460 research outputs found

    Crosstalk Between Staphylococcus aureus and Innate Immunity: Focus on Immunometabolism

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of bacterial infections globally in both healthcare and community settings. The success of this bacterium is the product of an expansive repertoire of virulence factors in combination with acquired antibiotic resistance and propensity for biofilm formation. S. aureus leverages these factors to adapt to and subvert the host immune response. With the burgeoning field of immunometabolism, it has become clear that the metabolic program of leukocytes dictates their inflammatory status and overall effectiveness in clearing an infection. The metabolic flexibility of S. aureus offers an inherent means by which the pathogen could manipulate the infection milieu to promote its survival. The exact metabolic pathways that S. aureus influences in leukocytes are not entirely understood, and more work is needed to understand how S. aureus co-opts leukocyte metabolism to gain an advantage. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge concerning how metabolic biases dictate the pro- vs. anti-inflammatory attributes of various innate immune populations, how S. aureus metabolism influences leukocyte activation, and compare this with other bacterial pathogens. A better understanding of the metabolic crosstalk between S. aureus and leukocytes may unveil novel therapeutic strategies to combat these devastating infections

    Intralysosomal accumulation of polyanions. I. Fusion of pinocytic and phagocytic vacuoles with secondary lysosomes

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    The long-term exposure of macrophages to low concentrations of a number of polyanions leads to their accumulation in high concentration within secondary lysosomes. This was associated with enlargement of the lysosomes, the presence of membranous whorls, and intense toluidine blue staining of the organelles at pH 1.0. After the ingestion of a particulate load by these cells, newly formed phagocytic vacuoles failed to fuse with polyanion-laden lysosomes. The lack of fusion was evident in both fluorescence and electron micrographic studies which followed the transfer of acridine orange or Thorotrast from 2° lysosomes to phagosomes. Agents that inhibited phagosome-lysosome (P-L) fusion included molecules containing high densities of sulfate, sulfonate, or carboxylate residues. Dextran sulfate (DS) in µg/ml quantities was an excellent inhibitor, whereas nonsulfated dextran (D) was without effect at 1,000-fold higher concentrations. In contrast to their effects on P-L fusion, polyanions failed to influence the fusion of pinocytic vesicles with 2° lysosomes. The uptake, intravacuolar distribution, and intralysosomal digestion of fluid-phase pinocytic markers were unaltered in lysosomes containing either D or DS. Furthermore, subcellular fractionation studies showed that the fluid-phase pinocytic marker HRP was efficiently transferred from pinosomes to large, dense 2° lysosomes containing DS

    Molecular pathways elicited by Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) signaling during Staphylococcus aureus craniotomy infection

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    A craniotomy is required to access the brain during neurosurgery for tumor resection or epilepsy treatment and despite extensive precautionary measures, infectious complications occur at a frequency of 1-3% (1-3). Approximately half of craniotomy infections are caused by S. aureus, which forms a biofilm on the bone flap. Our laboratory has developed a mouse model of S. aureus craniotomy-associated biofilm infection that shares important ultrastructural and MRI attributes with human disease (4). Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) is expressed by cells of the innate immune system and is critical for recognizing pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) in the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria, such as S. aureus. Recent studies have shown that TLR2 is critical for S. aureus containment during craniotomy infection, in that TLR2 knockout (KO) mice displayed increased bacterial burden in the brain, galea, and bone flap during acute and chronic infection (days 3 and 14, respectively)(5). Cytokine and chemokine expression was dramatically reduced in TLR2 KO mice which did not coincide with a decrease in leukocyte infiltrates in the brain or galea. This suggested that S. aureus outgrowth in the context of TLR2 deficiency is not the result of altered leukocyte recruitment, but instead due to defects in their activation status. To determine this, RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed on microglia purified from the brain of WT and TLR2 KO mice at either day 3 or 7 post-infection by FACS with the goal of identifying microglial transcripts that are divergent between the two mouse strains (either increased or decreased). RNA-seq revealed Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) 2 and 3 were upregulated in TLR2 KO microglia. This suggests a direct correlation between TLR2, FGFR2 and FGFR3. Since TLR2 KO animals have a bias toward an anti-inflammatory response to infection and the fact that FGFR2 and FGFR3 are upregulated during wound healing or infection, this could be a reason why higher levels are observed in TLR2 KO microglia. FGRF2 and FGRF3 are key regulators of neuronal protection and repair following brain injury/infection. Therefore, microglia may be increasing the expression of these receptors in an effort to control the damage that is occurring in response to the increased bacterial burden in TLR2 KO animals.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/surp2020/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Hiding in Plain Sight: Interplay between Staphylococcal Biofilms and Host Immunity.

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    Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are notable for their propensity to form biofilms on implanted medical devices. Staphylococcal biofilm infections are typified by their recalcitrance to antibiotics and ability to circumvent host immune-mediated clearance, resulting in the establishment of chronic infections that are often recurrent in nature. Indeed, the immunomodulatory lifestyle of biofilms seemingly shapes the host immune response to ensure biofilm engraftment and persistence in an immune competent host. Here, we provide a brief review of the mechanisms whereby S. aureus and S. epidermidis biofilms manipulate host-pathogen interactions and discuss the concept of microenvironment maintenance in infectious outcomes, as well as speculate how these findings pertain to the challenges of staphylococcal vaccine development

    Moving towards effective therapeutic strategies for Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis.

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    The Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are a family of autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorders that annually affect 1:100,000 live births worldwide. This family of diseases results from mutations in one of 14 different genes that share common clinical and pathological etiologies. Clinically, the diseases are subcategorized into infantile, late-infantile, juvenile and adult forms based on their age of onset. Though the disease phenotypes may vary in their age and order of presentation, all typically include progressive visual deterioration and blindness, cognitive impairment, motor deficits and seizures. Pathological hallmarks of NCLs include the accumulation of storage material or ceroid in the lysosome, progressive neuronal degeneration and massive glial activation. Advances have been made in genetic diagnosis and counseling for families. However, comprehensive treatment programs that delay or halt disease progression have been elusive. Current disease management is primarily targeted at controlling the symptoms rather than curing the disease. Recognizing the growing need for transparency and synergistic efforts to move the field forward, this review will provide an overview of the therapeutic approaches currently being pursued in preclinical and clinical trials to treat different forms of NCL as well as provide insight to novel therapeutic approaches in development for the NCLs

    CcpA regulates arginine biosynthesis in Staphylococcus aureus through repression of proline catabolism.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of community-associated and nosocomial infections. Imperative to the success of S. aureus is the ability to adapt and utilize nutrients that are readily available. Genomic sequencing suggests that S. aureus has the genes required for synthesis of all twenty amino acids. However, in vitro experimentation demonstrates that staphylococci have multiple amino acid auxotrophies, including arginine. Although S. aureus possesses the highly conserved anabolic pathway that synthesizes arginine via glutamate, we demonstrate here that inactivation of ccpA facilitates the synthesis of arginine via the urea cycle utilizing proline as a substrate. Mutations within putA, rocD, arcB1, argG and argH abolished the ability of S. aureus JE2 ccpA::tetL to grow in the absence of arginine, whereas an interruption in argJBCF, arcB2, or proC had no effect. Furthermore, nuclear magnetic resonance demonstrated that JE2 ccpA::ermB produced (13)C(5) labeled arginine when grown with (13)C(5) proline. Taken together, these data support the conclusion that S. aureus synthesizes arginine from proline during growth on secondary carbon sources. Furthermore, although highly conserved in all sequenced S. aureus genomes, the arginine anabolic pathway (ArgJBCDFGH) is not functional under in vitro growth conditions. Finally, a mutation in argH attenuated virulence in a mouse kidney abscess model in comparison to wild type JE2 demonstrating the importance of arginine biosynthesis in vivo via the urea cycle. However, mutations in argB, argF, and putA did not attenuate virulence suggesting both the glutamate and proline pathways are active and they, or their pathway intermediates, can complement each other in vivo

    Searching for Novel Biomarkers Using a Mouse Model of CLN3-Batten Disease

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    CLN3-Batten disease is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder involving seizures, visual, motor and cognitive decline, and premature death. The Cln3Δex7/8 mouse model recapitulates several phenotypic characteristics of the most common 1.02kb disease-associated deletion. Identification of reproducible biomarker(s) to facilitate longitudinal monitoring of disease progression and provide readouts for therapeutic response has remained elusive. One factor that has complicated the identification of suitable biomarkers in this mouse model has been that variations in animal husbandry appear to significantly influence readouts. In the current study, we cross-compared a number of biological parameters in blood from Cln3Δex7/8 mice and control, non-disease mice on the same genetic background from multiple animal facilities in an attempt to better define a surrogate marker of CLN3-Batten disease. Interestingly, we found that significant differences between Batten and non-disease mice found at one site were generally not maintained across different facilities. Our results suggest that colony variation in the Cln3Δex7/8 mouse model of CLN3-Batten disease can influence potential biomarkers of the disease