50 research outputs found

    Iraqi EFL University Learners' Use of Block Language in English

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    الجمل اللغوية المغلقة هي صيغة من صيغ اللغة المستخدمة في عناوين الصحف, الملاحظات, الملصقات, عناوين اعلى الصفحات, الشعارات, الرسائل الشخصية, والمذكرات. يواجه الطلبة متعلمي اللغة الانكليزية لغة اجنبية الصعوبات في استخدام هذه الصيغة النحوية كونها احدى انواع الجمل الشاذة باللغة الانجليزية والتي لا تتطابق مع التراكيب النحوية المستخدمة في اللغة الانجليزية وكذلك لافتقار الطلبة للمعلومات عن مختلف انواع هذه الصيغ النحوية وهنا تكمن مشكلة هذه الدراسة. تفترض الدراسة بان الطلبة العراقيين الجامعيين دارسي اللغة الانجليزية لغة اجنبية يواجهون الصعوبات في استخدام هذا النوع من الجمل. تم تطبيق اختبار الانجليزية/ كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية/ جامعة بابل. تشير نتائج الاختبار بان عدد ونسبة الاجابات الخاطئة للطلبة هي (266, 66.5%) والتي تفوق عدد ونسبة الاجابات الصحيحة في الاختبار والتي كانت (134, 33.5%). أن النتائج المذكورة تشير الى ان الطلبة يواحهون الصعوبات في استخدام هذه الصيغ النحوية في اللغة وعلى كلا المستويين الادراكي والانتاجي وهذا بدوره يؤكد الفرضية التي جاءت بها الدراسة هذه الدراسة تتضمن الدراسة النظرية لمادة البحث وكذلك الجانب العملي المتمثل بالاختبار التشخيصي. لعينة من الطلبة وعددهم(40) طالب تم اخذهم عشوائيا  من المرحلة الرابعة لقسم اللغة الأنجليزية.Block language is the form of language used in newspaper headlines, titles, notices, labels, headings,  slogans personal letters, cables, and diaries. Students of English as a foreign language often face difficulty in using English block language because it is one of the types of irregular sentences which do not correspond to the regular patterns of sentence structures and the students lack knowledge about the different types of block language and here lies the problem of the study. It is hypothesized that Iraqi EFL university learners encounter difficulty in using the topic under investigation.         A random sample of (40) students has been taken from the fourth year stage in the Department of English, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Babylon to undergo a diagnostic test designed to assess the students' performance in using the English block language. The findings of the test show that the number and percentage of the incorrect answers in the whole test (266, 66.5%) are more than those of correct answers (134,33.5%). These results show that the students face difficulty in using the block language at both the recognition and production levels and this, in turn, verifies the hypothesis of the study.  This study includes the theoretical  study of the block language with their different types followed by the practical part which encompasses a diagnostic test applied to a random sample of EFL university students to investigate their performance in using the topic under investigatio

    Restrict Nearly Semiprime Submodule

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    أثناء هذا البحث، تكون جميع الحلقات تبادلية وجميع الوحدات أحادية. في هذا البحث، قدمنا ​​مفهوم تقييد الوحدات الفرعية شبه الأولية تقريبًا كتعميم للوحدات الفرعية شبه الأولية وإعطاء بعض الخصائص الأساسية والأمثلة والتشخيصات لهذه المفاهيم ووضعنا بعض الشروط الكافية على تقييد شبه أولي شبه أولي ليكون شبه رئيس.During this search all rings are commutative and all modules are unitary. In this search we introduced the concept of  Restrict Nearly semi-prime Sub-modules as generalization of  semi-prime Sub-modules and give some basic properties, examples and charactarizations of this concepts and stablished some sufficient conditions on Restrict Nearly semi-prime to be semi-prim

    Serum immunoglobulin levels in male schizophrenic patients before and after olanzapine therapy

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of olanzapine therapy on serum immunoglobulin levels (IgA, IgG, IgM) in male schizophrenic patients after 2 months of treatment by olanzapine at a daily dose of 20 mg. Patients and Methods: Twenty-eight patients with schizophrenia were included in this study, assessment of each case was done by a psychiatric, also included a 30 healthy subjects as a control group. Serum immunoglobulin concentrations were determined for both patients and controls by Mancini Radial Immuno-diffusion method using immunoglobulin kits. For the patients group and after 2 months therapy with olanzapine at a fixed daily dose of 20 mg, serum immunoglobulins were determined again using the same method for the assay. Results: No significant difference was found between serum levels of immunoglobulin (IgA, IgG, IgM) in schizophrenic patients before therapy in comparison to controls. Also insignificant difference was found between serum immunoglobulin levels (IgA, IgG, IgM) in schizophrenic patients after 2 months of olanzapine therapy and the controls. By comparing serum immunoglobulin levels in patients with schizophrenia before and 2 months after starting olanzapine therapy, no statistically significant difference was found. Conclusion: Olanzapine as atypical antipsychotic may not have an influence on the humoral immune response as reflected by the immunoglobulin levels (IgA, IgG, IgM

    Developing A Prediction Tool To Improve The Shading Efficiency Of The Pedestrian Zones

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    Since the last quarter of the twentieth century, the rapid growth in many cities throughout the world was the predominant cause of the phenomenon of urban sprawl. In this backdrop, The over-expanded urban spaces let to intensify the negative impact of the high solar radiation in the hot climate regions that caused abandoned pedestrian zones. There is a growing body of literature highlighted the compacted urban spaces as the most prioritized approach against urban sprawl and high solar radiation. The compacted pedestrian zones reduce the overexpansion and mitigate solar radiation by promoting mutual shading. Meanwhile, controlling the morphology of the pedestrian zone have been identified as an essential contributing factor to improve shading and limitate the overexpansion. The morphology of the pedestrian zone was described by three parameters proportions, orientation, and vegetation. These descriptors are characterized by being variable within the urban fabric, resulting in a difference in the shading efficiency in the pedestrian zones. Besides, the shading requirements toward pedestrian also vary since the shading is a dynamic physical phenomenon that changes in daily and seasonally basis to a specific geographic location. Hence, the variability of the morphology descriptors and shading requirements have made controlling the over-expansion in the pedestrian zone a complicated issue. Therefore, the majority of the studies have utilized computer simulation using different shading assessment software and tools. Although the shading can be calculated using these software and tools at a high level of accuracy; however, they are considered as an analytical tool. The available software and shading assessment tools did not provide regulatory constraints to control the overexpansion pedestrian zone to an effective limit that keeps shading feasible for the pedestrian. Hence, there is an uncertainty of providing a tangible policy to improve shading in the pedestrian zones. Consequently, in this study, a prediction tool was developed to set regulatory constraints by identifying the expansion limit corresponding to the targeted shading efficiency. The shading efficiency represented the percentage of the shaded area to the total floor area of the pedestrian zone, while the targeted shading efficiency indicated the preferable shading requirements for the pedestrian. The development of the prediction tool was conducted base on integrating three sequenced algorithms, which are sun position algorithm, shadow length and position algorithm, and expansion limit algorithm. Then the developed prediction tool was tested in the Muscat coordinates. The study concluded that the shading performance in the pedestrian zone was due to a combination of effective morphology configuration within a particular expansion limit. Moreover, the study provided systematic solutions based on reconfiguring the pedestrian zone by the trees. The trees can behave as an environmental modifier to maintain the shading of the pedestrian zone within an acceptable level. Then ECOTECT software has utilized to validate the effectiveness of the developed prediction tool for evaluating and improving the shading efficiency in the pedestrian zone. The ECOTECT has been selected because of its capabilities that allow the user to simulate and compare the shadow casting ability for both unshaded and shaded scenarios. The results of ECOTECT simulation validated the effectiveness of the prediction tool to provide regulatory constraints to evaluate and improve the shading efficiency of the pedestrian zone

    Experimental Studies On Shear Connection Between Steel and Steel Fibered Concrete Using Studs

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    This paper aims mainly to study the effects of using steel fiber in reinforced concrete parts of composite structural elements, which consist of two main parts, the steel and concrete sections. Then to explain the effects of using the hooked ended steel fibers on the load-slip relationship between concrete and steel parts of composite structural elements. The standard push-out test is a convenient and the only available method to define this load-slip relation. There are five series of tests made on push – out test specimens prepared for this purpose. These tests are containing various percentages of steel fibers ( 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% ) by volume of concrete. The hooked ended steel fiber with aspect ratio 100 were used in reinforced concrete parts of composite structural elements, which consist of two main parts (the steel section and the concrete section). From the obtained results, an empirical non-linear equation was developed, to calculate the shear stiffness for connectors at any amount of slip. This will give information on the ultimate shear capacity of the shear connector, which were used in the composite structures and the corresponding load-slip relationship

    Restrict Nearly Primary Submodules

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    In this work, all rings under consideration will be Supposedly to be commutative with nonzero identity and all modules will be nonzero unital. this work we investigate some properties of Restrict Nearly primary submodule as new generalization of primary sub module and strong form of Approximaitly primary submodule and stablished some sufficient conditions on Restrict Nearly primary to be primary. Also, we give necessarily condition on Approximaitly primary to be Restrict Nearly primary. In addition to we give several characterizations of Restrict Nearly primary submodule in class of multiplication modules


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    Garden-pathing is a term that originated from psycholinguistic field. As a special temporary or local ambiguity in language processing, it has been widely explored and studied from aspects of semantics, syntax, pragmatics as well as psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics over the years, since it was first put forward by Bever in the 1970s. This paper is designed to deal with the garden path phenomenon and how it is related to ambiguity in English language. It explores the concept of garden pathing, and different views related to its definition. It also shows how parsing strategies explain the way people experience garden pathing. Finally, it surveys different types of ambiguity that occur through garden pathing. This paper aims to help learners to understand the operation of human language processing mechanism and improve their abilities to deal with ambiguities in garden path sentences, which is of great benefits to learn and understand English language