3 research outputs found


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    Strategic planning is important for non-profit organization to make sure they have been achieved their missions and take necessary actions to achieve it. And they could achieve greater benefits if they applying strategic planning which outweigh the cost involved in the implementation process. But the relationship between strategic planning and organizational performance has been rarely examined in the public and non-profit sectors, especially in Indonesia. This study empirically examines the effect of strategic planning on one of Indonesian non-profit organization’s performance effectiveness. The performance effectiveness assess by using the multiple perspective of Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Niven (2008) developed the BSC for non-profit organization which has added the fifth perspective, volunteers’ development. We argue that the strategic planning can help to guide the implementation process to achieve organization’s performance effectiveness. A purposive sample of 30 managers and project leaders was selected for participated in this study to measure the impact of strategic planning on this organization’s performance effectiveness. All data will be analyzed through quantitative method. We believe that the result of this study will contribute to strategic management area of research and practices on how to measure the strategic planning implementation on the organization’s performance effectiveness by using balanced scorecard, especially in non-profit sector in Indonesia.Keywords: strategic planning, mission achievement, performance effectiveness, non-profit organizations, the balanced scorecard (BSC

    Analisis Pengaruh Dinamisme Lingkungan dan Faktor Manajerial Terhadap Perencanaan Strategis dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Organisasi Non-Profit dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

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    External environment changes and managerial factors are important to be considered in the preparation of strategic planning. Strategic planning is very important for the organization, not only for profit organizations but also for nonprofit organizations because a formal strategic planning can guide them to assess how far their goals have been achieved and how to achieve them. This study discusses how the dynamism of the external environment and managerial factors influence strategic planning and its implications for WWF Indonesia's performance using the Balanced Scorecard approach. The research method used is to use a survey of employees at WWF Indonesia and processed with SmartPLS 3.0. The results show that external business environment dynamism and managerial factors can influence strategic planning which ultimately affects the improvement of WWF Indonesia's performance


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    Competition between universities in Indonesia is increasingly fierce with the growth of higher education institutions, especially private universities. This has caused many private universities to formulate strategies to win the competition, one of which is by rebranding. The Trilogy University is one of the many private universities that rebranded through the change of name and status from high school (STEKPI) to become a university (Trilogy University). In this study we examined how University Trilogy can improve the performance of lecturers and employees by analyzing the influence of organizational change and organizational culture on the performance of lecturers and employees using SmartPLS software as a data processing tool. This study involved 31 lecturer respondents and employees who had worked for more than 8 years at the college. The results of this study state that organizational change can affect organizational culture that has an impact on the performance of lecturers and employees. However, if organizational changes are tested directly on the performance of lecturers and employees, organizational changes do not have a significant effect.Keywords: rebranding, organizational change, organizational culture, lecturer and employee performancePersaingan antar perguruan tinggi di Indonesia semakin sengit dengan semakin bertumbuhnya perguruan tinggi, terutama perguruan tinggi swasta. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak perguruan tinggi swasta yang menyusun strategi demi memenangkan persaingan, salah satunya dengan melakukan rebranding. Universitas Trilogi merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak perguruan tinggi swasta yang melakukan rebranding melalui perubahan nama dan status dari sekolah tinggi (STEKPI) menjadi universitas (Universitas Trilogi). Pada penelitian ini kami meneliti bagaimana Universitas Trilogi dapat meningkatkan kinerja dosen dan karyawannya dengan menganalisis pengaruh antara perubahan organisasi dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja dosen dan karyawan dengan menggunakan software SmartPLS sebagai alat pengolahan data. Penelitian ini melibatkan 31 responden dosen dan karyawan yang telah bekerja lebih dari 8 tahun pada perguruan tinggi tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa perubahan organisasi dapat mempengaruhi budaya organisasi yang berdampak terhadap kinerja dosen dan karyawan. Akan tetapi, jika perubahan organisasi diuji secara langsung terhadap kinerja dosen dan karyawan, perubahan organisasi tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan.Kata kunci: rebranding, perubahan organisasi, budaya organisasi, kinerja dosen dan karyawa