12 research outputs found
A fehérjemátrix szerepe a redoxfehérjék működésében = Role of the protein matrix in the function of redox proteins
Rekombináns citokrĂłm c mutánsokat állĂtottunk elĹ‘ Ă©s a bevezetett ciszteineket TUPS fotoaktĂv redox jelölĹ‘vel jelöltĂĽk. Ugyancsak jelöltĂĽnk felszĂni lizineket. LĂ©zerimpulzussal valĂł gerjesztĂ©s után kinetikus spektroszkĂłpiai mĂłdszerrel mĂ©rtĂĽk Ă©s Ă©rtelmeztĂĽk az elektrontranszfer sebessĂ©gĂ©t a jelölĹ‘ Ă©s a citokrĂłm hem kofaktora között. MegállapĂtottuk, hogy a jelölĹ‘ flexibilis kovalens kapcsolata miatt több pozĂciĂłt tud felvenni Ă©s ezĂ©rt az elektrontranszfer több exponenciálisbĂłl állĂł kinetikát mutat. A kĂsĂ©rleti adatokat összehasonlĂtottuk modellszámĂtásokkal Ă©s megállapĂtottuk, hogy mind a konkrĂ©t elektrontranszfer Ăştvonalakkal, mind pedig a fehĂ©rjĂ©vel, mint változĂł sűrűsĂ©gű folytonos közeggel számolĂł modell az eredmĂ©nyekkel jĂłl megegyezĹ‘ sebessĂ©geket jĂłsol. A citokrĂłm felszĂnĂ©t feltĂ©rkĂ©peztĂĽk elektrontranszfer hatĂ©konyság szempontjábĂłl: a hem sĂkjához viszonyĂtott poláros rĂ©giĂłk valamivel hatĂ©konyabbak az egyenlĂtĹ‘i rĂ©giĂłknál. A citokrĂłm c Ă©s a citokrĂłm oxidáz komplexĂ©ben mĂ©rve az elektrontranszfert az eddigieknĂ©l nagyobb idĹ‘felbontással tudtuk megmĂ©rni a CuA (elsĹ‘) elektronakceptor redukciĂłjának idejĂ©t, Ă©s azt 100 ns-nál gyorsabbnak találtuk. MegállapĂtottuk, hogy E. coli baktĂ©riumban Ă©rett holocitokrĂłm c kis mennyisĂ©gben spontán mĂłdon, hem liáz segĂtsĂ©ge nĂ©lkĂĽl is kĂ©pzĹ‘dik. SikerĂĽlt a hem liáz fehĂ©rjĂ©t heterolĂłg mĂłdon kifejezni Ă©s tisztĂtani, Ă©s Ăgy apocitokrĂłm Ă©s hem felhasználásával in vitro holocitokrĂłmot termelni. | We produced recombinant mutant cytochrome c proteins and labeled the introduced cysteines and native lysines with the photoactive redox label TUPS. Pulse laser excitation of TUPS and the ensuing electron transfer between the label and the heme of cytochrome c was followed by kinetic absorption spectroscopy. Due to the flexible covalent link between the label and the protein TUPS can assume multiple positions which result in multiexponential electron transfer kinetics. We compared the experimental data with model calculations and concluded that both the model assuming explicite electron transfer pathways and the model assuming a protein matrix with varying packing density can satisfactorily describe the experimental observations. We mapped the surface of cytochrome c in terms of electron transfer efficiency towards the heme. The polar regions were found to be slightly more efficient ('hotter') than the equatorial regions relative to the plane of the heme. By measuring the electron transfer in the complex of cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase at a higher time resolution than in previous studies, we obtained a reduction time of the primary electron acceptor, CuA, which is faster than 100 ns. We found that in E. coli a low efficiency spontaneous maturation of holocytochrome c can take place without the assistance of heme lyase. We expressed and purified yeast heme lyase from E. coli and demonstrated in vitro holocytochrome maturation upon addition of apocytochrome and heme
Quantitative linear dichroism imaging of molecular processes in living cells made simple by open software tools
Fluorescence-detected linear dichroism microscopy allows observing various molecular processes in living cells, as well as obtaining quantitative information on orientation of fluorescent molecules associated with cellular features. Such information can provide insights into protein structure, aid in development of genetically encoded probes, and allow determinations of lipid membrane properties. However, quantitating and interpreting linear dichroism in biological systems has been laborious and unreliable. Here we present a set of open source ImageJ-based software tools that allow fast and easy linear dichroism visualization and quantitation, as well as extraction of quantitative information on molecular orientations, even in living systems. The tools were tested on model synthetic lipid vesicles and applied to a variety of biological systems, including observations of conformational changes during G-protein signaling in living cells, using fluorescent proteins. Our results show that our tools and model systems are applicable to a wide range of molecules and polarization-resolved microscopy techniques, and represent a significant step towards making polarization microscopy a mainstream tool of biological imaging.</p
Effect of Hofmeister cosolutes on the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein at moderately alkaline pH
The photocycle of photoactive yellow protein was studied by kinetic absorption spectroscopy from below 100 ns to seconds, at moderately alkaline pH, in the presence of high concentrations of various salts. Chemometric analysis combined with multiexponential fit of the flash-induced difference spectra provided evidence for five intermediates, including a spectrally silent form before the final recovery of the parent state, but only three with significantly distinct spectra. The calculated intermediate spectra constituted the input for the following spectrotemporal model fit using a sufficiently complex photocycle scheme with reversible transitions. This yielded the rate coefficients of the molecular transitions, the final spectra and the kinetics of the intermediates. Except for the transition between the two red shifted (early) intermediates (pR(1) and pR(2)) and the final photocycle step, all reactions appeared to be reversible. Kosmotropic and chaotropic cosolutes had a systematic effect on the molecular rate coefficients. The largest effect, associated presumably with the exposure of the hydrophobic interior of the protein, accompanies the transition between the second red-shifted and the first blue-shifted intermediate (pR(2) and pB(1) respectively), i.e. it coincides with the chromophore protonation. The dependence of the rate coefficients on the Hofmeister cosolutes suggests that the conformational change of photoactive yellow protein leading eventually to the most unfolded signaling state takes place in several steps, and starts already with the relaxation after the chromophore isomerization in the microsecond time domain. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Changes of the absorption cross section of Si nanocrystals with temperature and distance
The absorption cross section (ACS) of silicon nanocrystals (Si NCs) in single-layer and multilayer structures with variable thickness of oxide barriers is determined via a photoluminescence (PL) modulation technique that is based on the analysis of excitation intensity-dependent PL kinetics under modulated pumping. We clearly demonstrate that roughly doubling the barrier thickness (from ca. 1 to 2.2 nm) induces a decrease of the ACS by a factor of 1.5. An optimum separation barrier thickness of ca. 1.6 nm is calculated to maximize the PL intensity yield. This large variation of ACS values with barrier thickness is attributed to a modulation of either defect population states or of the efficiency of energy transfer between confined NC layers. An exponential decrease of the ACS with decreasing temperature down to 120 K can be explained by smaller occupation number of phonons and expansion of the band gap of Si NCs at low temperatures. This study clearly shows that the ACS of Si NCs cannot be considered as independent on experimental conditions and sample parameters