11 research outputs found


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    In the article an evaluation of the prospects of oil and gas content of the Sinian system of the Sichuan Basin is given. Two large sedimentary basins in China – the Sichuan Basin in the south and the Tarim Basin in the west are of particular interest. These two basins which include thick mass of shale rich in organic substances cover vast areas and have good reservoir properties for development. An analysis of the importance of previous researches regarding the prospects of this territory with respect to oil and gas content was carried out. In recent years a comprehensive analysis of facies sediments of the Sinian system, the oil-source rock and an analysis of the conditions of the accumulation of oil and gas were conducted in this respect. Consequently, four favourable exploratory promising areas were chosen in an optimal way, including the area of the paleoledge Leshan-Lunnyuisy which is a favourable promising exploratory area of the Sinian system of the Sichuan Basin. As a result of an analysis of the oil and gas content of the Sichuan Basin it was determined that 3 large paleoledges are being developed there: the paleoledge Leshan-Lunnyuisy of the Caledonian period, the paleoledge Luzhou of the Indo-Chinese period and the paleoledge Kaijiang of the Indo-Chinese period. These 3 paleoledges are of great importance for the oil and gas accumulation in the Sichuan Basin. In 90% of areas in the central part of the basin mainly limited platform facies represented by subfacies of internal platform banks and subfacies of dolomitic plateaus are developed.As a result of the research it was determined that the Sinian system of the Sichuan Basin has the main basic conditions for the formation of large gas fields. A large hereditary paleoledge ensures the conditions for the formation and accumulation of oil and gas of the Sinian system. Persistent sediments in the area laid a foundation for large-scale development of the structure of reservoirs and cap rock and also the oil-source rock.В статье дана оценка перспектив нефтегазоносности синийской системы Сычуаньского бассейна. Наибольший интерес в Китае представляют два крупных осадочных бассейна – Сычуаньский бассейн на юге и Таримский бассейн на западе. Эти два бассейна, включающие мощные толщи богатых органическим веществом сланцев, распространены на больших площадях и имеют хорошие коллекторские свойства для разработки. Сделан анализ значений предыдущих исследований относительно перспективности данной территории на нефтегазоносность. В последние годы в данном разрезе был проведен системный анализ фациальных отложений синийской системы, нефтематеринской породы, и анализ условий накопления нефти и газа. Благодаря этому оптимально выбраны четыре благоприятных разведочных перспективных района, в том числе и район палеовыступа Лэшань-Луннюйсы, который является благоприятным перспективным разведочным районом синийской системы Сычуаньского бассейна. В результате анализа нефтегазоносности Сычуаньского бассейна было установлено, что развиваются 3 крупных палеовыступа: палеовыступ Лэшань-Луннюйсы Каледонского периода, палеовыступ Лучжоу Индокитайского периода и палеовыступ Кайцзян Индокитайского периода. Эти 3 палеовыступа имеют большое значение для нефтегазовой аккумуляции и накопления нефти и газа в Сычуаньском бассейне. В 90% областей в центральной части бассейна, главным образом, развиты ограниченные платформенные фации, представленные субфациями внутриплатформенных отмелей и субфациями доломитных плато.У статті дана оцінка перспектив нафтогазоносності Синійської системи Сичуаньського басейну. Найбільший інтерес в Китаї представляють два великих осадових басейни – Сичуаньський басейн на півдні і Таримський басейн на заході. Ці два басейни, що включають потужні товщі багатих органічною речовиною сланців, поширені на великих площах і мають хороші колекторські властивості для розробки. Зроблено аналіз значень попередніх досліджень щодо перспективності даної території на нафтогазоносність. В останні роки в цьому розрізі був проведений системний аналіз фаціальних відкладень Синійської системи, нафтоматеринськіх порід і аналіз умов накопичення нафти і газу. Завдяки цьому оптимально обрані чотири сприятливих розвідувальних перспективних райони, в тому числі і район палеовиступу Лешань-Луннюйсі, який є сприятливим перспективним розвідувальним районом Синійської системи Сичуаньського басейну. У результаті аналізу нафтогазоносності Сичуаньського басейну було встановлено, що розвиваються 3 великих палеовиступи: палеовиступ Лешань-Луннюйсі Каледонського періоду, палеовиступ Лучжоу Індокитайського періоду і палеовиступ Кайцзян Індокитайского періоду. Ці 3 палеовиступи мають велике значення для нафтогазової акумуляції та накопичення нафти і газу в Сичуанському басейні. У 90% областей в центральній частині басейну, головним чином, розвинуті обмежені платформні фації, представлені субфаціями внутрішньоплатформних мілин і субфаціямі доломітних плато

    Evaluation of the initial implementation of a nationwide diabetic retinopathy screening programme in primary care: A multimethod study

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    Objectives The Australian Government funded a nationwide diabetic retinopathy screening programme to improve visual outcomes for people with diabetes. This study examined the benefits and barriers of the programme, image interpretation pathways and assessed the characteristics of people who had their fundus photos graded by a telereading service which was available as a part of the programme. Design Multimethod: survey and retrospective review of referral forms. Setting Twenty-two primary healthcare facilities from urban, regional, rural and remote areas of Australia, and one telereading service operated by a referral-only eye clinic in metropolitan Sydney, Australia. Participants Twenty-seven primary healthcare workers out of 110 contacted completed a survey, and 145 patient referrals were reviewed. Results Manifest qualitative content analysis showed that primary healthcare workers reported that the benefits of the screening programme included improved patient outcomes and increased awareness and knowledge of diabetic retinopathy. Barriers related to staffing issues and limited referral pathways. Image grading was performed by a variety of primary healthcare workers, with one responder indicating the utilisation of a diabetic retinopathy reading service. Of the people with fundus photos graded by the reading service, 26.2% were reported to have diabetes. Overall, 12.3% of eyes were diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. Photo quality was rated as excellent in 46.2% of photos. Referral to an optometrist for diabetic retinopathy was recommended in 4.1% of cases, and to an ophthalmologist in 6.9% of cases. Conclusions This nationwide diabetic retinopathy screening programme was perceived to increase access to diabetic retinopathy screening in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia. The telereading service has diagnosed diabetic retinopathy and other ocular pathologies in images it has received. Key barriers, such as access to ophthalmologists and optometrists, must be overcome to improve visual outcomes

    Reply to 'Comment on 'Efficacy and toxicity of treatment with the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab in patients with metastatic melanoma after prior anti-PD-1 therapy''.

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    Background: Recent phase III clinical trials have established the superiority of the anti-PD-1 antibodies pembrolizumab and nivolumab over the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab in the first-line treatment of patients with advanced melanoma. Ipilimumab will be considered for second-line treatment after the failure of anti-PD-1 therapy. Methods: We retrospectively identified a cohort of 40 patients with metastatic melanoma who received single-agent anti-PD-1 therapy with pembrolizumab or nivolumab and were treated on progression with ipilimumab at a dose of 3 mg kg(-1) for a maximum of four doses. Results: Ten percent of patients achieved an objective response to ipilimumab, and an additional 8% experienced prolonged (>6 months) stable disease. Thirty-five percent of patients developed grade 3-5 immune-related toxicity associated with ipilimumab therapy. The most common high-grade immune-related toxicity was diarrhoea. Three patients (7%) developed grade 3-5 pneumonitis leading to death in one patient. Conclusions: Ipilimumab therapy can induce responses in patients who fail the anti-PD-1 therapy with response rates comparable to previous reports. There appears to be an increased frequency of high-grade immune-related adverse events including pneumonitis that warrants close surveillance

    Comparative analysis of neuroinvasion by Japanese encephalitis virulent and vaccine strains in an in cellulo model of human blood-brain barrier

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    Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is the major cause of viral encephalitis in South East Asia. It has been suggested that JEV getsaccess to the central nervous system (CNS) as a consequence of a precedinginflammatory process which leads to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption and viral neuroinvasion. However, what happens at early times ofJEV contact with the BBB is poorly understood. In the present work, we evaluated the ability of both a virulent and a vaccine strain of JEV (JEV RP9 and SA14-14-2, respectively) to cross an in cellulo humanBBB model consisting of hCMEC/D3 human endothelial cells cultivated on permeable insertsabove SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cells. Usingthis system, we demonstrated that both JEV RP9 and SA14-14-2 are able to cross the BBB without disruptingit at early times post-addition. Furthermore, this BBB model was able to discriminate between the virulent RP9 and the vaccine SA14-14-2 strains, as demonstrated by the presence of almost 10 times more RP9 infectious particles that crossed the BBB than SA14-14 particlesat a high MOI. Besidescontributingtothe understanding of early events in JEV neuroinvasion,thisin celluloBBB model represents asuitable anduseful systemto studythe viral determinants of JEV neuroinvasiveness and the molecular mechanisms by which this flavivirus crossesthe BBBat early times of neuroinvasio