96 research outputs found

    Rotating black holes at future colliders: Greybody factors for brane fields

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    We study theoretical aspects of the rotating black hole production and evaporation in the extra dimension scenarios with TeV scale gravity, within the mass range in which the higher dimensional Kerr solution provides good description. We evaluate the production cross section of black holes taking their angular momenta into account. We find that it becomes larger than the Schwarzschild radius squared, which is conventionally utilized in literature, and our result nicely agrees with the recent numerical study by Yoshino and Nambu within a few percent error for higher dimensional case. In the same approximation to obtain the above result, we find that the production cross section becomes larger for the black hole with larger angular momentum. Second, we derive the generalized Teukolsky equation for spin 0, 1/2 and 1 brane fields in the higher dimensional Kerr geometry and explicitly show that it is separable in any dimensions. For five-dimensional (Randall-Sundrum) black hole, we obtain analytic formulae for the greybody factors in low frequency expansion and we present the power spectra of the Hawking radiation as well as their angular dependence. Phenomenological implications of our result are briefly sketched.Comment: Typo in basic equation corrected; Following calculations and results unchange

    The Dimensions of Smart Architectural Design

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    في ظل التطور التقني التكنولوجي السريع للتكنلوجيا وهيمنته على مفاصل الحياة، ولدت الحاجة الى التصميم الذكي بوصفه حلقة مهمة من حلقات التطور التقني في القرن الحادي والعشرين، ليصبح هذا المفهوم مهيمنا على كافة انواع التصاميم الاخرى ومنها التصميم العمراني بتخصصاته المختلفة كالمعماري والحضري وغيرها، فبرزت الحاجة الى تصميم متعدد الأنظمة يكون قادراً على التعامل مع المشاكل العمرانية وحلها، لذا كان هناك نوعين من التساؤلات التي ادت الى تبلور المشكلة البحثية: السؤال المنتج للمشكلة العامة: نتيجة للتطور السريع وانتشار العلوم التقنية في كل مفاصل الحياة، ما دور الذكاء الصناعي على التصميم العمراني وهل يمكن يمكن ان يكون له ابعاد معيارية؟ السؤال المنتج للمشكلة الخاصة: هل يمكن تتبع وقياس مفهوم المدن الذكية من خلال وضع ابعاد معيارية بالافادة من طروحات المنظر كارمونا [1] في مجال التصميم الحضري؟   ولتسليط الضوء على ابعاد التصميم العمراني الذكي لابد من الاستناد الى ارضية بحثية عالمية تبحث في مفاهيم الذكاء العمراني، فتوجه البحث نحو دراسة مفهوم المدن الذكية والاستدامة والتصميم الحيوي وغيرها وذلك لارتباطها القوي بمفهوم الذكاء من جهة وبمفهوم التصميم العمراني بشقيه المعماري والحضري من جهة اخرى، وكذلك وجود اهتمام حكومي عالمي بهذا الموضوع كماهو الحال عند البرلمان الاوربي على سبيل المثال. منهجية البحث تتخذ من اهم مقومات التصميم العمراني بوصفها من ضروريات التعامل مع المدينة او المنطقة بطريقة شمولية بعيدا عن قراءة العناصر كلاً على حدة كمقدمات او مسلمات يمكن استباط النتائج منها للوصول الى تصميم مناسب لتلك المنطقة. ومن خلال قدرة البحث على استقراء مقومات التصميم العمراني الجيد يمكن انتزاع العلاقة الوثيقة بين تخطيط المدينة وتصميم تراكيبها معماريا. وان جسد المدينة لايعد متكاملاً الا بوجود الفضاءات العامة وان بث الروح فيها لا يتم الا بالاهتمام بصحة شوارعها، فلابد من اشراك الناس في تصميم المدينة وان كان عن طريق استبيان رأيهم عن الفكر التصميمي، على ان تكون هناك عملية جمع لاكبر عدد ممكن من الافكار للوصول الى نوع من الاندماج مع التراكيب العمرانية. لذا يفترض البحث: يمكن تحديد ابعاد التصميم العمراني الذكي على المستوى الحضري من خلال تطوير ابعاد كارمونا Carmona السبعة، لتتوافق مع مفهوم المدن الذكية. لتكون اهداف البحث محددة في امكانية ان يكون الذكاء الصناعي متمثلا بمفهوم المدن الذكية مؤثرا في اعادة صياغة الابعاد التي يقوم عليها مفهوم التصميم العمراني تبعا للنظرية التي جاء بها ماوث كارمونا Matthew Carmona من خلال نظرية تدعو الى التكامل في الابعاد اللازمة للتصميم المعماري والحضري للفضاء الاجتماعي الملائم للانسان. ثم الوصول الى أهم الاستنتاجات ومنها اعتماد مبدا التطور التكنولوجي في التصميم الحضري وانتاج المدن الحديثة لا يعني ان تلغى الابعاد الاساسية في تصميم المدن المعاصرة، كما يمكن القول بأن لا يوجد تعارض بين وجود الابعاد السبعة في التصميم الحضري  والذكاء الاصطناعي لتشكيل مدينة ذكية لها القدرة على خدمة الانسان، يمكن الوصول الى موديل او نموذج تكاملي للمعرفة بين المدينة بأبعاد التصميم الحضري السبعة ومتغيرات الذكاء الصناعي للمدينة الذكية، يمكن تتبع مفهوم المدينة المعاصرة القادرة على تلبية متطلبات المرحلة الزمكانية للمدينة ولكن بدرجات من المقبولية . وهذا لا يعني التخلي عن مقياس اتحاد الاتصالات الدولي ثلاثي الابعاد، لكن يعطي هذا المقياس السباعي نظرة أكثر شمولية وارتباطاً بجميع جوانب المدينة وباسلوب سريع يساعد المصمم والمقيم على حدٍ سواء على الاحاطة الشاملة بجميع الابعاد الممكنة لدراسة المدينة الذكية.In light of the rapid technical technological development of technology and its dominance over the joints of life, the need for intelligent design was born as an important episode of the technological development in the 21st century. This concept became dominant in all other design types, including design with its various disciplines such as architectural design, urban and other. It is capable of dealing with architecture & urban problems and solving them, and it has the ability to study the relationship between architectural buildings and transportation, social and political planning thinking, its relation to the urban and economic aspects, and the provision of safe and easy means of freedom and of the transition between the spaces. And provide special spaces for people to enable them to meet and meet all their social requirements. In order to shed light on the dimensions of smart urban & architectural design, it is necessary to build on a global research ground that explores the concepts of urban intelligence. The research aims to study the concept of smart cities, sustainability, dynamic design, etc., because of its strong association with the concept of intelligence on the one hand and the urban & architectural design concept, Global government interest in this issue as in the European Parliament, for example. One of the most important elements of urban design is the need to deal with the city or region in a comprehensive way away from reading the elements separately to reach a suitable design for that region. A good urban design is the close link between city planning and architectural design. And that the body of the city is not integrated except in the presence of public spaces and to broadcast the spirit is not only interest in the health of its streets, it is necessary to participate people in the design of the city, but through a questionnaire on the opinion of design thought, there should be a collection of as many ideas as possible to reach Type of integration with urban structures. The research presents a research hypothesis that artificial intelligence may be the concept of smart cities, which is influential in rephrasing the dimensions of the concept of urban design according to the theory that came from the Matthew Carmona through a theory that calls for integration in the dimensions required for the architectural and urban design of the social space suitable for man

    Redox properties of biscyclopentadienyl uranium(V) imido-halide complexes: a relativistic DFT study

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    International audienceCalculations of ionization energies (IE) and electron affinities (EA) of a series of biscyclopentadienyl imido-halide uranium(V) complexes Cp*2U(=N-2,6-(i)Pr2-C6H3)(X) with X = F, Cl, Br, and I, related to the U(IV)/U(V) and U(V)/U(VI) redox systems, were carried out, for the first time, using density functional theory (DFT) in the framework of the relativistic zeroth order regular approximation (ZORA) coupled with the conductor-like screening model (COSMO) solvation approach. A very good linear correlation (R(2) = 0.993) was obtained, between calculated ionization energies at the ZORA/BP86/TZP level, and the experimental half-wave oxidation potentials E1/2. A similar linear correlation between the computed electron affinities and the electrochemical reduction U(IV)/U(III) potentials (R(2) = 0.996) is obtained. The importance of solvent effects and of spin-orbit coupling is definitively confirmed. The molecular orbital analysis underlines the crucial role played by the 5f orbitals of the central metal whereas the Nalewajski-Mrozek (N-M) bond indices explain well the bond distances variations following the redox processes. The IE variation of the complexes, i.e., IE(F) < IE(Cl) < IE(Br) < IE(I) is also well rationalized considering the frontier MO diagrams of these species. Finally, this work confirms the relevance of the Hirshfeld charges analysis which bring to light an excellent linear correlation (R(2) = 0.999) between the variations of the uranium charges and E1/2 in the reduction process of the U(V) species

    Road Safety from Cyclist’s Perspective

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    Road safety is an essential design requirement in planning processes of cycling infrastructure. An evaluation criterion for safety are accident statistics, but this criterion lacks reliability with regard to cycling accidents because many accidents are not documented. In addition, an exclusive view of accident statistics only is inadequate because road safety also includes aspects such as objective as well as subjective safety of cyclists. In order to consider the cyclist’s perspective in the planning of cycling facilities, an exploratory study, based on the concept of the Urban Emotions Inititative, was carried out in Augsburg and presented in this contribution. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of cycling infrastructure on the cyclist's stress and the perception of safety. As a result, 1040 stress situations of 26 cyclists were measured over a distance of 5.0 km using biostatistical measurement technology. 347 stress situations refer directly to road infrastructure and perceived safety. In addition, data from traffic and urban planning as well as other self-collected data regarding objective traffic safety were used to assess the cycling infrastructure. The analysis of the study shows that the objective analysis of road infrastructure and the subjective sense of safety of the cyclists are in many cases corresponding. An interesting result was that stress situations can differ in the same types of cycling facilities. A conclusion for stress and perception of safety is that constructive detail is more detached from stress triggers than the type of cycling facilities in general. An important issue is surface design. Bumps, damaged pavement and tram rails are often stressful, especially in combination with other road users. There are no clear differences in the frequency of conflicts between car drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. The number of stressful situations, in which a pedestrian was involved, was slightly predominant. Stress situations were caused through inappropriate use of cycle lanes, problems with orientation, confusing paths and a lack of acceptance of some types of cycle facilities. Base for thiscontribution is the bachelor thesis Road Safety from Cyclists ́ Perspective (Schmidkunz, 2018)