13 research outputs found

    Data Driven Assessment Using Integrated Library System

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    Today’s libraries are more than the number of circulated items or number of patrons who step in to the library. Integrated Library Systems nowadays are partnered with libraries to better facilitate data delivery which are always valuable not only for content delivery to patrons but also for large scale assessments and administrative decision making. Every year libraries are adding thousands of books to their collections and technical services staff are working diligently to make them accessible to patrons as quickly as possible while keeping up with competing duties and other cataloging priorities. Our library’s cataloging department investigated the available coding fields in its ILS that could maximize data collection and data refinement. In a sense, this project was helpful in discoverability of items not only for patrons but also for the library staff/technical services by providing evidence based assessments and continuous operation improvement. This is a story of collaboration among different library departments to take advantage of the features and functionalities of their existing Integrated Library System, to enliven inter and intra-departmental workflow and to broaden the perspective of the library staff in utilizing the available tools beyond their past practices. We believe this workflow and the revitalization of ILS coding system not only enhances user accessibility but also increases the efficiency of the ILS and its coding system for a more data driven assessments to enhance best practices in library technologies

    Information Literacy and Academic Libraries as Working Places

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    A power point about the assessment in the Cataloging department to assess staff’s performances, their critical thinking/decision-making effectiveness, and bringing solutions to time management and productivity of the department

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Past, Present, And Success Strategy For The Future

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    Recently, scholars and managers have devoted greater attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its strategic implications. With more awareness surrounding the topic it would be expected for there to be a consensus on a definition, but as of yet none has been reached. The lack of a universally accepted definition has led some to define it as a term, a concept, a process, a theory, while others simply call it an activity or set of activities (Hazlett & Murray, 2007). CSR has been also captioned under many names. Terms such as corporate citizenship, global citizenship, corporate social responsiveness, strategic philanthropy, and even spiritual capitalism are sometimes used interchangeably, depending on the organization to use it. Often, these numerous monikers and interpretations lead to confusion amongst those intending to study or implement the practice into their business strategy. This uncertainty on how CSR should be defined has led some academics and practitioners to believe that the concept is void of any definition. Contrary to this belief, others find that there is an overabundance of definitions; many of which are “often biased toward specific interests and thus prevent the development and implementation of the concept” (Dahlsrud, 2008). Our study focuses on the importance of CSR and why it’s becoming so prevalent in any organizations. By studying the history of CSR, its many definitions, as well as its implementation methods, we attempt to suggest strategic alternatives for an effective corporate social responsibility. &nbsp

    Bibliography for Women Authors: A Display of Books Authored/Edited by Women

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    A bibliography created to accompany a display about women authors in March 2022 at the Leatherby Libraries at Chapman University

    Metastatic Biomarkers in Synovial Sarcoma

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    Synovial sarcoma (SS) is an aggressive soft tissue sarcoma (STS) that typically occurs in the extremities near a joint. Metastatic disease is common and usually occurs in the lungs and lymph nodes. Surgical management is the mainstay of treatment with chemotherapy and radiation typically used as adjuvant treatment. Although chemotherapy has a positive impact on survival, the prognosis is poor if metastatic disease occurs. The biology of sarcoma invasion and metastasis remain poorly understood. Chromosomal translocation with fusion of the SYT and SSX genes has been described and is currently used as a diagnostic marker, although the full impact of the fusion is unknown. Multiple biomarkers have been found to be associated with SS and are currently under investigation regarding their pathways and mechanisms of action. Further research is needed in order to develop better diagnostic screening tools and understanding of tumor behavior. Development of targeted therapies that reduce metastatic events in SS, would dramatically improve patient prognosis

    Kaynak Tanımlama ve Erişim’in (RDA) Gelişimi: Yeni Kataloglama Standardı

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    Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a new standard for describing and accessing information specifically designed for the digital environment. It is a shift from Anglo American Cataloging Rules II (AACR2) and it aims to provide a more user friendly service to library users in locating information in the library online catalogs. It is also targeting to facilitate a cataloging standard which can be shared globally and be edited simultaneously by the catalogers and other users when needed. There are similarities as well as diff erences between these two cataloging standards. Since the development of RDA started in 2005, there has been a hot discussion among catalogers about the advantages and disadvantages of the two standards against each other. There are also arguments on the changes that RDA would introduce to the cataloging standards and questioning if this is the right time to move forward with these changes. This paper provides the reader an overview of the development of RDA standards and the outcome of this new standard yet to be adopted.Kaynak Tanımlama ve Erişim (Resource Description and Access - RDA) özellikle dijital ortam için tasarlanmış bilgiyi tanımlamaya ve bu bilgiye erişmeye yönelik bir standarttır. Bu standart Anglo Amerikan Kataloglama Kuralları 2’den türemiştir ve kütüphane kullanıcılarına çevrimiçi kütüphane kataloglarında bilginin yerini belirlemek için daha fazla kullanıcı dostu hizmetler sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca gereksinim duyulduğunda katalogcular ve diğer kullanıcılar tarafından eş zamanlı olarak düzenlenebilen ve dünya çapında paylaşılabilen bir kataloglama standardı oluşturabilmeyi hedefl emektedir. İki kataloglama standardı arasında farklılıklar olduğu kadar benzerlikler de bulunmaktadır. RDA standardının 2005 yılından itibaren gelişmeye başlaması, katalogcuların her iki standardın birbirine karşı avantajları ve dezavantajları üzerinde tartışmalarını beraberinde getirmiştir. Ayrıca RDA’nın kataloglama standartlarına getireceği değişiklikler, bu değişikler için doğru bir zamanlama olup olmadığı ve bu değişikliklerle ilerlemenin mümkün olup olmayacağı konularında tartışmalar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, okuyuculara RDA standardının gelişimi ve henüz yeni benimsenmiş bu standardın çıktıları hakkında genel bir bakış sunmaktadır

    Future of the Cataloging, RDA (Resource Description & Access)

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    A power point about RDA, Resource Description & Access and future of cataloging standards, presented at CALCON2009

    Development of Resource Description and Access (RDA): The New Cataloging Standard

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    Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a new standard for describing and accessing information specifically designed for the digital environment. It is a shift from Anglo American Cataloging Rules, AACR2 and it aims to provide a more user friendly service to library users in locating information in the library online catalogs. It is also targeting to facilitate a cataloging standard which can be shared globally and be edited simultaneously by the catalogers and other users when needed. There are similarities as well as differences between these two cataloging standards.Since the development of RDA started in 2005, there has been a hot discussion among catalogers about the advantages and disadvantages of the two standards against each other. There is also argument on the changes that RDA would introduce to the cataloging standards and questioning if this is the right time to move forward with these changes. This paper provides the reader an overview of the development of RDA standards and the outcome of this new standard yet to be adopted

    The 21st Century Bibliographic Control: Transforming the Library Data from a Static to an Interactive Platform

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    A power point on library catalogs bibliographic contol in 21st century, presented at CALCON10

    Development of Resource Description and Access (RDA): The New Cataloging Standard Kaynak Tanımlama ve Erişim'in (RDA) Gelişimi: Yeni Kataloglama Standardı

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    Abstract Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a new standard for describing and accessing information specifically designed for the digital environment. It is a shift from Anglo American Cataloging Rules II (AACR2) and it aims to provid