18 research outputs found

    Weak coupling limits in a stochastic model of heat conduction

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    We study the Brownian momentum process, a model of heat conduction, weakly coupled to heat baths. In two different settings of weak coupling to the heat baths, we study the non-equilibrium steady state and its proximity to the local equilibrium measure in terms of the strength of coupling. For three and four site systems, we obtain the two-point correlation function and show it is generically not multilinear.Comment: 18 page

    Weakly Non-Equilibrium Properties of Symmetric Inclusion Process with Open Boundaries

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    We study close to equilibrium properties of the one-dimensional Symmetric Inclusion Process (SIP) by coupling it to two particle-reservoirs at the two boundaries with slightly different chemical potentials. The boundaries introduce irreversibility and induce a weak particle current in the system. We calculate the McLennan ensemble for SIP, which corresponds to the entropy production and the first order non-equilibrium correction for the stationary state. We find that the first order correction is a product measure, and is consistent with the local equilibrium measure corresponding to the steady state density profile.Comment: 17 pages, revise

    Parameter Estimation of Social Forces in Crowd Dynamics Models via a Probabilistic Method

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    Focusing on a specific crowd dynamics situation, including real life experiments and measurements, our paper targets a twofold aim: (1) we present a Bayesian probabilistic method to estimate the value and the uncertainty (in the form of a probability density function) of parameters in crowd dynamic models from the experimental data; and (2) we introduce a fitness measure for the models to classify a couple of model structures (forces) according to their fitness to the experimental data, preparing the stage for a more general model-selection and validation strategy inspired by probabilistic data analysis. Finally, we review the essential aspects of our experimental setup and measurement technique.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Large Deviations in Stochastic Heat-Conduction Processes Provide a Gradient-Flow Structure for Heat Conduction

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    We consider three one-dimensional continuous-time Markov processes on a lattice, each of which models the conduction of heat: the family of Brownian Energy Processes with parameter mm, a Generalized Brownian Energy Process, and the Kipnis-Marchioro-Presutti process. The hydrodynamic limit of each of these three processes is a parabolic equation, the linear heat equation in the case of the BEP(m)(m) and the KMP, and a nonlinear heat equation for the GBEP(aa). We prove the hydrodynamic limit rigorously for the BEP(m)(m), and give a formal derivation for the GBEP(aa). We then formally derive the pathwise large-deviation rate functional for the empirical measure of the three processes. These rate functionals imply gradient-flow structures for the limiting linear and nonlinear heat equations. We contrast these gradient-flow structures with those for processes describing the diffusion of mass, most importantly the class of Wasserstein gradient-flow systems. The linear and nonlinear heat-equation gradient-flow structures are each driven by entropy terms of the form logρ-\log \rho; they involve dissipation or mobility terms of order ρ2\rho^2 for the linear heat equation, and a nonlinear function of ρ\rho for the nonlinear heat equation.Comment: 29 page

    Condensation in the inclusion process and related models

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    We study condensation in several particle systems related to the inclusion process. For an asymmetric one-dimensional version with closed boundary conditions and drift to the right, we show that all but a finite number of particles condense on the right-most site. This is extended to a general result for independent random variables with different tails, where condensation occurs for the index (site) with the heaviest tail, generalizing also previous results for zero-range processes. For inclusion processes with homogeneous stationary measures we establish condensation in the limit of vanishing diffusion strength in the dynamics, and give several details about how the limit is approached for finite and infinite systems. Finally, we consider a continuous model dual to the inclusion process, the so-called Brownian energy process, and prove similar condensation results

    Abundance of nanoclusters in a molecular beam : the magic numbers for Lennard-Jones potential

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    We review the theory behind abundance of experimentally observed nanoclusters produced in beams, aiming to understand their magic number behavior. It is shown how use of statistical physics, with certain assumptions, reduces the calculation of equilibrium abundance to that of partition functions of single clusters. Methods to practically calculate these partition functions are introduced. The formalism is general and potential independent, but is only applicable to equilibrium or close-to-equilibrium scenarios and the interactions for which the partition functions can be accurately calculated. As an illustration, we compute the abundance of Lennard-Jones clusters at low temperatures, which reveals their experimentally observed magic number behavior. This shows that purely energetic and thermodynamic reasons can cause the magic numbers. We then briefly review kinetic approach to the problem and comment on the interplay between chemical, mechanical and thermodynamic stability of the clusters in more generality. Keywords: Nanoclusters synthesis; Magic numbers; Nucleatio