44 research outputs found

    Regular Spacings of Complex Eigenvalues in the One-dimensional non-Hermitian Anderson Model

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    We prove that in dimension one the non-real eigenvalues of the non-Hermitian Anderson (NHA) model with a selfaveraging potential are regularly spaced. The class of selfaveraging potentials which we introduce in this paper is very wide and in particular includes stationary potentials (with probability one) as well as all quasi-periodic potentials. It should be emphasized that our approach here is much simpler than the one we used before. It allows us a) to investigate the above mentioned spacings, b) to establish certain properties of the integrated density of states of the Hermitian Anderson models with selfaveraging potentials, and c) to obtain (as a by-product) much simpler proofs of our previous results concerned with non-real eigenvalues of the NHA model.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Induced Ginibre ensemble of random matrices and quantum operations

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    A generalisation of the Ginibre ensemble of non-Hermitian random square matrices is introduced. The corresponding probability measure is induced by the ensemble of rectangular Gaussian matrices via a quadratisation procedure. We derive the joint probability density of eigenvalues for such induced Ginibre ensemble and study various spectral correlation functions for complex and real matrices, and analyse universal behaviour in the limit of large dimensions. In this limit the eigenvalues of the induced Ginibre ensemble cover uniformly a ring in the complex plane. The real induced Ginibre ensemble is shown to be useful to describe statistical properties of evolution operators associated with random quantum operations, for which the dimensions of the input state and the output state do differ.Comment: 2nd version, 34 pages, 5 figure

    Density of State in a Complex Random Matrix Theory with External Source

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    The density of state for a complex N×NN\times N random matrix coupled to an external deterministic source is considered for a finite N, and a compact expression in an integral representation is obtained.Comment: 7 pages, late

    Fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H=0 and the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble

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    The goal of this paper is to establish a relation between characteristic polynomials of N×N GUE random matrices H as N→∞, and Gaussian processes with logarithmic correlations. We introduce a regularized version of fractional Brownian motion with zero Hurst index, which is a Gaussian process with stationary increments and logarithmic increment structure. Then we prove that this process appears as a limit of DN(z)=−log|det(H−zI)| on mesoscopic scales as N→∞. By employing a Fourier integral representation, we use this to prove a continuous analogue of a result by Diaconis and Shahshahani [J. Appl. Probab. 31A (1994) 49–62]. On the macroscopic scale, DN(x) gives rise to yet another type of Gaussian process with logarithmic correlations. We give an explicit construction of the latter in terms of a Chebyshev–Fourier random series

    Interpolation between Airy and Poisson statistics for unitary chiral non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles

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    We consider a family of chiral non-Hermitian Gaussian random matrices in the unitarily invariant symmetry class. The eigenvalue distribution in this model is expressed in terms of Laguerre polynomials in the complex plane. These are orthogonal with respect to a non-Gaussian weight including a modified Bessel function of the second kind, and we give an elementary proof for this. In the large n limit, the eigenvalue statistics at the spectral edge close to the real axis are described by the same family of kernels interpolating between Airy and Poisson that was recently found by one of the authors for the elliptic Ginibre ensemble. We conclude that this scaling limit is universal, appearing for two different non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles with unitary symmetry. As a second result we give an equivalent form for the interpolating Airy kernel in terms of a single real integral, similar to representations for the asymptotic kernel in the bulk and at the hard edge of the spectrum. This makes its structure as a one-parameter deformation of the Airy kernel more transparent

    Summing free unitary random matrices

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    I use quaternion free probability calculus - an extension of free probability to non-Hermitian matrices (which is introduced in a succinct but self-contained way) - to derive in the large-size limit the mean densities of the eigenvalues and singular values of sums of independent unitary random matrices, weighted by complex numbers. In the case of CUE summands, I write them in terms of two "master equations," which I then solve and numerically test in four specific cases. I conjecture a finite-size extension of these results, exploiting the complementary error function. I prove a central limit theorem, and its first sub-leading correction, for independent identically-distributed zero-drift unitary random matrices.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Eigenvalues and Singular Values of Products of Rectangular Gaussian Random Matrices

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    We derive exact analytic expressions for the distributions of eigenvalues and singular values for the product of an arbitrary number of independent rectangular Gaussian random matrices in the limit of large matrix dimensions. We show that they both have power-law behavior at zero and determine the corresponding powers. We also propose a heuristic form of finite size corrections to these expressions which very well approximates the distributions for matrices of finite dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Almost-Hermitian Random Matrices: Crossover from Wigner-Dyson to Ginibre eigenvalue statistics

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    By using the method of orthogonal polynomials we analyze the statistical properties of complex eigenvalues of random matrices describing a crossover from Hermitian matrices characterized by the Wigner- Dyson statistics of real eigenvalues to strongly non-Hermitian ones whose complex eigenvalues were studied by Ginibre. Two-point statistical measures (as e.g. spectral form factor, number variance and small distance behavior of the nearest neighbor distance distribution p(s)p(s)) are studied in more detail. In particular, we found that the latter function may exhibit unusual behavior p(s)∝s5/2p(s)\propto s^{5/2} for some parameter values.Comment: 4 pages, RevTE