125 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Obtained Values of Water and Water Parameters Based on Formulation of IAPWS-IF97 in Water-Steam Calculator Program

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    The paper presents the results of estimating deviations in the computation of water and steam parameters in the proprietary Water-Steam Calculator (WSC) program. The results are compared with the water and water vapor properties tables and the WaterSteamPro program. The errors are estimated, and the metrological accuracy of application in engineering calculations of the dynamically connected library in the basis of the Water-Steam Calculator is proved.В работе приведены результаты оценки отклонений вычисления параметров воды и водяного пара в собственной программе Water-Steam Calculator (WSC). Произведено сравнение результатов с таблицами свойств воды и водяного пара и программой WaterSteamPro. Оценены погрешности, и доказана метрологическая точность применения в инженерных расчетах динамически подключаемой библиотеки в основе Water-Steam Calculator

    Development of algorithm for calculating properties of water and steam on IAPWS-IF97 equation system for modeling thermal schemes HPP

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    In this paper, developing an algorithm for calculating the properties of water and steam on current formulation of IAPWS-IF97 for use the obtained data in automated calculations in the simulation of heat schemes are considered. The basic equations for calculating the thermodynamic parameters of water and water vapor are considered.В работе рассмотрен процесс разработки алгоритма расчета свойств воды и водяного пара на основе действующей формуляции IAPWS-IF97 для использования полученных данных в автоматизированных расчетах при моделировании тепловых схем. Рассмотрены основные уравнения для вычисления термодинамических параметров воды и водяного пара


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    В работе проведен анализ достоинств и недостатков газотурбинной установки с замкнутым циклом. Также рассмотрено несколько существующих и перспективных разработок в области высокотемпературных аппаратов. Выполнено сравнение и сделаны выводы о применимости методов по снижению температуры стенки. Произведен тепловой расчет теплообменника.The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of gas turbine plant with closed cycle was carried out. Several existing and promising developments in the field of high-temperature devices are also considered. A comparison was made and conclusions were drawn on the applicability of methods to reduce wall temperature. Heat exchanger heat calculation was performed


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    During the work, a 3D-model of the heat exchanger was built. Thermophysical calculation was made. Simulated CO2 flow in a tube. Selection of advanced materials for making the structure is made. Methods of wall temperature reduction are selected.В ходе работы была построена 3D-модель теплообменного аппарата. Произведен теплофизический расчет. Смоделирован поток CO2 в трубе. Выполнен подбор перспективных материалов для изготовления конструкции. Подобраны методы снижения температуры стенки


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    The paper describes the process of developing an algorithm for calculating thermodynamic parameters in the near-critical region of the IAPWS-IF97 formulation in order to enhance the capabilities of the Water-Steam Calculator. The basic equations describing this area of the diagram are studied. Found solutions to identify the near-critical region in the library of the Water-Steam Calculator.В работе рассмотрен процесс разработки алгоритма расчета термодинамических параметров в околокритической области формуляции IAPWS-IF97 для повышения возможностей собственной программы Water-Steam Calculator. Изучены основные уравнения, описывающие данную область диаграммы. Найдены решения для идентификации околокритической области в библиотеке Water-Steam Calculator

    Measurement of the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay form factors in the OKA experiment

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    A precise measurement of the vector and axial-vector form factors difference FVFAF_V-F_A in the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay is presented. About 95K events of K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} are selected in the OKA experiment. The result is FVFA=0.134±0.021(stat)±0.027(syst)F_V-F_A=0.134\pm0.021(stat)\pm0.027(syst). Both errors are smaller than in the previous FVFAF_V-F_A measurements.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Time domains of hypoxia responses and -omics insights

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    The ability to respond rapidly to changes in oxygen tension is critical for many forms of life. Challenges to oxygen homeostasis, specifically in the contexts of evolutionary biology and biomedicine, provide important insights into mechanisms of hypoxia adaptation and tolerance. Here we synthesize findings across varying time domains of hypoxia in terms of oxygen delivery, ranging from early animal to modern human evolution and examine the potential impacts of environmental and clinical challenges through emerging multi-omics approaches. We discuss how diverse animal species have adapted to hypoxic environments, how humans vary in their responses to hypoxia (i.e., in the context of high-altitude exposure, cardiopulmonary disease, and sleep apnea), and how findings from each of these fields inform the other and lead to promising new directions in basic and clinical hypoxia research

    Prospects for K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{ \nu } at CERN in NA62

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    The NA62 experiment will begin taking data in 2015. Its primary purpose is a 10% measurement of the branching ratio of the ultrarare kaon decay K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{ \nu }, using the decay in flight of kaons in an unseparated beam with momentum 75 GeV/c.The detector and analysis technique are described here.Comment: 8 pages for proceedings of 50 Years of CP

    PATRIC: The VBI PathoSystems Resource Integration Center

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    The PathoSystems Resource Integration Center (PATRIC) is one of eight Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases (NIAID) to create a data and analysis resource for selected NIAID priority pathogens, specifically proteobacteria of the genera Brucella, Rickettsia and Coxiella, and corona-, calici- and lyssaviruses and viruses associated with hepatitis A and E. The goal of the project is to provide a comprehensive bioinformatics resource for these pathogens, including consistently annotated genome, proteome and metabolic pathway data to facilitate research into counter-measures, including drugs, vaccines and diagnostics. The project's curation strategy has three prongs: ‘breadth first’ beginning with whole-genome and proteome curation using standardized protocols, a ‘targeted’ approach addressing the specific needs of researchers and an integrative strategy to leverage high-throughput experimental data (e.g. microarrays, proteomics) and literature. The PATRIC infrastructure consists of a relational database, analytical pipelines and a website which supports browsing, querying, data visualization and the ability to download raw and curated data in standard formats. At present, the site warehouses complete sequences for 17 bacterial and 332 viral genomes. The PATRIC website () will continually grow with the addition of data, analysis and functionality over the course of the project