23 research outputs found

    Unmasking histoplasmosis immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in a patient recently started on antiretroviral therapy

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    Histoplasmosis is the most common endemic mycoses among HIV-infected people. Patients with suppressed cell immunity mainly due to HIV are at increased risk of disseminated disease. Dermatological manifestations of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and cutaneous manifestations of histoplasmosis similar to an IRIS event have been previously described. We report the case of a 43-year-old male who presented with cutaneous disseminated histoplasmosis due to Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum 4 months after the onset of the antiretroviral therapy and some improvement in the immune reconstitution. After 2 weeks of amphotericin B and itraconazole therapy, the scheduled treatment involved fluconazole maintenance therapy, which resulted in an improvement of his skin lesion

    Unmasking histoplasmosis immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in a patient recently started on antiretroviral therapy

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    Histoplasmosis is the most common endemic mycoses among HIV-infected people. Patients with suppressed cell immunity mainly due to HIV are at increased risk of disseminated disease. Dermatological manifestations of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and cutaneous manifestations of histoplasmosis similar to an IRIS event have been previously described. We report the case of a 43-year-old male who presented with cutaneous disseminated histoplasmosis due to Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum 4 months after the onset of the antiretroviral therapy and some improvement in the immune reconstitution. After 2 weeks of amphotericin B and itraconazole therapy, the scheduled treatment involved fluconazole maintenance therapy, which resulted in an improvement of his skin lesion

    Addressing gaps in AMR awareness in the public: an evidence-based policy brief to guide school curriculum review in Uganda

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    The government of Uganda, through its Ministry of Health, previously adopted curriculum review as a mechanism to respond to public health threats such as HIV/AIDS and include content in primary and secondary schools. This approach contributes to raising public awareness, a key strategy recommended by the World Health Organization to support the global response to the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This policy brief, developed for policymakers related to school curricula, aims to advocate for and support integration of AMR content in Uganda's primary and secondary level school curricula. The policy brief supports efforts by the multisectoral National AMR Subcommittee to create awareness on this issue as part of its role in facilitating the operationalization of Uganda's National Action Plan on AMR

    Antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance and antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Africa from 2001 to 2020: A mini-review

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), compromising gonorrhea treatment, is a global public health concern. Improved, quality-assured NG AMR monitoring at the global level is essential. This mini-review examined NG AMR susceptibility surveillance and AMR data from the African continent from 2001 to 2020. Eligible peer-reviewed publications (n = 30) containing NG AMR data for antimicrobials currently recommended for gonorrhea treatment were included. Overall, very limited NG surveillance and AMR data was available. Furthermore, the NG AMR surveillance studies varied greatly regarding surveillance protocols (e.g., populations and samples tested, sample size, antimicrobials examined), methodologies (e.g., antimicrobial susceptibility testing method [agar dilution, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) gradient strip test, disc diffusion test] and interpretative criteria), and quality assurance (internal quality controls, external quality assessments [EQA], and verification of AMR detected). Moreover, most studies examined a suboptimal number of NG isolates, i.e., less than the WHO Global Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (GASP) and WHO Enhanced GASP (EGASP) recommendations of ≥100 isolates per setting and year. The notable inter-study variability and frequently small sample sizes make appropriate inter-study and inter-country comparisons of AMR data difficult. In conclusion, it is imperative to establish an enhanced, standardized and quality-assured NG AMR surveillance, ideally including patient metadata and genome sequencing as in WHO EGASP, in Africa, the region with the highest gonorrhea incidence globally. This will enable the monitoring of AMR trends, detection of emerging AMR, and timely refinements of national and international gonorrhea treatment guidelines. To achieve this aim, national and international leadership, political and financial commitments are imperative

    Symptomatic Cryptococcal Antigenemia Presenting as Early Cryptococcal Meningitis With Negative Cerebral Spinal Fluid Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals with cryptococcal antigenemia are at high risk of developing cryptococcal meningitis if untreated. The progression and timing from asymptomatic infection to cryptococcal meningitis is unclear. We describe a subpopulation of individuals with neurologic symptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia but negative cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) studies. METHODS: We evaluated 1201 human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive individuals hospitalized with suspected meningitis in Kampala and Mbarara, Uganda. Baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of participants with neurologic-symptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia and negative CSF cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) were compared to participants with confirmed CSF CrAg+ cryptococcal meningitis. Additional CSF testing included microscopy, fungal culture, bacterial culture, tuberculosis culture, multiplex FilmArray polymerase chain reaction (PCR; Biofire), and Xpert MTB/Rif. RESULTS: We found 56% (671/1201) of participants had confirmed CSF CrAg+ cryptococcal meningitis and 4% (54/1201) had neurologic symptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia with negative CSF CrAg. Of those with negative CSF CrAg, 9% (5/54) had Cryptococcus isolated on CSF culture (n = 3) or PCR (n = 2) and 11% (6/54) had confirmed tuberculous meningitis. CSF CrAg-negative patients had lower proportions with CSF pleocytosis (16% vs 26% with ≥5 white cells/μL) and CSF opening pressure >200 mmH2O (16% vs 71%) compared with CSF CrAg-positive patients. No cases of bacterial or viral meningitis were detected by CSF PCR or culture. In-hospital mortality was similar between symptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia (32%) and cryptococcal meningitis (31%; P = .91). CONCLUSIONS: Cryptococcal antigenemia with meningitis symptoms was the third most common meningitis etiology. We postulate this is early cryptococcal meningoencephalitis. Fluconazole monotherapy was suboptimal despite Cryptococcus-negative CSF. Further studies are warranted to understand the clinical course and optimal management of this distinct entity. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: NCT01802385

    Ten golden rules for optimal antibiotic use in hospital settings: the WARNING call to action

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    Antibiotics are recognized widely for their benefits when used appropriately. However, they are often used inappropriately despite the importance of responsible use within good clinical practice. Effective antibiotic treatment is an essential component of universal healthcare, and it is a global responsibility to ensure appropriate use. Currently, pharmaceutical companies have little incentive to develop new antibiotics due to scientific, regulatory, and financial barriers, further emphasizing the importance of appropriate antibiotic use. To address this issue, the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery established an international multidisciplinary task force of 295 experts from 115 countries with different backgrounds. The task force developed a position statement called WARNING (Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance National/International Network Group) aimed at raising awareness of antimicrobial resistance and improving antibiotic prescribing practices worldwide. The statement outlined is 10 axioms, or “golden rules,” for the appropriate use of antibiotics that all healthcare workers should consistently adhere in clinical practice

    Point Prevalence Survey of Antibiotic Use across 13 Hospitals in Uganda

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    Standardized monitoring of antibiotic use underpins the effective implementation of antimicrobial stewardship interventions in combatting antimicrobial resistance (AMR). To date, few studies have assessed antibiotic use in hospitals in Uganda to identify gaps that require intervention. This study applied the World Health Organization’s standardized point prevalence survey methodology to assess antibiotic use in 13 public and private not-for-profit hospitals across the country. Data for 1077 patients and 1387 prescriptions were collected between December 2020 and April 2021 and analyzed to understand the characteristics of antibiotic use and the prevalence of the types of antibiotics to assess compliance with Uganda Clinical Guidelines; and classify antibiotics according to the WHO Access, Watch, and Reserve classification. This study found that 74% of patients were on one or more antibiotics. Compliance with Uganda Clinical Guidelines was low (30%); Watch-classified antibiotics were used to a high degree (44% of prescriptions), mainly driven by the wide use of ceftriaxone, which was the most frequently used antibiotic (37% of prescriptions). The results of this study identify key areas for the improvement of antimicrobial stewardship in Uganda and are important benchmarks for future evaluations

    Unmasking cryptococcal meningitis immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in pregnancy induced by HIV antiretroviral therapy with postpartum paradoxical exacerbation

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    Cryptococcosis is the most common cause of meningitis in Africa due to the high burden of HIV. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is a frequent and deadly complication of cryptococcal meningitis. We report a fatal case of cryptococcal-IRIS in a pregnant woman that began after starting antiretroviral therapy (unmasking IRIS) and markedly worsened postpartum after delivery (paradoxical IRIS)

    What is the appropriate antimicrobial use surveillance tool at the health facility level for Uganda and other low- and middle-income countries?

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    ABSTRACT: Background: An appropriate antimicrobial use (AMU) surveillance system provides critical data and evidence on which antimicrobial stewardship interventions are based. However, Uganda and most other low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) lack efficient systems for monitoring AMU due to unique health system challenges. Methods: We reviewed the key tools available for AMU surveillance in health facilities. Based on our implementation experience, we present arguments on the need for country authorities to adapt a customized and standardized tool for national uses. Results: Despite ongoing efforts to set up AMU surveillance programs in Uganda, AMU data remain sparse, with most of the available data collected through antimicrobial stewardship related continuous quality improvement efforts implemented by global AMR control programs. There is variability in the interpretation of available AMU surveillance tools and a need to identify the most appropriate AMU surveillance methodologies and tools for Uganda and other LMICs. Data fields for sex and gender are incorrectly categorized and there is no tool that records pregnancy variable. Based on the past four years of practical implementation experience since the launch of the World Health Organization's Point Prevalence Survey methodology in 2018 for inpatient settings, we believe that the tool should be modified in cognizance of existing capacity and priorities in resource-constrained settings. Conclusions: The World Health Organization, regional experts, ministry of health authorities, and other stakeholders should urgently review available tools with a view to adopting a customized and standardized facility AMU surveillance methodology suitable for national-level rollout in LMICs