5 research outputs found

    Relative bioavailability of 3 rumen-undegradable methionine sources in dairy cows using the area under the curve technique

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the relative bioavailability of two 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)butanoic isopropyl esters (HMBi) obtained through different production processes and an encapsulated rumen-protected Met using the area under the curve (AUC) method. The new HMBi product (Kessent MF Liquid, Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health) was compared with an existing HMBi product (Metasmart, Adisseo SAS) and a pH-sensitive coated Met (Smartamine, Adisseo SAS). Nine multiparous lactating cows (30 kg of milk/d and 227 d in milk) fed a 45:55 forage:concentrate diet were randomly assigned within square to a triplicate 3 脳 3 Latin square design. Each period consisted of a 3-d sampling period and a 3-d washout period. Treatments were dosed on d 1 of each period, and blood samples were collected from the coccygeal vein at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 24, 30, and 48 h thereafter. The daily dose was 50 g of Met equivalent of each treatment. The HMBi treatments were administered directly into the cow's mouth, whereas Smartamine was fed mixed with 0.5 kg of concentrate and fully consumed within 15 min. Nonlinear models were fitted to raw data, and the basal concentration at time 0 h, time at peak (Tmax), concentration at peak, and AUC of plasma Met were determined. The Met basal concentration at t = 0 h (26.7 卤 7.67 碌 M) and concentration at peak (210 卤 22.2 碌 M) were similar among treatments, but the Tmax (11.3 vs. 1.4 h) was delayed and the AUC was 1.8-fold larger (3,457 vs. 1,868 arbitrary units) in Smartamine compared with HMBi. Results of this study indicate that the 2 HMBi products have similar plasma kinetics and bioavailability. Smartamine had different kinetics compared with HMBi products, with delayed Tmax and larger AUC and relative bioavailability

    Short communication : quantification of the effect of mycotoxin binders on the bioavailability of fat-soluble vitamins in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to determine the capacity of six mycotoxin binders (MTBs) to adsorb vitamins A, D and E in an in vitro system that simulates gastric and intestinal digestion. Experiment 1 evaluated the recovery rate of vitamins A, D and E in the incubation conditions. In Experiment 2, the main factors were the MTB (bentonite, clinoptilolite, sepiolite, montmorillonite, active carbon and yeast cell walls), vitamins (A, D and E) and incubation type (vitamins incubated separately or together). The recovery was high for vitamin D (83%) and E (93%), but low for vitamin A (23%), for which no further analyses were conducted. When incubated separately, vitamin D was only adsorbed by yeast cell wall (20.2%). Vitamin E adsorption was highest with bentonite (54.5%) and montmorillonite (46.3%) and lowest with sepiolite (16.6%) and active carbon (18.5%). When incubated together, vitamin D was not adsorbed by any MTB. Vitamin E adsorption was highest in bentonite (61.8%) and montmorillonite (50.7%) and lowest in sepiolite (15.4%). Results indicate that the bioavailability of vitamin E, but not that of vitamin D, may be reduced in the presence of MTBs

    Evaluation of the capacity of different mycotoxin binders to adsorb mycotoxins and nutrients among different methodologies

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    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser avaluar la capacitat dels diferents aglutinants de micotoxines per adsorbir micotoxines i nutrients entre diferents metodologies. Durant la tesi es van realitzar dues revisions de la literatura per avaluar l'efic脿cia d'adsorci贸 de diferents aglutinants de micotoxines (MTB) per adsorbir micotoxines. En la primera revisi贸, es van incloure 68 articles d'experiments in vitro de la literatura per avaluar la capacitat de vuit MTB per adsorbir les 6 micotoxines principals. Els resultats van mostrar que la capacitat d'adsorci贸 de micotoxines era la m茅s alta per al carb贸 actiu i la m茅s baixa pels altres aglutinants. Per les micotoxines, l'adsorci贸 d'aflatoxina va ser la m茅s alta i la del desoxinivalenol la m茅s baixa. Els resultats tamb茅 van mostrar que el pH va afectar la capacitat d'adsorci贸 de la paret cel路lular del llevat entre les MTB i l'adsorci贸 d'ocratoxina i zearalenona entre les micotoxines. La segona revisi贸, va consistir en una metaan脿lisi de xarxa que inclo茂a 28 articles que avaluaven l'efic脿cia de MTB per reduir els 铆ndexs d'aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) a la llet despr茅s d'un desafiament amb aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) en vaques lleteres. Els resultats van mostrar que la bentonita tenia la capacitat m茅s alta per reduir els 铆ndexs de llet AFM1 i la paret cel路lular de llevat la m茅s baixa. A continuaci贸, es van realitzar tres experiments per avaluar la capacitat de la MTB per adsorbir nutrients. En els experiments 1 i 2, es van realitzar proves in vitro per avaluar la capacitat de 6 MTB per adsorbir 3 amino脿cids, 4 vitamines hidrosolubles i 3 vitamines liposolubles. Els estudis in vitro van consistir en la preparaci贸 d'un tamp贸 d'incubaci贸 adaptat de Lemke et al. (2001) on els substrats es van incubar per separat i junts. L'adsorci贸 mitjana d'AA quan es va incubar per separat va ser del 44% amb l'adsorci贸 m茅s alta per a la clinoptilolita, i l'adsorci贸 es va reduir al 20% quan s'incubava juntament amb la m茅s alta adsorci贸 per a la montmorillonita. La mitjana d'adsorci贸 de vitamines quan s'incuben per separat va ser la m茅s alta adsorci贸 per a la montmorillonita (35%), i l'adsorci贸 va augmentar fins al 46% quan les vitamines es van incubar juntament amb l'adsorci贸 m茅s alta per a la montmorillonita. La taxa de recuperaci贸 de vitamines liposolubles va ser alta per a la vitamina D i E, per貌 baixa per a la vitamina A, cosa que va limitar el seu 煤s per a la prova d'uni贸. Quan les vitamines liposolubles es van incubar per separat, la vitamina D nom茅s va ser adsorbida per YCW. L'adsorci贸 de vitamina E va ser m茅s alta per a la bentonita i la montmorillonita, i la m茅s baixa per a la sepiolita i el carb贸 activat. Quan es van incubar junts, la vitamina D no va ser adsorbida per cap MTB, i l'adsorci贸 de vitamina E va ser m茅s alta per a la bentonita i la montmorillonita, i la m茅s baixa per a la sepiolita. A l'experiment 3, es van utilitzar sis vaques Holstein canulades en un disseny creuat amb dos tractaments, una dieta de control amb o sense montmorillonita. Les vitamines solubles en aigua es van infondre individualment a l'abom脿s a trav茅s de la c脿nula ruminal i es van recollir mostres de sang per estudiar la din脿mica de les seves concentracions plasm脿tiques. No es van observar difer猫ncies en la concentraci贸 basal, el temps a la concentraci贸 m脿xima, la concentraci贸 m脿xima i l'脿rea sota la corba de vitamina A i B6. Les concentracions plasm脿tiques de vitamines D, E i B1 no van tenir pics de concentraci贸 i no es van veure afectades per la suplementaci贸 de montmorillonita.El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar la capacidad de diferentes adsorbentes de micotoxinas para adsorber micotoxinas y nutrientes entre diferentes metodolog铆as. Se realizaron dos revisiones de literatura durante la tesis para evaluar la eficacia de adsorci贸n de diferentes adsorbentes de micotoxinas (MTB) para adsorber micotoxinas. En la primera revisi贸n, se incluyeron 68 art铆culos de experimentos in vitro de la literatura para evaluar la capacidad de ocho MTB para adsorber las 6 micotoxinas principales. Los resultados mostraron que la capacidad de adsorci贸n de micotoxinas fue la m谩s alta para el carb贸n activado y la m谩s baja para los otros aglutinantes. Para las micotoxinas, la adsorci贸n de aflatoxina fue la m谩s alta y la de deoxinivalenona la m谩s baja. Los resultados tambi茅n mostraron que el pH afect贸 la capacidad de adsorci贸n de la pared celular de levadura entre MTB y la adsorci贸n de ocratoxina y zearalenona entre micotoxinas. La segunda revisi贸n consisti贸 en un metaan谩lisis en red que incluy贸 28 art铆culos que evaluaron la eficacia de MTB para reducir los 铆ndices de aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) en la leche despu茅s de un desaf铆o con aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) en vacas lecheras. Los resultados mostraron que la bentonita ten铆a la capacidad m谩s alta para reducir los 铆ndices de leche de AFM1 y la pared celular de la levadura la m谩s baja. A continuaci贸n, se realizaron tres experimentos para evaluar la capacidad de MTB para adsorber nutrientes. En el experimento 1 y 2 se realizaron pruebas in vitro para evaluar la capacidad de 6 MTB para adsorber 3 amino谩cidos, 4 vitaminas hidrosolubles y 3 liposolubles. Los estudios in vitro consistieron en la preparaci贸n de un tamp贸n de incubaci贸n adaptado de Lemke et al. (2001) donde los sustratos se incubaron juntos y por separado. La adsorci贸n promedio de AA cuando se incub贸 por separado fue del 44 % con la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para clinoptilolita, y la adsorci贸n se redujo al 20 % cuando se incub贸 junto con la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para montmorillonita. El promedio de adsorci贸n de las vitaminas cuando se incubaron por separado fue la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para la montmorillonita (35 %), y la adsorci贸n aument贸 al 46 % cuando las vitaminas se incubaron junto con la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para la montmorillonita. La tasa de recuperaci贸n de las vitaminas liposolubles fue alta para la vitamina D y E, pero baja para la vitamina A, lo que limit贸 su uso para la prueba de uni贸n. Cuando las vitaminas liposolubles se incubaron por separado, la vitamina D solo fue adsorbida por YCW. La adsorci贸n de vitamina E fue m谩s alta para bentonita y montmorillonita, y m谩s baja para sepiolita y carb贸n activado. Cuando se incubaron juntas, la vitamina D no fue adsorbida por ninguna MTB, y la adsorci贸n de vitamina E fue m谩s alta para bentonita y montmorillonita, y m谩s baja para sepiolita. En el experimento 3 se utilizaron seis vacas Holstein canuladas en un dise帽o cruzado con dos tratamientos, una dieta control con o sin montmorillonita. Las vitaminas hidrosolubles se infundieron individualmente en el abomaso a trav茅s de la c谩nula ruminal y se recolectaron muestras de sangre para estudiar la din谩mica de sus concentraciones plasm谩ticas. No se observaron diferencias en la concentraci贸n basal, el tiempo de concentraci贸n m谩xima, la concentraci贸n m谩xima y el 谩rea bajo la curva de vitamina A y B6. Las concentraciones plasm谩ticas de vitaminas D, E y B1 no tuvieron picos de concentraci贸n y no se vieron afectadas por la suplementaci贸n con montmorillonita. Los resultados de este estudio no muestran evidencia de que la montmorillonita afectara la biodisponibilidad de las vitaminas A y B6 in vivo.The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the capacity of different mycotoxin binders to adsorb mycotoxins and nutrients among different methodologies. Two literature reviews were conducted during the thesis to evaluate the adsorption efficacy of different mycotoxin binders (MTB) to adsorb mycotoxins. In the first review, 68 papers of in vitro experiments were included from the literature to evaluate the capacity of eight MTB to adsorb the 6 major mycotoxins. Results showed that the mycotoxin adsorption capacity was the highest for activated carbon and lowest for the other binders. For mycotoxins, the adsorption of aflatoxin was the highest and that of deoxynivalenol the lowest. Results also showed that pH affected the adsorption capacity of yeast cell wall among MTB, and the adsorption of ochratoxin and zearalenone among mycotoxins. The second review, consisted on a network meta-analysis that included 28 papers evaluating the efficacy of MTB to reduce aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) indexes in milk after an aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) challenge in dairy cows. Results showed that bentonite had the highest capacity to reduce AFM1 milk indexes and yeast cell wall the lowest. In continuation, three experiments were conducted to evaluate the capacity of MTB to adsorb nutrients. In experiment 1 and 2, in vitro tests were conducted to assess the capacity of 6 MTB to adsorb 3 amino acids, 4 water-soluble and 3 fat-soluble vitamins. The in vitro studies consisted of the preparation of an incubation buffer adapted from Lemke et al. (2001) where substrates were incubated separately and together. The average adsorption of AA when incubated separately was 44% with the highest adsorption for clinoptilolite, and the adsorption was reduced to 20% when incubated together with the highest adsorption for montmorillonite. The adsorption average of vitamins when incubated separately was the highest adsorption for montmorillonite (35%), and the adsorption increased to 46% when vitamins were incubated together with the highest adsorption for montmorillonite. The recovery rate of fat-soluble vitamins was high for vitamin D and E, but low for vitamin A which limited its use for the binding test. When fat-soluble vitamins were incubated separately, vitamin D was only adsorbed by YCW. Vitamin E adsorption was highest for bentonite and montmorillonite, and lowest for sepiolite and activated carbon. When incubated together, vitamin D was not adsorbed by any MTB, and vitamin E adsorption was highest for bentonite and montmorillonite, and lowest for sepiolite. In experiment 3, six cannulated Holstein cows were used in a crossover design with two treatments, a control diet with or without montmorillonite. Water-soluble vitamins were infused individually into the abomasum through the ruminal cannula and blood samples were collected to study the dynamics of their plasma concentrations. No differences were observed in the basal concentration, the time at maximal concentration, the maximal concentration and the area under the curve of vitamin A and B6. Plasma concentrations of vitamins D, E and B1 had no concentration peaks, and were not affected by montmorillonite supplementation. Results of this study do not show evidence that montmorillonite affected the bioavailability of vitamins A and B6 in vivo. In contrast to in vitro studies, in vivo studies do not confirm the capacity of montmorillonite to adsorb nutrients. However, it was not clear if the plasma vitamin concentrations were an adequate marker of bioavailability, and/or the dose of vitamins or the length of treatments was sufficient to elicit a response

    Evaluation of the capacity of different mycotoxin binders to adsorb mycotoxins and nutrients among different methodologies

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    L鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檃questa tesi va ser avaluar la capacitat dels diferents aglutinants de micotoxines per adsorbir micotoxines i nutrients entre diferents metodologies. Durant la tesi es van realitzar dues revisions de la literatura per avaluar l鈥檈fic脿cia d鈥檃dsorci贸 de diferents aglutinants de micotoxines (MTB) per adsorbir micotoxines. En la primera revisi贸, es van incloure 68 articles d鈥檈xperiments in vitro de la literatura per avaluar la capacitat de vuit MTB per adsorbir les 6 micotoxines principals. Els resultats van mostrar que la capacitat d鈥檃dsorci贸 de micotoxines era la m茅s alta per al carb贸 actiu i la m茅s baixa pels altres aglutinants. Per les micotoxines, l鈥檃dsorci贸 d鈥檃flatoxina va ser la m茅s alta i la del desoxinivalenol la m茅s baixa. Els resultats tamb茅 van mostrar que el pH va afectar la capacitat d鈥檃dsorci贸 de la paret cel路lular del llevat entre les MTB i l鈥檃dsorci贸 d鈥檕cratoxina i zearalenona entre les micotoxines. La segona revisi贸, va consistir en una metaan脿lisi de xarxa que inclo茂a 28 articles que avaluaven l鈥檈fic脿cia de MTB per reduir els 铆ndexs d鈥檃flatoxina M1 (AFM1) a la llet despr茅s d鈥檜n desafiament amb aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) en vaques lleteres. Els resultats van mostrar que la bentonita tenia la capacitat m茅s alta per reduir els 铆ndexs de llet AFM1 i la paret cel路lular de llevat la m茅s baixa. A continuaci贸, es van realitzar tres experiments per avaluar la capacitat de la MTB per adsorbir nutrients. En els experiments 1 i 2, es van realitzar proves in vitro per avaluar la capacitat de 6 MTB per adsorbir 3 amino脿cids, 4 vitamines hidrosolubles i 3 vitamines liposolubles. Els estudis in vitro van consistir en la preparaci贸 d鈥檜n tamp贸 d鈥檌ncubaci贸 adaptat de Lemke et al. (2001) on els substrats es van incubar per separat i junts. L鈥檃dsorci贸 mitjana d鈥橝A quan es va incubar per separat va ser del 44% amb l鈥檃dsorci贸 m茅s alta per a la clinoptilolita, i l鈥檃dsorci贸 es va reduir al 20% quan s鈥檌ncubava juntament amb la m茅s alta adsorci贸 per a la montmorillonita. La mitjana d鈥檃dsorci贸 de vitamines quan s鈥檌ncuben per separat va ser la m茅s alta adsorci贸 per a la montmorillonita (35%), i l鈥檃dsorci贸 va augmentar fins al 46% quan les vitamines es van incubar juntament amb l鈥檃dsorci贸 m茅s alta per a la montmorillonita. La taxa de recuperaci贸 de vitamines liposolubles va ser alta per a la vitamina D i E, per貌 baixa per a la vitamina A, cosa que va limitar el seu 煤s per a la prova d鈥檜ni贸. Quan les vitamines liposolubles es van incubar per separat, la vitamina D nom茅s va ser adsorbida per YCW. L鈥檃dsorci贸 de vitamina E va ser m茅s alta per a la bentonita i la montmorillonita, i la m茅s baixa per a la sepiolita i el carb贸 activat. Quan es van incubar junts, la vitamina D no va ser adsorbida per cap MTB, i l鈥檃dsorci贸 de vitamina E va ser m茅s alta per a la bentonita i la montmorillonita, i la m茅s baixa per a la sepiolita. A l鈥檈xperiment 3, es van utilitzar sis vaques Holstein canulades en un disseny creuat amb dos tractaments, una dieta de control amb o sense montmorillonita. Les vitamines solubles en aigua es van infondre individualment a l鈥檃bom脿s a trav茅s de la c脿nula ruminal i es van recollir mostres de sang per estudiar la din脿mica de les seves concentracions plasm脿tiques. No es van observar difer猫ncies en la concentraci贸 basal, el temps a la concentraci贸 m脿xima, la concentraci贸 m脿xima i l鈥櫭爎ea sota la corba de vitamina A i B6. Les concentracions plasm脿tiques de vitamines D, E i B1 no van tenir pics de concentraci贸 i no es van veure afectades per la suplementaci贸 de montmorillonita.El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar la capacidad de diferentes adsorbentes de micotoxinas para adsorber micotoxinas y nutrientes entre diferentes metodolog铆as. Se realizaron dos revisiones de literatura durante la tesis para evaluar la eficacia de adsorci贸n de diferentes adsorbentes de micotoxinas (MTB) para adsorber micotoxinas. En la primera revisi贸n, se incluyeron 68 art铆culos de experimentos in vitro de la literatura para evaluar la capacidad de ocho MTB para adsorber las 6 micotoxinas principales. Los resultados mostraron que la capacidad de adsorci贸n de micotoxinas fue la m谩s alta para el carb贸n activado y la m谩s baja para los otros aglutinantes. Para las micotoxinas, la adsorci贸n de aflatoxina fue la m谩s alta y la de deoxinivalenona la m谩s baja. Los resultados tambi茅n mostraron que el pH afect贸 la capacidad de adsorci贸n de la pared celular de levadura entre MTB y la adsorci贸n de ocratoxina y zearalenona entre micotoxinas. La segunda revisi贸n consisti贸 en un metaan谩lisis en red que incluy贸 28 art铆culos que evaluaron la eficacia de MTB para reducir los 铆ndices de aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) en la leche despu茅s de un desaf铆o con aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) en vacas lecheras. Los resultados mostraron que la bentonita ten铆a la capacidad m谩s alta para reducir los 铆ndices de leche de AFM1 y la pared celular de la levadura la m谩s baja. A continuaci贸n, se realizaron tres experimentos para evaluar la capacidad de MTB para adsorber nutrientes. En el experimento 1 y 2 se realizaron pruebas in vitro para evaluar la capacidad de 6 MTB para adsorber 3 amino谩cidos, 4 vitaminas hidrosolubles y 3 liposolubles. Los estudios in vitro consistieron en la preparaci贸n de un tamp贸n de incubaci贸n adaptado de Lemke et al. (2001) donde los sustratos se incubaron juntos y por separado. La adsorci贸n promedio de AA cuando se incub贸 por separado fue del 44 % con la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para clinoptilolita, y la adsorci贸n se redujo al 20 % cuando se incub贸 junto con la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para montmorillonita. El promedio de adsorci贸n de las vitaminas cuando se incubaron por separado fue la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para la montmorillonita (35 %), y la adsorci贸n aument贸 al 46 % cuando las vitaminas se incubaron junto con la adsorci贸n m谩s alta para la montmorillonita. La tasa de recuperaci贸n de las vitaminas liposolubles fue alta para la vitamina D y E, pero baja para la vitamina A, lo que limit贸 su uso para la prueba de uni贸n. Cuando las vitaminas liposolubles se incubaron por separado, la vitamina D solo fue adsorbida por YCW. La adsorci贸n de vitamina E fue m谩s alta para bentonita y montmorillonita, y m谩s baja para sepiolita y carb贸n activado. Cuando se incubaron juntas, la vitamina D no fue adsorbida por ninguna MTB, y la adsorci贸n de vitamina E fue m谩s alta para bentonita y montmorillonita, y m谩s baja para sepiolita. En el experimento 3 se utilizaron seis vacas Holstein canuladas en un dise帽o cruzado con dos tratamientos, una dieta control con o sin montmorillonita. Las vitaminas hidrosolubles se infundieron individualmente en el abomaso a trav茅s de la c谩nula ruminal y se recolectaron muestras de sangre para estudiar la din谩mica de sus concentraciones plasm谩ticas. No se observaron diferencias en la concentraci贸n basal, el tiempo de concentraci贸n m谩xima, la concentraci贸n m谩xima y el 谩rea bajo la curva de vitamina A y B6. Las concentraciones plasm谩ticas de vitaminas D, E y B1 no tuvieron picos de concentraci贸n y no se vieron afectadas por la suplementaci贸n con montmorillonita. Los resultados de este estudio no muestran evidencia de que la montmorillonita afectara la biodisponibilidad de las vitaminas A y B6 in vivo.The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the capacity of different mycotoxin binders to adsorb mycotoxins and nutrients among different methodologies. Two literature reviews were conducted during the thesis to evaluate the adsorption efficacy of different mycotoxin binders (MTB) to adsorb mycotoxins. In the first review, 68 papers of in vitro experiments were included from the literature to evaluate the capacity of eight MTB to adsorb the 6 major mycotoxins. Results showed that the mycotoxin adsorption capacity was the highest for activated carbon and lowest for the other binders. For mycotoxins, the adsorption of aflatoxin was the highest and that of deoxynivalenol the lowest. Results also showed that pH affected the adsorption capacity of yeast cell wall among MTB, and the adsorption of ochratoxin and zearalenone among mycotoxins. The second review, consisted on a network meta-analysis that included 28 papers evaluating the efficacy of MTB to reduce aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) indexes in milk after an aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) challenge in dairy cows. Results showed that bentonite had the highest capacity to reduce AFM1 milk indexes and yeast cell wall the lowest. In continuation, three experiments were conducted to evaluate the capacity of MTB to adsorb nutrients. In experiment 1 and 2, in vitro tests were conducted to assess the capacity of 6 MTB to adsorb 3 amino acids, 4 water-soluble and 3 fat-soluble vitamins. The in vitro studies consisted of the preparation of an incubation buffer adapted from Lemke et al. (2001) where substrates were incubated separately and together. The average adsorption of AA when incubated separately was 44% with the highest adsorption for clinoptilolite, and the adsorption was reduced to 20% when incubated together with the highest adsorption for montmorillonite. The adsorption average of vitamins when incubated separately was the highest adsorption for montmorillonite (35%), and the adsorption increased to 46% when vitamins were incubated together with the highest adsorption for montmorillonite. The recovery rate of fat-soluble vitamins was high for vitamin D and E, but low for vitamin A which limited its use for the binding test. When fat-soluble vitamins were incubated separately, vitamin D was only adsorbed by YCW. Vitamin E adsorption was highest for bentonite and montmorillonite, and lowest for sepiolite and activated carbon. When incubated together, vitamin D was not adsorbed by any MTB, and vitamin E adsorption was highest for bentonite and montmorillonite, and lowest for sepiolite. In experiment 3, six cannulated Holstein cows were used in a crossover design with two treatments, a control diet with or without montmorillonite. Water-soluble vitamins were infused individually into the abomasum through the ruminal cannula and blood samples were collected to study the dynamics of their plasma concentrations. No differences were observed in the basal concentration, the time at maximal concentration, the maximal concentration and the area under the curve of vitamin A and B6. Plasma concentrations of vitamins D, E and B1 had no concentration peaks, and were not affected by montmorillonite supplementation. Results of this study do not show evidence that montmorillonite affected the bioavailability of vitamins A and B6 in vivo. In contrast to in vitro studies, in vivo studies do not confirm the capacity of montmorillonite to adsorb nutrients. However, it was not clear if the plasma vitamin concentrations were an adequate marker of bioavailability, and/or the dose of vitamins or the length of treatments was sufficient to elicit a response.Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Producci贸 Anima

    Effect of Diet Supplementation with the Mycotoxin Binder Montmorillonite on the Bioavailability of Vitamins in Dairy Cows

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the mycotoxin binder montmorillonite (MMT) supplemented in the diet of dairy cows on the bioavailability of vitamins A, D, E, B1 and B6. Six multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows were used in a crossover design with two periods. Treatments were a control diet with or without MMT. Vitamins were infused individually into the abomasum through the ruminal cannula. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 h after the administration of each vitamin. Results showed that vitamin A reached maximal concentration (Tmax) at 5.3 h after dosing, the maximal concentration (Cmax) was 1.2 times higher than the basal concentration (Cbasal), and the area under the curve (AUC) was 739 arbitrary units. Vitamin B6 reached the Tmax at 13 h after dosing, the Cmax was 1.4 times higher than the Cbasal, and the AUC was 222 arbitrary units. No differences were observed in Cbasal, Tmax, Cmax and AUC of vitamin A and B6 between control vs. MMT-supplemented cows. Plasma concentrations of vitamins D, E and B1 had no concentration peaks, and were not affected by MMT addition. The lack of a response suggests that their plasma concentration may be tightly regulated. Results of this study do not show evidence that MMT affects the bioavailability of vitamins A and B6 in vivo