48 research outputs found

    The protein C deficiency and its effects on in-vitro fertilization outcome and recurrent pregnancy loss: a Syrian cohort study

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    Background: Protein C deficiency is a rare disease; it could be primary or secondary. Female patients with protein C deficiency may develop pregnancy-associated thrombosis. The clear association between the protein C deficiency and fertility or in-vitro fertilization (IVF) results has not been known yet. In our study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of protein C deficiency in Syrian infertile women and to assess the impact of protein C deficiency on abortion, recurrent IVF Failure, and IVF results.Methods: the electronic patients’ results were retrospectively screened. A total of 238 women, who had IVF cycles between January 2012 and December 2017 in a tertiary care hospital, met our including criteria.Results: the prevalence of protein C deficiency was 13.45%. There was a significant association between the protein C level and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Furthermore, the protein C deficiency has an impact on the IVF results. Additionally, we did not find any association between protein C deficiency and age or number of previous IVF cycles.Conclusions: the protein C could be the hidden factor that affects IVF results. More research should be done to better understanding the role of protein C in infertility and IVF

    Sympathectomy for truncal hyperhydrosis after traumatic paraplegic injury

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    AbstractJ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002;124:636-

    Safety of Machine Learning Systems in Autonomous Driving

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    Machine Learning, and in particular Deep Learning, are extremely capable tools for solving problems which are difficult, or intractable to tackle analytically. Application areas include pattern recognition, computer vision, speech and natural language processing. With the automotive industry aiming for increasing amount of automation in driving, the problems to solve become increasingly complex, which appeals to the use of supervised learning methods from Machine Learning and Deep Learning. With this approach, solutions to the problems are learned implicitly from training data, and inspecting their correctness is not possible directly. This presents concerns when the resulting systems are used to support safety-critical functions, as is the case with autonomous driving of automotive vehicles. This thesis studies the safety concerns related to learning systems within autonomous driving and applies a safety monitoring approach to a collision avoidance scenario. Experiments are performed using a simulated environment, with a deep learning system supporting perception for vehicle control, and a safety monitor for collision avoidance. The related operational situations and safety constraints are studied for an autonomous driving function, with potential faults in the learning system introduced and examined. Also, an example is considered for a measure that indicates trustworthiness of the learning system during operation.Maskininlärning, och i synnerhet deep learning, är extremt kapabla verktyg för att lösa problem  som är svåra, eller omöjliga att hantera analytiskt. Applikationsområden inkluderar  mönsterigenkänning, datorseende, tal‐ och språkförståelse. När utvecklingen inom bilindustrin  går mot en ökad grad av automatisering, blir problemen som måste lösas alltmer komplexa,  vilket har lett till ett ökat användande av metoder från maskininlärning och deep learning. Med  detta tillvägagångssätt lär sig systemet lösningen till ett problem implicit från träningsdata och  man kan inte direkt utvärdera lösningens korrekthet. Detta innebär problem när systemet i  fråga är del av en säkerhetskritisk funktion, vilket är fallet för självkörande fordon. Detta  examensarbete behandlar säkerhetsaspekter relaterade till maskininlärningssystem i autonoma  fordon och applicerar en safety monitoring‐metodik på en kollisionsundvikningsfunktion.  Simuleringar utförs, med ett deep learning‐system som del av systemet för perception, som ger  underlag för styrningen av fordonet, samt en safety monitor för kollisionsundvikning. De  relaterade operationella situationerna och säkerhetsvillkoren studeras för en autonom  körnings‐funktion, där potentiella fel i det lärande systemet introduceras och utvärderas.  Vidare introduceras ett förslag på ett mått på trovärdighet hos det lärande systemet under  drift. 

    Le patient âgé de plus de 80 ans en gériatrie (Etude d'une série de 175 patients)

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    STRASBOURG-Medecine (674822101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Prediction of arterial travel time considering delay in vehicle re-identification

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    Travel time is important information for management and planning of road traffic. In the past decades, automated vehicle identification (AVI) systems have been deployed in many cities for collecting reliable travel time data. The fast technology advance has made the budget cost of such data collection system much cheaper than before. For example, bluetooth and WiFi-based systems have become economically a more feasible way for collecting interval travel time information in urban area. Due to increasing availability of such type of data, this paper aims to develop a travel time prediction approach that may take into account both online and historical measurements. Indeed, a statistical prediction approach for real-time application is proposed, modeling the deviation of live travel time from historical distribution estimated per time interval. An extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based algorithm is implemented to combine online travel time with historical patterns. In particular, the system delay due to vehicle re-identification is considered in the algorithm development. The methods are evaluated using Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) data collected in Stockholm. The results show that the prediction performance is good and reliable in capturing major trends during congestion buildup and dissipation.QC 20170704</p

    Étude exploratoire des points de vue épistémologiques des enseignant(e)s universitaires de sciences. Cas d’une Faculté de sciences libanaise et francophone

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    The purpose of this study was to explore 24 university science teachers’conceptions of science, at a Lebanese, private, francophone faculty of sciences, via a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, partially based on standardized question naires. Results indicated that participants in the study did not have any academic preparation in the history, philosophy, nor epistemology of science and were not trained to teach science. Results also shown that participants held mixed science conceptions, sometimes informed, sometimes inadequate, and that they highlighted the importance of integrating history and epistemology of science in the science curriculum.Cette recherche vise à sonder les conceptions sur 24 enseignants universitaires de sciences relatives à la science, d’une faculté de sciences, privée, libanaise et francophone, via une enquête par questionnaire et des entretiens semi-directifs, partiellement inspirés de questionnaires standardisés. Dans ce contexte, la plupart des enseignants enquêtés et interviewés ne sont pas formés en histoire, en philosophie, en épistémologie des sciences, ni en didactique des sciences. Ils mobilisent des conceptions épistémologiques contrastées concernant la science, tantôt adéquates, tantôt erronées, et témoignent de l’importance de l’intégration de l’histoire et de l’épistémologie des sciences dans le cursus scientifique.El Khoury Reine, Boujaoude Saouma, El Hage Fadi. Étude exploratoire des points de vue épistémologiques des enseignant(e)s universitaires de sciences. Cas d’une Faculté de sciences libanaise et francophone. In: Spiral-E. Revue de recherches en éducation, supplément électronique au n°53, 2014. Supplément au n° 53 : Littéracies en contexte d'enseignement et d'apprentissages. pp. 41-65

    Botulinum Toxin A Injection in the Bladder Neck: A Promising Treatment for Urinary Retention

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    Secondary to failure of optimal medical therapy and the high morbidity that accompanies surgical techniques in high risk patients, the use of de novo treatments including botulinum toxin A is emerging in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). However, the treatment of urinary retention secondary to BPH via injecting botulinum toxin into the bladder neck is not well established in the literature. This case report describes the case of a 75-year-old male patient with a chronic history of obstructive lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and multiple comorbidities who was admitted to the hospital for management of recurrent urinary retention. The patient was not a surgical candidate for transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Botulinum toxin injection into the bladder neck was performed with very satisfying results. Botulinum toxin injection in the bladder neck presents a promising minimally invasive, tolerated, and cost-effective approach for the treatment of urinary retention in patients with benign prostatic obstruction who are not candidates for surgery or in whom medical treatment has failed. More research is needed to identify the efficacy of this novel approach