732 research outputs found

    Printed microscale mono-crystalline silicon on flexible substrates for photovoltaic, strain sensors, and neural interface applications

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    In recent years, research in flexible electronic systems has increased due to its potential to create and manipulate new classes of applications (e.g., foldable and flexible display, flexible photovoltaic, epidermal electronics, and other systems) that can be integrated outside of conventional wafer-based electronics. With suitable choice of materials and design strategies, inorganic semiconductors (e.g., Si and GaAs) can be used on unconventional substrates for mechanical flexibility and high electrical performance. This dissertation presents the fabrication of mono-crystalline Si electronics by using top-down approaches. We describe five related topics of ultra-thin Si electronics which involve forming structures and assembling them by structured or non-structured elastomeric stamps or bulk wafer etching techniques. Furthermore, this dissertation demonstrates a strategy in which modules consist of large-scale arrays of interconnected high-performance ultra-thin Si electronics that are mechanically flexible, stretchable, and semitransparent, along with in-depth studies of their electrical and mechanical properties and applications

    Origin of the increased velocities of domain wall motions in soft magnetic thin-film nanostripes beyond the velocity-breakdown regime

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    It is known that oscillatory domain-wall (DW) motions in soft magnetic thin-film nanostripes above the Walker critical field lead to a remarkable reduction in the average DW velocities. In a much-higher-field region beyond the velocity-breakdown regime, however, the DW velocities have been found to increase in response to a further increase of the applied field. We report on the physical origin and detailed mechanism of this unexpected behavior. We associate the mechanism with the serial dynamic processes of the nucleation of vortex-antivortex (V-AV) pairs inside the stripe or at its edges, the non-linear gyrotropic motions of Vs and AVs, and their annihilation process. The present results imply that a two-dimensional soliton model is required for adequate interpretation of DW motions in the linear- and oscillatory-DW-motion regimes as well as in the beyond-velocity-breakdown regime.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Criterion for transformation of transverse domain wall to vortex or antivortex wall in soft magnetic thin-film nanostripes

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    We report on the criterion for the dynamic transformation of the internal structure of moving domain walls (DWs) in soft magnetic thin-film nanostripes above the Walker threshold field, Hw. In order for the process of transformation from transverse wall (TW) to vortex wall (VW) or antivortex wall (AVW) occurs, the edge-soliton core of the TW-type DW should grow sufficiently to the full width at half maximum of the out-of-plane magnetizations of the core area of the stabilized vortex (or antivortex) by moving inward along the transverse (width) direction. Upon completion of the nucleation of the vortex (antivortex) core, the VW (AVW) is stabilized, and then its core accompanies the gyrotropic motion in a potential well (hill) of a given nanostripe. Field strengths exceeding the Hw, which is the onset field of DW velocity breakdown, are not sufficient but necessary conditions for dynamic DW transformation

    A Qualitative Study on How Health Professional Students and Their PBL Facilitators Perceive the Use of Mobile Devices During PBL

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    Mobile devices are increasingly being used by undergraduate students to access online information in the problem-based learning (PBL) process, initially in the self-directed phase, and more recently within face-to-face tutorials. This qualitative study across three undergraduate health professional programs used semi-structured interviews to investigate facilitators’ and students’ perceptions of mobile device usage in PBL tutorials. Transcribed interviews were analyzed thematically, drawing on the principles of grounded theory. Implications for future practice were identified. Students perceived that mobile devices are useful and convenient for instant access to various sources of information, for note taking, and for visually sharing their research and ideas. Despite some facilitator concerns that mobile devices are potentially distracting in face-to-face PBL tutorials, students prioritized collaboration through brainstorming and sharing ideas with group members in face-to-face tutorials over searching online. Facilitators and students suggested practical guidelines for mobile device usage in tutorials to enhance critical thinking in PBL

    Quantitative Understanding of Probabilistic Behavior of Living Cells Operated by Vibrant Intracellular Networks

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    For quantitative understanding of probabilistic behaviors of living cells, it is essential to construct a correct mathematical description of intracellular networks interacting with complex cell environments, which has been a formidable task. Here, we present a novel model and stochastic kinetics for an intracellular network interacting with hidden cell environments, employing a complete description of cell state dynamics and its coupling to the system network. Our analysis reveals that various environmental effects on the product number fluctuation of intracellular reaction networks can be collectively characterized by Laplace transform of the time-correlation function of the product creation rate fluctuation with the Laplace variable being the product decay rate. On the basis of the latter result, we propose an efficient method for quantitative analysis of the chemical fluctuation produced by intracellular networks coupled to hidden cell environments. By applying the present approach to the gene expression network, we obtain simple analytic results for the gene expression variability and the environment-induced correlations between the expression levels of mutually noninteracting genes. The theoretical results compose a unified framework for quantitative understanding of various gene expression statistics observed across a number of different systems with a small number of adjustable parameters with clear physical meanings.National Research Foundation of Korea (Grant 2011-0016412)National Research Foundation of Korea (Priority Research Center Program 2009-0093817

    Soft, wireless periocular wearable electronics for real-time detection of eye vergence in a virtual reality toward mobile eye therapies

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    Ocular disorders are currently affecting the developed world, causing loss of productivity in adults and children. While the cause of such disorders is not clear, neurological issues are often considered as the biggest possibility. Treatment of strabismus and vergence requires an invasive surgery or clinic-based vision therapy that has been used for decades due to the lack of alternatives such as portable therapeutic tools. Recent advancement in electronic packaging and image processing techniques have opened the possibility for optics-based portable eye tracking approaches, but several technical and safety hurdles limit the implementation of the technology in wearable applications. Here, we introduce a fully wearable, wireless soft electronic system that offers a portable, highly sensitive tracking of eye movements (vergence) via the combination of skin-conformal sensors and a virtual reality system. Advancement of material processing and printing technologies based on aerosol jet printing enables reliable manufacturing of skin-like sensors, while a flexible electronic circuit is prepared by the integration of chip components onto a soft elastomeric membrane. Analytical and computational study of a data classification algorithm provides a highly accurate tool for real-time detection and classification of ocular motions. In vivo demonstration with 14 human subjects captures the potential of the wearable electronics as a portable therapy system, which can be easily synchronized with a virtual reality headset

    Diagnosis in a Preclinical Model of Bladder Pain Syndrome Using a Au/ZnO Nanorod-based SERS Substrate

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    To evaluate the feasibility of ZnO nanorod-based surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) diagnostics for disease models, particularly for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS), ZnO-based SERS sensing chips were developed and applied to an animal disease model. ZnO nanorods were grown to form nano-sized porous structures and coated with gold to facilitate size-selective biomarker detection. Raman spectra were acquired on a surface enhanced Raman substrate from the urine in a rat model of IC/BPS and analyzed using a statistical analysis method called principal component analysis (PCA). The nanorods grown after the ZnO seed deposition were 30 to 50 nm in diameter and 500 to 600 nm in length. A volume of gold corresponding to a thin film thickness of 100 nm was deposited on the grown nanorod structure. Raman spectroscopic signals were measured in the scattered region for nanometer biomarker detection to indicate IC/BPS. The Raman peaks for the control group and IC/BPS group are observed at 641, 683, 723, 873, 1002, 1030, and 1355 cm(-1),which corresponded to various bonding types and compounds. The PCA results are plotted in 2D and 3D. The Raman signals and statistical analyses obtained from the nano-sized biomarkers of intractable inflammatory diseases demonstrate the possibility of an early diagnosis

    Utility of Nd isotope ratio as a tracer of marine animals : regional variation in coastal seas and causal factors

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    Isotopic compositions of animal tissue are an intrinsic marker commonly used to trace animal origins and migrations; however, few isotopes are effective for this purpose in marine environments, especially on a local scale. The isotope ratio of the lanthanoid element neodymium (Nd) is a promising tracer for coastal animal migrations. Neodymium derives from the same geologic materials as strontium, well known as an isotopic tracer (87Sr/86Sr) for terrestrial and anadromous animals. The advantage of the Nd isotope ratio (143Nd/144Nd, expressed as εNd) is that it varies greatly in the ocean according to the geology of the neighboring continents, whereas oceanic 87Sr/86Sr is highly uniform. This study explored the utility of the Nd isotope ratio as a marine tracer by investigating the variation of εNd preserved in tissues of coastal species, and the causes of that variation, in a region of northeastern Japan where the bedrock geology is highly variable. We measured εNd and 87Sr/86Sr in seawater, river water, and soft tissues of sedentary suspension feeders: the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilus coruscus and the oyster Crassostrea gigas. We also measured concentrations of three lanthanoids (La, Ce, and Pr) in shellfish bodies to determine whether the Nd in shellfish tissue was derived from solution in seawater or from suspended particulates. The εNd values in shellfish tissue varied regionally (−6 to +1), matching the ambient seawater, whereas all 87Sr/86Sr values were homogeneous and typical of seawater (0.7091–0.7092). The seawater εNd values were in turn correlated with those in the adjacent rivers, linking shellfish εNd to the geology of river catchments. The depletion of Ce compared to La and Pr (negative Ce anomaly) suggested that the Nd in shellfish was derived from the dissolved phase in seawater. Our results indicate that the distinct Nd isotope ratio derived from local geology is imprinted, through seawater, on the soft tissues of shellfish. This result underscores the potential of εNd as a tracer of coastal marine animals