5 research outputs found

    On quantum group SL_q(2)

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    We start with the observation that the quantum group SL_q(2), described in terms of its algebra of functions has a quantum subgroup, which is just a usual Cartan group. Based on this observation we develop a general method of constructing quantum groups with similar property. We also describe this method in the language of quantized universal enveloping algebras, which is another common method of studying quantum groups. We carry our method in detail for root systems of type SL(2); as a byproduct we find a new series of quantum groups - metaplectic groups of SL(2)-type. Representations of these groups can provide interesting examples of bimodule categories over monoidal category of representations of SL_q(2).Comment: plain TeX, 19 pages, no figure

    Classical N=2 W-superalgebras From Superpseudodifferential Operators

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    We study the supersymmetric Gelfand-Dickey algebras associated with the superpseudodifferential operators of positive as well as negative leading order. We show that, upon the usual constraint, these algebras contain the N=2 super Virasoro algebra as a subalgebra as long as the leading order is odd. The decompositions of the coefficient functions into N=1 primary fields are then obtained by covariantizing the superpseudodifferential operators. We discuss the problem of identifying N=2 supermultiplets and work out a couple of supermultiplets by explicit computations.Comment: 19 pages (Plain TeX), NHCU-HEP-94-1

    Висцеральный лейшманиоз у ребенка: диагностика и терапия

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    Visceral leishmaniasis is a generalized infection of the reticuloendothelial system, it is fatal if left untreated in most cases. Early diagnosis and effective therapy can reduce the risk of disability and mortality. However, in non-endemic areas diagnosis may be delayed or missed. In the article we presented a case report of a child with imported visceral leishmaniasis. The gradual onset of the disease with irregular fever, growing weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, anemia, cytopenic syndrome required differential diagnosis with oncological diseases. The diagnosis of leishmaniasis was made by microscopy of a bone marrow smear and the detection of leishmania. Recovery occurred after the prolonged course of amphotericin B and supportive treatment.Висцеральный лейшманиоз – генерализованная инфекция ретикулоэндотелиальной системы, в большинстве случаев при отсутствии лечения заканчивается летальным исходом. Ранняя диагностика и эффективная терапия предупреждают инвалидность и смертность. Однако в регионах, для которых это заболевание не является эндемичным, чаще всего имеет место поздняя диагностика. В статье представлен клинический случай завозного висцерального лейшманиоза у ребенка. Постепенное начало заболевания с нерегулярной лихорадки, нарастающей слабости, утомляемости, снижения аппетита, наличие анемии, гепатолиенального и цитопенического синдромов требовали проведения дифференциальной диагностики с онкологическими заболеваниями. Диагноз лейшманиоза был установлен при микроскопии мазка костного мозга и выявлении лейшманий. Выздоровление наступило на фоне длительной терапии амфотерицином В и терапии сопровождения

    Fluctuational Escape from a Quasi-Hyperbolic Attractor in the Lorenz System.

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    Noise-induced escape from the basin of attraction of a quasi-hyperbolic chaotic attractor in the Lorenz system is considered. The investigation is carried out in terms of the theory of large fluctuations by experimentally analyzing the escape prehistory. The optimal escape trajectory is shown to be unique and determined by the saddle-point manifolds of the Lorenz system. We established that the escape process consists of three stages and that noise plays a fundamentally different role at each of these stages. The dynamics of fluctuational escape from a quasi-hyperbolic attractor is shown to differ fundamentally from the dynamics of escape from a nonhyperbolic attractor considered previously [1]. We discuss the possibility of analytically describing large noise-induced deviations from a quasi-hyperbolic chaotic attractor and outline the range of outstanding problems in this field