390 research outputs found

    Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Waste Management System (Case Study: Karaj, Iran)

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    LCA has been defined as a tool for evaluating the environmental burdens and potential impacts that can be applied to municipal solid waste management systems for determine the optimum municipal solid waste (MSW) management strategy.To investigate the Waste Management system strategyof Karaj City we used LCA method. Three scenarios were defined and compared based on environmental burden include water pollution, air pollution, consumed energy and waste residues.. For each of these scenarios, an ecological indicator was achieved from checklist values. From the environmental point of view, results show that recycling is one of the best alternatives for Waste Management. Furthermore, composting has an important role in alleviating the load of pollutants and energy usage in the Waste Management system. ©JASEMKeywords: Waste Management system, LCA, Kara

    Effect of plant cover on presence of Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) in Khouzestan Province, Southwestern Iran

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    Three of 6 subspecies of black francolins (Francolinus francolinus), are found throughout Iran. Habitat destruction and indiscriminate hunting as well as agricultural pesticides are among the most crucial factors threatening the populations of these birds in Khouzestan Province, southwestern Iran. Using plot sampling, this study aims to investigate different vegetative factors including plant species, percentage of species presence and dominant plant cover height on francolin presence. Sampling was carried out throughout 5 presence areas of black francolin and 2 areas lacking francolins (control areas). Results showed that frequency of Camels thorn (Alhagi cameloram), Cashew (Prosopis farcta) and African Salsola (Suaeda fruticosa) were higher in presence areas compared with other plant species. Using One Way ANOVA, it was determined that there was no significant difference between plant cover percent (P = 0.279) and dominant plant cover height (P = 0.316). However, difference of these two mentioned factors were significant in 4 seasons (P = 000 for cover height and P = 0.001 for cover percent). In fact, the highest black francolin presence was recorded at 15 – 67 and 4 – 48 for cover percent and cover height classes respectively

    Breeding ecology of the Iranian ground jay (Podoces pleskei)

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    Although Podoces pleskei is the only endemic bird of Iran, little information exists on its ecological features, population dynamics and threats that concern it. This species occurs in desert and semi desert areas, mostly on the Iranian plateau, though its range spreads southeast ward to the Iran- Pakistan border. In this research, a total of 52 nests were studied in three locations, the “Ghare Tappe”, “Marvast” and “Mehrano” region, from 2005 to 2008. Breeding habits, nest characteristics, hatching features, clutch size, length of incubation time, nesting period and features of the chicks were observed in the three locations and were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). To compare breeding success among the three study areas, Z test was applied. This bird builds its nest at the top of and within the denser parts of plants, particularly Atraphaxis spinosa, Ephedra intermedia and Zygophyllum eurypterum. At times of danger, they hide beneath shrubs. Z-tests showed that the breeding success of this bird varied between Marvast and Mehrano. The greatest cause of nest failure and chick mortality was the transcaspian desert monitor (Varanus griseus caspius), which feeds on the eggs and chicks.Key words: Breeding ecology, Pleske’s ground jay, nest characteristics, clutch size, nest success, threat

    Injury surveillance information system: A review of the system requirements

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    Purpose: An injury surveillance information system (ISIS) collects, analyzes, and distributes data on injuries to promote health care delivery. The present study aimed to review the data elements and functional requirements of this system. Method: This study was conducted in 2019. Studies related to injury surveillance system were searched from January 2000 to September 2019 via the databases of PubMed, Web of Knowledge, ScienceDirect, and Scopus. Articles related to the epidemiology of injury, population survey, and letters to the editor were excluded, while the review and research articles related to ISISs were included in the study. Initially 324 articles were identified, and finally 22 studies were selected for review. Having reviewed the articles, the data needed were extracted and the results were synthesized narratively. Results: The results showed that most of the systems reviewed in this study used the minimum data set suggested by the World Health Organization injury surveillance guidelines along with supplementary data. The main functions considered for the system were injury track, data analysis, report, data linkage, electronic monitoring and data dissemination. Conclusion: ISISs can help to improve healthcare planning and injury prevention. Since different countries have various technical and organizational infrastructures, it is essential to identify system requirements in different settings. © 2020 Chinese Medical Associatio

    Scope actuation system for articulated laparoscopes

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    Background: An articulated laparoscope comprises a rigid shaft with an articulated distal end to change the viewing direction. The articulation provides improved navigation of the operating field in confined spaces. Furthermore, incorporation of an actuation system tends to enhance the control of an articulated laparoscope. Methods: A preliminary prototype of a scope actuation system to maneuver an off-the-shelf articulated laparoscope (EndoCAMaleon by Karl Storz, Germany) was developed. A user study was conducted to evaluate this prototype for the surgical paradigm of video-assisted thoracic surgery. In the study, the subjects maneuvered an articulated scope under two modes of operation: (a) actuated mode where an operating surgeon maneuvers the scope using the developed prototype and (b) manual mode where a surgical assistant directly maneuvers the scope. The actuated mode was further assessed for multiple configurations based on the orientation of the articulated scope at the incision. Results: The data show the actuated mode scored better than the manual mode on all the measured performance parameters including (a) total duration to visualize a marked region, (a) duration for which scope focus shifts outside a predefined visualization region, and (c) number of times for which scope focus shifts outside a predefined visualization region. Among the different configurations tested using the actuated mode, no significant difference was observed. Conclusions: The proposed articulated scope actuation system facilitates better navigation of an operative field as compared to a human assistant. Secondly, irrespective of the orientation in which an articulated scope’s shaft is inserted through an incision, the proposed actuation system can navigate and visualize the operative field

    A generic scope actuation system for flexible endoscopes

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    Background: A scope actuation system assists a surgeon in steering a scope for navigating an operative field during an interventional or diagnostic procedure. Each system is tailored for a specific surgical procedure. The development of a generic scope actuation system could assist various laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures. This has the potential to reduce the deployment and maintenance costs for a hospital, making it more accessible for clinical usage. Methods: A modular actuation system (for maneuvering rigid laparoscopes) was adapted to enable incorporation of flexible endoscopes. The design simplifies the installation and disassembly processes. User studies were conducted to assess the ability of the system to focus onto a diagnostic area, and to navigate during a simulated esophagogastroduodenoscopy procedure. During the studies, the endoscope was maneuvered with (robotic mode) and without (manual mode) the actuation system to navigate the endoscope’s focus on a predefined track. Results: Results show that the robotic mode performed better than the manual mode on all the measured performance parameters including (a) the total duration to traverse a track, (b) the percentage of time spent outside a track while traversing, and (c) the number of times the scope focus shifts outside the track. Additionally, robotic mode also reduced the perceived workload based on the NASA-TLX scale. Conclusions: The proposed scope actuation system enhances the maneuverability of flexible endoscopes. It also lays the groundwork for future development of modular and generic scope assistant systems that can be used in both laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures

    Achievement high level goals in E-learning with comprehensive feedback; (Standards and Criteria)

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    Background and Objective:The separation of learner and teacher from each other in e-learning, has made feedback as the most important challenge in this type of learning. Despite, there is no comprehensive framework based on the science of education, so that how to create educational feedback based on learning objectives. The purpose of this study was to compilation the educational standards and their indicators based on the Bloom- Methods: Anderson’s taxonomy for design effective and on time feedback for any educational goal. Qualitative research approach is used and based this approach, the phenomenological design strategy has been used. The population included 12 persons of subject matter and faculty member in academic e-learning centers which were selected through purposeful sampling. Those individuals included in the sample who had three characteristics: a) academic education in e-learning, b) teaching in higher education in the faculties of educational sciences, and c) working in e-learning centers of universities and educational institutions. To gather data semi-structured interviews were used. Qualitative data generated from interviews were coded and analysis by Corbin and Strauss method and Maxquda software. Findings: The results of the study led to the development of 4 educational standards and 25 indicators based on the Bloom-Anderson’s taxonomy to design a comprehensive feedback in the field of e-learning. According to the results of this study, educational technologists can evaluate or design more effective e-learning environments. Conclusion: Overall, feedback plays a key role in e-learning process that can pave the way for identifying problems in the teaching-learning process and proposing improvements to these challenges. However, timing of the feedback is critical. Lack of time shows that the potential benefits of feedback are often not achieved, and instructors are often unable to provide feedback tailored to educational conditions and goals. The results of this study can provide appropriate design and presenting of the feedback with the aim of learning and effective use of educational technologies at the right time. In this regard it can help designers of e-learning environments in a way that the right time to provide feedback is not wasted and always provide feedback at the right time and in the right way. Based on the results of the research, evaluators and administrators of e-learning environments can use the e-learning evaluation form of the paper prepared based on the standards and criteria in a Likert scale to evaluate the feedback method of e-learning instructors.   ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2020 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    LightPlay: Efficient Replay with GPUs

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    Abstract. Previous deterministic replay systems reduce the runtime overhead by either relying on hardware support or by relaxing the de-terminism requirements for replay. We propose LightPlay that fulfills stricter determinism requirements with low overhead without requiring hardware or OS support. LightPlay guarantees that the memory state af-ter each instruction instance in a replay run is the same as in original run. It reduces logging overhead using a lightweight thread local technique that avoids synchronization between threads during the recording run. GPUs are used to efficiently identify the memory ordering constraints that produce the same memory states before the replay run. LightPlay incurs low space overhead for logging as it only stores the part of log where data races occur. During the logging run LightPlay is 20x–100x faster than logging the total order and requires only 1 % space overhead.