, while at higher attitudes the growth and maintenance of structures near 1 km scales dramatically affects the spectral slope

    Multi-Periodic Auroral and Thermospheric Variations in 2006

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    A data survey reveals multiple periodic variations in auroral hemispheric power (HP) and thermospheric composition (O/N2) in 2006. The periods include 27, 13 - 14, 9, and 6.7 days. These periods of 13 - 14, 9 and 6.7 days are essentially the harmonics of the 27-day solar rotation. Similar multi-periodicities were found in the dayside magnetic merging rate (MMR) (Newell et al. 2007) which depends upon solar wind speed (V), magnitude (BT) and clock angle (θc) of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). A high correlation coefficient (0.93) between MMR and HP indicates MMR is the driver of the periodic variations. While high solar wind speed associated with coronal holes plays an important role in the HP variations, IMF BT is equally important. The term [BT2/3sin8/3(θc/2)] is even more important as its correlation coefficient with HP is higher than that for BT or solar wind speed. Nevertheless, MMR has the highest correlation with HP. Similar results were seen in the 2005 data where the 9-day variation is dominant. These results indicate that both solar wind speed and IMF conditions are required for accurate specification of periodic variations in aurora hemispheric power and thermosphere composition

    Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in the Vicinity of Storm-Enhanced Density at Midlatitudes

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    This study provides first storm time observations of the westward-propagating medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), particularly, associated with characteristic subauroral storm time features, storm-enhanced density (SED), subauroral polarization stream (SAPS), and enhanced thermospheric westward winds over the continental US. In the four recent (2017–2019) geomagnetic storm cases examined in this study (i.e., 2018-08-25/26, 2017-09-07/08, 2017-05-27/28, and 2016-02-02/03 with minimum SYM-H index −206, −146, −142, and −58 nT, respectively), MSTIDs were observed from dusk-to-midnight local times predominately during the intervals of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz stably southward. Multiple wavefronts of the TIDs were elongated NW-SE, 2°–3° longitude apart, and southwestward propagated at a range of zonal phase speeds between 100 and 300 m/s. These TIDs initiated in the northeastern US and intensified or developed in the central US with either the coincident SED structure (especially the SED basis region) or concurrent small electron density patches adjacent to the SED. Observations also indicate coincident intense storm time electric fields associated with the magnetosphere–ionosphere–thermosphere coupling electrodynamics at subauroral latitudes (such as SAPS) as well as enhanced thermospheric westward winds. We speculate that these electric fields trigger plasma instability (with large growth rates) and MSTIDs. These electrified MSTIDs propagated westward along with the background westward ion flow which resulted from the disturbance westward wind dynamo and/or SAPS

    The Morphology of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles – a review

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    Plasma bubbles that occur in the equatorial F-region make up one of the most distinguishing phenomena in the ionosphere. Bubbles represent plasma depletions with respect to the background ionosphere, and are the major source of electron density irregularities in the equatorial F-region. Such bubbles are seen as plasma depletion holes (in situ satellite observations), vertical plumes (radar observations), and emission-depletion bands elongated in the north-south direction (optical observations). However, no technique can observe the whole three-dimensional structure of a bubble. Various aspects of bubbles identified using different techniques indicate that a bubble has a “shell” structure. This paper reviews the development of the concepts of “bubble” and “shell” in this context

    The Impact of Vertical Plasma Motion on the Evolution of Predawn Equatorial Plasma Bubbles on the Dayside

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    Abstract This study investigates the impact of vertical ionospheric drift during daytime on the evolution of predawn equatorial plasma bubbles by conducting model simulations using “Sami3 is Another Model of the Ionosphere.” The upward drift of the ionosphere transports bubbles to higher altitudes, where their lifetime is set by the atomic oxygen photoionization rate. While the bubbles generated at predawn persist into dayside, the bubbles generated shortly after sunset diminish before sunrise. Therefore, post‐sunset bubbles do not contribute to daytime electron density irregularities. Bubbles maintain their field‐aligned characteristics throughout the daytime regardless of the vertical ionospheric drift. This property allows bubbles to exist near the magnetic equator despite poleward plasma transport by the fountain process. The shift of irregularity concentration to higher latitudes over time in satellite observations is explained by the combined effect of transport of bubbles to higher altitudes and rapid refilling of depletions near the magnetic equator

    Assessment of the Origin of a Plasma Depletion Band Over the United States During the 8 September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm

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    Abstract The development of an intense total electron content (TEC) depletion band over the United States during the 8 September 2017 geomagnetic storm was understood as the extension of an equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) to midlatitudes in previous studies. However, this study reports non‐EPB aspects within this phenomenon. First, the simultaneous emergence of the TEC depletion band at midlatitudes and EPBs in the equatorial region indicates that the midlatitude TEC depletion band is not initiated by an EPB. Second, the intensification of TEC depletion at midlatitudes during the decay of TEC depletion at intermediate latitudes is anomalous. Third, the location of the TEC depletion band at midlatitudes is inconsistent with the EPB location estimated from zonal plasma motion. Given ionospheric perturbations in North America from the beginning of the storm, it is plausible that the TEC depletion band was locally generated in association with these perturbations

    Vertical Wind Profiles in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Driven by Meteor Radar and Ionospheric Connection Explorer Observations Over the Korean Peninsula

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    Abstract Meteor radar observations provide wind data ranging from 80 to 100 km altitude, while the Michaelson Interferometer for Global High‐resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) onboard the Ionospheric Connection Explorer satellite offers wind data above 90 km altitude. This study aims to generate wind profiles in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere by combining the winds derived from meteor radar and MIGHTI observations over the Korean Peninsula from January 2020 to December 2021. The wind profiles derived from the two instruments are continuous at night, but they show discrepancies during the day. The atomic oxygen 557.7 nm (green line) emission intensity measured by MIGHTI peaks at approximately 100 km during the day and 94 km at night. The vertical gradient of the airglow volume emission rate is more pronounced during the day. These differences can cause day‐night differences in the MIGHTI wind retrieval accuracy, potentially leading to discrepancies during the day