33 research outputs found

    High resolution physical mapping of single gene fragments on pachytene chromosome 4 and 7 of Rosa

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    Background: Rosaceae is a family containing many economically important fruit and ornamental species. Although fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-based physical mapping of plant genomes is a valuable tool for map-based cloning, comparative genomics and evolutionary studies, no studies using high resolution physical mapping have been performed in this family. Previously we proved that physical mapping of single-copy genes as small as 1.1 kb is possible on mitotic metaphase chromosomes of Rosa wichurana using Tyramide-FISH. In this study we aimed to further improve the physical map of Rosa wichurana by applying high resolution FISH to pachytene chromosomes. Results: Using high resolution Tyramide-FISH and multicolor Tyramide-FISH, 7 genes (1.7-3 kb) were successfully mapped on pachytene chromosomes 4 and 7 of Rosa wichurana. Additionally, by using multicolor Tyramide-FISH three closely located genes were simultaneously visualized on chromosome 7. A detailed map of heterochromatine/euchromatine patterns of chromosome 4 and 7 was developed with indication of the physical position of these 7 genes. Comparison of the gene order between Rosa wichurana and Fragaria vesca revealed a poor collinearity for chromosome 7, but a perfect collinearity for chromosome 4. Conclusions: High resolution physical mapping of short probes on pachytene chromosomes of Rosa wichurana was successfully performed for the first time. Application of Tyramide-FISH on pachytene chromosomes allowed the mapping resolution to be increased up to 20 times compared to mitotic metaphase chromosomes. High resolution Tyramide-FISH and multicolor Tyramide-FISH might become useful tools for further physical mapping of single-copy genes and for the integration of physical and genetic maps of Rosa wichurana and other members of the Rosaceae

    An easy "SteamDrop" method for high quality plant chromosome preparation

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    BACKGROUND: The chromosome preparation is a crucial step for obtaining satisfactory results in molecular cytogenetic researches. The preparation of plant chromosomes for molecular cytogenetic purposes remains a challenge for some species. In contrast to human chromosome preparation, the processes occurring during plant chromosome preparation and causing chromosome spreading are still poorly understood. RESULTS: We studied the dynamics of plant chromosome spreading after dropping cell suspension on slides. We showed that steam stimulates cytoplasm hydrolysis and rapid chromosome spreading and that chromosomes stretch during this chromosome spreading. Based on these observations, we developed a novel method, named ā€œSteamDropā€, for the preparation of well-spread mitotic and pachytene chromosomes and successfully used it for 28 plant species with large and small chromosomes. We applied cell suspensions in ethanol instead of the commonly used ethanol/acetic acid fixative. Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes prepared via ā€œSteamDropā€ were used in fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments with repetitive and unique DNA probes. Long storage of cell suspensions in ethanol did not impair the quality of chromosome preparations. CONCLUSION: The SteamDrop procedure provides a robust and routine method for high quality plant chromosome preparations. The method can be applied for metaphase as well as pachytene chromosome preparation in wide range of species. The chromosomes prepared by SteamDrop are well suitable for repetitive and unique DNA visualization

    Towards a FISH-based karyotype of Rosa L. (Rosaceae)

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    The genus Rosa Linnaeus, 1753 has important economic value in ornamental sector and many breeding activities are going on supported by molecular studies. However, the cytogenetic studies of rose specks are scarce and mainly focused on chromosome counting and chromosome morphology-based karyotyping. Due to the small size of the chromosomes and a high frequency of polyploidy in the genus, karyotyping is very challenging for rose species and requires FISH-based cytogenetic markers to be applied. Therefore, in this work the aim is to establish a FISH-based karyotype for Rosa wichurana (Crepin, 1888), a rose species with several benefits for advanced molecular cytogenetic studies of genus Rosa (Kirov et al. 2015a). It is shown that FISH signals from 5S, 45S and an Arabidopsis-type telomeric repeat are distributed on five (1, 2, 4, 5 and 7) of seven chromosome pairs. In addition, it is demonstrated that the interstitial telomeric repeat sequences (ITR) are located in the centromeric regions of four chromosome pairs. Using low hybridization stringency for ITR visualization, we showed that the number of ITR signals increases four times (1-4 signals). This study is the first to propose a FISH-based R. wichurana katyotype for the reliable identification of chromosomes. The possible origin of R wichurana ITR loci is discussed

    Chromosomal Organization and Sequence Diversity of Genes Encoding Lachrymatory Factor Synthase in Allium cepa L.

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    Lachrymatory factor synthase (LFS) catalyzes the formation of lachrymatory factor, one of the most distinctive traits of bulb onion (Allium cepa L.). Therefore, we used LFS as a model for a functional gene in a huge genome, and we examined the chromosomal organization of LFS in A. cepa by multiple approaches. The first-level analysis completed the chromosomal assignment of LFS gene to chromosome 5 of A. cepa via the use of a complete set of A. fistulosumā€“shallot (A. cepa L. Aggregatum group) monosomic addition lines. Subsequent use of an F2 mapping population from the interspecific cross A. cepa Ɨ A. roylei confirmed the assignment of an LFS locus to this chromosome. Sequence comparison of two BAC clones bearing LFS genes, LFS amplicons from diverse germplasm, and expressed sequences from a doubled haploid line revealed variation consistent with duplicated LFS genes. Furthermore, the BAC-FISH study using the two BAC clones as a probe showed that LFS genes are localized in the proximal region of the long arm of the chromosome. These results suggested that LFS in A. cepa is transcribed from at least two loci and that they are localized on chromosome 5

    Two-Step Identification of N-, S-, R- and T-Cytoplasm Types in Onion Breeding Lines Using High-Resolution Melting (HRM)-Based Markers

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    High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis is a powerful detection method for fast, high-throughput post-PCR analysis. A two-step HRM marker system was developed for identification of the N-, S-, R- and T-cytoplasms of onion. In the first step for the identification of N-, S- and R-cytoplasms, one forward primer was designed to the identical sequences of both cox1 and orf725 genes, and two reverse primers specific to the polymorphic sequences of cox1 and orf725 genes were used. For the second step, breeding lines with N-cytoplasm were evaluated with primers developed from the orfA501 sequence to distinguish between N- and T-cytoplasms. An amplicon with primers to the mitocondrial atp9 gene was used as an internal control. The two-step HRM marker system was tested using 246 onion plants. HRM analysis showed that the most common source of CMS, often used by Russian breeders, was S-cytoplasm; the rarest type of CMS was R-cytoplasm; and the proportion of T-cytoplasm among the analyzed breeding lines was 20.5%. The identification of the cytoplasm of a single plant by phenotype takes from 4 to 8 years. The HRM-based system enables quick and easy distinguishing of the four types of onion cytoplasm

    Hidden Pitfalls of Using Onion Pollen in Molecular Research

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    There is little information on the use of pollen in molecular research, despite the increased interest in genome editing by pollen-mediated transformation. This paper presents an essential toolbox of technical procedures and observations for molecular studies on onion (Allium cepa L.) pollen. PCR is a useful tool as an express method to evaluate editing results before pollination. A direct PCR protocol for pollen suspension has been adapted without needing DNA pre-extraction. We showed that the outer layer of lipids known as pollenkitt is a limiting factor for successful PCR on pollen. A simple pre-washing step of pollen suspension was able to eliminate the pollenkitt and enormously affect the PCR results. Additionally, our pollenkitt study helped us develop a simple and effective pollination method using wetted onion pollen grains. Classical manual pollination usually is conducted by intact pollen without wetting. Most existing methods of the editing system delivery into pollen are carried out in a wet medium with consequent drying before pollination, which adversely affects the viability of pollen. The optimal medium for wet pollination was 12% sucrose water solution. Our method of using wetted pollen grains for pollination might be very beneficial for pollen genetic manipulation

    Hidden Pitfalls of Using Onion Pollen in Molecular Research

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    There is little information on the use of pollen in molecular research, despite the increased interest in genome editing by pollen-mediated transformation. This paper presents an essential toolbox of technical procedures and observations for molecular studies on onion (Allium cepa L.) pollen. PCR is a useful tool as an express method to evaluate editing results before pollination. A direct PCR protocol for pollen suspension has been adapted without needing DNA pre-extraction. We showed that the outer layer of lipids known as pollenkitt is a limiting factor for successful PCR on pollen. A simple pre-washing step of pollen suspension was able to eliminate the pollenkitt and enormously affect the PCR results. Additionally, our pollenkitt study helped us develop a simple and effective pollination method using wetted onion pollen grains. Classical manual pollination usually is conducted by intact pollen without wetting. Most existing methods of the editing system delivery into pollen are carried out in a wet medium with consequent drying before pollination, which adversely affects the viability of pollen. The optimal medium for wet pollination was 12% sucrose water solution. Our method of using wetted pollen grains for pollination might be very beneficial for pollen genetic manipulation

    Two-Step Identification of N-, S-, R- and T-Cytoplasm Types in Onion Breeding Lines Using High-Resolution Melting (HRM)-Based Markers

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    High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis is a powerful detection method for fast, high-throughput post-PCR analysis. A two-step HRM marker system was developed for identification of the N-, S-, R- and T-cytoplasms of onion. In the first step for the identification of N-, S- and R-cytoplasms, one forward primer was designed to the identical sequences of both cox1 and orf725 genes, and two reverse primers specific to the polymorphic sequences of cox1 and orf725 genes were used. For the second step, breeding lines with N-cytoplasm were evaluated with primers developed from the orfA501 sequence to distinguish between N- and T-cytoplasms. An amplicon with primers to the mitocondrial atp9 gene was used as an internal control. The two-step HRM marker system was tested using 246 onion plants. HRM analysis showed that the most common source of CMS, often used by Russian breeders, was S-cytoplasm; the rarest type of CMS was R-cytoplasm; and the proportion of T-cytoplasm among the analyzed breeding lines was 20.5%. The identification of the cytoplasm of a single plant by phenotype takes from 4 to 8 years. The HRM-based system enables quick and easy distinguishing of the four types of onion cytoplasm

    The Control of the Crossover Localization in Allium

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    Meiotic crossovers/chiasmata are not randomly distributed and strictly controlled. The mechanisms behind crossover (CO) patterning remain largely unknown. In Allium cepa, as in the vast majority of plants and animals, COs predominantly occur in the distal 2/3 of the chromosome arm, while in Allium fistulosum they are strictly localized in the proximal region. We investigated the factors that may contribute to the pattern of COs in A. cepa, A. fistulosum and their F1 diploid (2n = 2x = 8C + 8F) and F1 triploid (2n = 3x = 16F + 8C) hybrids. The genome structure of F1 hybrids was confirmed using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). The analysis of bivalents in the pollen mother cells (PMCs) of the F1 triploid hybrid showed a significant shift in the localization of COs to the distal and interstitial regions. In F1 diploid hybrid, the COs localization was predominantly the same as that of the A. cepa parent. We found no differences in the assembly and disassembly of ASY1 and ZYP1 in PMCs between A. cepa and A. fistulosum, while F1 diploid hybrid showed a delay in chromosome pairing and a partial absence of synapsis in paired chromosomes. Immunolabeling of MLH1 (class I COs) and MUS81 (class II COs) proteins showed a significant difference in the class I/II CO ratio between A. fistulosum (50%:50%) and A. cepa (73%:27%). The MLH1:MUS81 ratio at the homeologous synapsis of F1 diploid hybrid (70%:30%) was the most similar to that of the A. cepa parent. F1 triploid hybrid at the A. fistulosum homologous synapsis showed a significant increase in MLH1:MUS81 ratio (60%:40%) compared to the A. fistulosum parent. The results suggest possible genetic control of CO localization. Other factors affecting the distribution of COs are discussed

    The Power of Genomic in situ Hybridization (GISH) in Interspecific Breeding of Bulb Onion (<em>Allium cepa</em> L.) Resistant to Downy Mildew (<em>Peronospora destructor</em> [Berk.] Casp.)

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    We exploited the advantages of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) to monitor the introgression process at the chromosome level using a simple and robust molecular marker in the interspecific breeding of bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) that is resistant to downy mildew. Downy mildew (Peronospora destructor [Berk.] Casp.) is the most destructive fungal disease for bulb onions. With the application of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and previously developed DMR1 marker, homozygous introgression lines that are resistant to downy mildew were successfully produced in a rather short breeding time. Considering that the bulb onion is a biennial plant, it took seven years from the F1 hybrid production to the creation of S2BC2 homozygous lines that are resistant to downy mildew. Using GISH, it was shown that three progeny plants of S2BC2 possessed an A. roylei homozygous fragment in the distal region of the long arm of chromosomes 3 in an A. cepa genetic background. Previously, it was hypothesized that a lethal gene(s) was linked to the downy mildew resistance gene. With the molecular cytogenetic approach, we physically mapped more precisely the lethal gene(s) using the homozygous introgression lines that differed in the size of the A. roylei fragments on chromosome 3