3 research outputs found

    Survival, sex ratio, development time and size in the parental generation

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    This data file contains 5 sheets including data of all response variables in the parental generation. EmergencesuccessF0 contains emergence success data for each insectary. SexratioF0 provides numbers of males and females that successfully emerged from each insectary. DevtimeF0 contains development time of each larva from the start of the fourth larval stage until emergence. SizeadultF0 contains data on size (winglength) of the adults. LarvalsurF0 is survival data during the five day pesticide exposure period

    Survival, sex ratio, development time and size in the offspring generation

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    This data file contains 5 sheets including data of all response variables in the offspring generation. EmergencesuccessF1 contains emergence success data for each insectary. SexratioF1 provides numbers of males and females that successfully emerged from each insectary. DevtimeF1 contains development time of each larva from the start of the fourth larval stage until emergence. SizeadultF1 contains data on size (winglength) of the adults. LarvalsurvivalF1 is survival data during the five day pesticide exposure period

    Effects of global warming and pesticide exposure on mosquito-damselfly interactions

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    This database include two data sheets. The first sheet contains survival, initial weight and end weight data of mosquitoes in different temperature-by-pesticide treatment combinations in the exposure experiment. The second sheet consists of data of latitude, population, survival, initial weight and end weight of damselfies in the exposure experiment, number of mosquitoes eaten and behaviors of both damselfly predators and mosquito prey during the predation experiment