7,843 research outputs found

    Stability in the determination of a time-dependent coefficient for wave equations from partial data

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    We consider the stability in the inverse problem consisting of the determination of a time-dependent coefficient of order zero qq, appearing in a Dirichlet initial-boundary value problem for a wave equation t2uΔu+q(t,x)u=0\partial_t^2u-\Delta u+q(t,x)u=0 in Q=(0,T)×ΩQ=(0,T)\times\Omega with Ω\Omega a C2C^2 bounded domain of Rn\mathbb R^n, n2n\geq2, from partial observations on Q\partial Q. The observation is given by a boundary operator associated to the wave equation. Using suitable complex geometric optics solutions and Carleman estimates, we prove a stability estimate in the determination of qq from the boundary operator

    On the meromorphic continuation of the resolvent for the wave equation with time-periodic perturbation and applications

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    Consider the wave equation t2uΔxu+V(t,x)u=0\partial_t^2u-\Delta_xu+V(t,x)u=0, where xRnx\in\R^n with n3n\geq3 and V(t,x)V(t,x) is TT-periodic in time and decays exponentially in space. Let U(t,0) U(t,0) be the associated propagator and let R(θ)=eD(U(T,0)eiθ)1eDR(\theta)=e^{-D}(U(T,0)-e^{-i\theta})^{-1}e^{-D} be the resolvent of the Floquet operator U(T,0)U(T,0) defined for \im(\theta)>BT with B>0B>0 sufficiently large. We establish a meromorphic continuation of R(θ)R(\theta) from which we deduce the asymptotic expansion of e(D+ϵ)U(t,0)eDfe^{-(D+\epsilon)}U(t,0)e^{-D}f, where fH˙1(Rn)×L2(Rn)f\in \dot{H}^1(\R^n)\times L^2(\R^n), as t+t\to+\infty with a remainder term whose energy decays exponentially when nn is odd and a remainder term whose energy is bounded with respect to tllog(t)mt^l\log(t)^m, with l,mZl,m\in\mathbb Z, when nn is even. Then, assuming that R(θ)R(\theta) has no poles lying in $\{\theta\in\C\ :\ \im(\theta)\geq0\}andisboundedfor and is bounded for \theta\to0,weobtainlocalenergydecayaswellasglobalStrichartzestimatesforthesolutionsof, we obtain local energy decay as well as global Strichartz estimates for the solutions of \partial_t^2u-\Delta_xu+V(t,x)u=F(t,x)$

    Local energy decay in even dimensions for the wave equation with a time-periodic non-trapping metric and applications to Strichartz estimates

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    We obtain local energy decay as well as global Strichartz estimates for the solutions uu of the wave equation $\partial_t^2 u-div_x(a(t,x)\nabla_xu)=0,\ t\in{\R},\ x\in{\R}^n,withtimeperiodicnontrappingmetric with time-periodic non-trapping metric a(t,x)equalto equal to 1outsideacompactsetwithrespectto outside a compact set with respect to x.Wesupposethatthecutoffresolvent. We suppose that the cut-off resolvent R_\chi(\theta)=\chi(\mathcal U(T, 0)-e^{-i\theta})^{-1}\chi,where, where \mathcal U(T, 0)isthemonodromyoperatorand is the monodromy operator and Ttheperiodof the period of a(t,x),admitsanholomorphiccontinuationto, admits an holomorphic continuation to \{\theta\in\mathbb{C}\ :\ \textrm{Im}(\theta) \geq 0\},for, for n \geq 3,odd,andto , odd, and to \{ \theta\in\mathbb C\ :\ \textrm{Im}(\theta)\geq0,\ \theta\neq 2k\pi-i\mu,\ k\in\mathbb{Z},\ \mu\geq0\}for for n \geq4,even,andfor, even, and for n \geq4even even R_\chi(\theta)isboundedinaneighborhoodof is bounded in a neighborhood of \theta=0$