7,791 research outputs found

    An MO theory of the cubic field splitting of 3d5 6S ions in II-IV compounds of Td symmetry

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    Molecular orbital techniques used to find cubic field splitting 3a of certain ions in periodic group II-VI compounds of T sub d symmetr

    Dynamical Susceptibility in KDP-type Crysals above and below Tc II

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    The path probability method (PPM) in the tetrahedron-cactus approximation is applied to the Slater-Takagi model with dipole-dipole interaction for KH2PO4-type hydrogen-bonded ferroelectric crystals in order to derive a small dip structure in the real part of dynamical susceptibility observed at the transition temperature Tc. The dip structure can be ascribed to finite relaxation times of electric dipole moments responsible for the first order transition with contrast to the critical slowing down in the second order transition. The light scattering intensity which is related to the imaginary part of dynamical susceptibility is also calculated above and below the transition temperature and the obtained central peak structure is consistent with polarization fluctuation modes in Raman scattering experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Cluster variation - Pade` approximants method for the simple cubic Ising model

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    The cluster variation - Pade` approximant method is a recently proposed tool, based on the extrapolation of low/high temperature results obtained with the cluster variation method, for the determination of critical parameters in Ising-like models. Here the method is applied to the three-dimensional simple cubic Ising model, and new results, obtained with an 18-site basic cluster, are reported. Other techniques for extracting non-classical critical exponents are also applied and their results compared with those by the cluster variation - Pade` approximant method.Comment: 8 RevTeX pages, 3 PostScript figure

    Continuum Electromechanical Modeling of Protein-Membrane Interaction

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    A continuum electromechanical model is proposed to describe the membrane curvature induced by electrostatic interactions in a solvated protein-membrane system. The model couples the macroscopic strain energy of membrane and the electrostatic solvation energy of the system, and equilibrium membrane deformation is obtained by minimizing the electro-elastic energy functional with respect to the dielectric interface. The model is illustrated with the systems with increasing geometry complexity and captures the sensitivity of membrane curvature to the permanent and mobile charge distributions.Comment: 5 pages, 12 figure

    Rotating string in doubled geometry with generalized isometries

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    In this paper, we first construct a globally well-defined non-geometric background which contains several branes in type II string theory compactified on a 7-torus. One of these branes is called 5^2_2, which is a codimension-2 object and has a non-trivial monodromy given by a T-duality transformation. The geometry near the 5^2_2-brane is shown to approach the non-geometric background constructed in arXiv:1004.2521. We then construct the solution of a fundamental string rotating along a non-trivial cycle in the 5^2_2 background. Although the background is not axisymmetric in the usual sense, we show that it is actually axisymmetric as a doubled geometry by explicitly finding a generalized Killing vector. We perform a generalized coordinate transformation into a system where the generalized isometry is manifest, and show that the winding and momentum charges of the string solution is explicitly conserved in that system.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures; v2: typos corrected, to appear in Physical Review D; v3 minor errors fixed, improvements and a reference added to section 4.

    Application of exchange Monte Carlo method to ordering dynamics

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    We apply the exchange Monte Carlo method to the ordering dynamics of the three-state Potts model with the conserved order parameter. Even for the deeply quenched case to low temperatures, we have observed a rapid domain growth; we have proved the efficiency of the exchange Monte Carlo method for the ordering process. The late-stage growth law has been found to be R(t)∼t1/3R(t) \sim t^{1/3} for the case of conserved order parameter of three-component system.Comment: 7 pages including 5 eps figures, to appear in New J. Phys. http://www.njp.or

    Dynamical Susceptibility in KH2PO4-type Crystals above and below Tc

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    The time dependent cluster approximation called the path probability method (PPM) is applied to a pseudo-spin Ising Hamiltonian of the Slater-Takagi model for KH2PO4-type hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics in order to calculate the homogeneous dynamical susceptibility above and below the ferroelectric transition temperature. Above the transition temperature all the calculations are carried out analytically in the cactus approximation of the PPM. Below the transition temperature the dynamical susceptibility is also calculated accurately since the analytical solution of spontaneous polarization in the ferroelectric phase can be utilized. When the temperature is approached from both sides of the transition temperature, only one of relaxation times shows a critical slowing down and makes a main contribution to the dynamical susceptibility. The discrepancy from Slater model (ice-rule limit) is discussed in comparison with some experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    NMR characterization of spin-1/2 alternating antiferromagnetic chains in the high-pressure phase of (VO)2P2O7

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    Local-susceptibility measurements via the NMR shifts of 31^{31}P and 51^{51}V nuclei in the high-pressure phase of (VO)2_{2}P2_{2}O7_{7} confirmed the existence of a unique alternating antiferromagnetic chain with a zero-field spin gap of 34 K. The 31^{31}P nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate scales with the uniform spin susceptibility below about 15 K which shows that the temperature dependence of both the static and dynamical spin susceptibilities becomes identical at temperatures not far below the spin-gap energy.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; To be published in J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    Colloids in active fluids: Anomalous micro-rheology and negative drag

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    We simulate an experiment in which a colloidal probe is pulled through an active nematic fluid. We find that the drag on the particle is non-Stokesian (not proportional to its radius). Strikingly, a large enough particle in contractile fluid (such as an actomyosin gel) can show negative viscous drag in steady state: the particle moves in the opposite direction to the externally applied force. We explain this, and the qualitative trends seen in our simulations, in terms of the disruption of orientational order around the probe particle and the resulting modifications to the active stress.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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