21 research outputs found

    Generalized geometry and non-symmetric gravity

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    Generalized geometry provides the framework for a systematic approach to non-symmetric metric gravity theory and naturally leads to an Einstein-Kalb-Ramond gravity theory with totally anti-symmetric contortion. The approach is related to the study of the low-energy effective closed string gravity actions.Comment: 6 pages, Proceedings of the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Rome, July 12-18, 2015); v2: typos in eqns (14) and (15) correcte

    The Algebroid Structure of Double Field Theory

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    By doubling the target space of a canonical Courant algebroid and subsequently projecting down to a specific subbundle, we identify the data of double field theory (DFT) and hence define its algebroid structure. We specify the properties of the DFT algebroid. We show that one of the Courant algebroid properties plays the role of the strong constraint in the context of DFT. The DFT algebroid is a special example when properties of a Courant algebroid are relaxed in a specific and dependent manner. When otherwise, we uncover additional structures.Comment: 11 pages; proceedings of "Dualities and Generalized Geometries", Corfu Summer Institute 2018. v2: typo corrected, reference adde

    Tensor Galileons and Gravity

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    The particular structure of Galileon interactions allows for higher-derivative terms while retaining second order field equations for scalar fields and Abelian pp-forms. In this work we introduce an index-free formulation of these interactions in terms of two sets of Grassmannian variables. We employ this to construct Galileon interactions for mixed-symmetry tensor fields and coupled systems thereof. We argue that these tensors are the natural generalization of scalars with Galileon symmetry, similar to pp-forms and scalars with a shift-symmetry. The simplest case corresponds to linearised gravity with Lovelock invariants, relating the Galileon symmetry to diffeomorphisms. Finally, we examine the coupling of a mixed-symmetry tensor to gravity, and demonstrate in an explicit example that the inclusion of appropriate counterterms retains second order field equations.Comment: 24 pages; v2: references added, minor clarification

    Quasinormal modes of slowly rotating Kerr-Newman black holes using the double series method

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    We calculate the spectrum of quasinormal modes of slowly rotating Kerr-Newman black holes. Using a perturbative double expansion method, second order in rotation and first order in non-radial perturbations, we obtain the system of equations that describe polar-led and axial-led perturbations. We analyse gravitational, electromagnetic and scalar fundamental modes, focusing on the l=2\mathrm{l}=2 perturbations. We reproduce previous results and check that isospectrality between axial and polar-led perturbations is approximately satisfied with good accuracy. Our results show that the slow rotation approximation can be used to estimate with reasonable precision the spectrum of configurations up to 50-60%\% of the extremal angular momentum.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures; v2: references added, equation (121) added; v3: comments and references added, typos corrected, results unchanged, matches published versio

    BRST symmetry of doubled membrane sigma-models

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    Courant sigma-models encode the geometric and non-geometric fluxes of compactified closed string theory as generalized Wess-Zumino terms and exhibit their relation to Courant algebroids. In recent work, we proposed a doubled membrane sigma-model that establishes the corresponding connection to double field theory and its algebroid structure. The strategy is to consider a "large" Courant sigma-model over a doubled target spacetime and identify a suitable projection that leads to a sigma-model for doubled fields. In this note, we provide further details for this construction. Starting from the BRST symmetry of the BV action that satisfies the classical master equation, we consistently project the BRST transformations of the superfields of the "large" Courant sigma-model to obtain the gauge transformations of the doubled membrane sigma-model. We show that demanding gauge invariance and the closure of gauge transformations of the worldvolume theory, leads to a condition that is in direct correspondence to the strong constraint of the target space double field theory.Comment: 13 pages; proceedings of "Dualities and Generalized Geometries", Corfu Summer Institute 2018. v2: typos correcte

    Partition Function of Chiral Boson on 2-Torus from Floreanini-Jackiw Lagrangian

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    We revisit the problem of quantizing a chiral boson on a torus. The conventional approach is to extract the partition function of a chiral boson from the path integral of a non-chiral boson. Instead we compute it directly from the chiral boson Lagrangian of Floreanini and Jackiw modified by topological terms involving auxiliary fields. A careful analysis of the gauge-fixing condition for the extra gauge symmetry reproduces the correct results for the free chiral boson, and has the advantage of being applicable to a wider class of interacting chiral boson theories.Comment: 31 pages, minor modificatio

    Ultra long lived quasinormal modes of neutron stars in massive scalar-tensor gravity

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    The spectrum of frequencies and characteristic times that compose the ringdown phase of gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars carries information about the matter content (the equation of state) and the underlying theory of gravity. Typically, modified theories of gravity introduce additional degrees of freedom/fields, such as scalars, which result in new families of modes composing the ringdown spectrum. Simple but physically promising candidates are scalar-tensor theories, which effectively introduce an additional massive scalar field (i.e. an ultra-light boson) that couples non-minimally to gravity, resulting in scalarized neutron stars. Here we present the first calculation of the full ringdown spectrum in such theories. We show that the ringdown spectrum of neutron stars with ultra-light bosons is much richer and fundamentally different from the spectrum in general relativity and that it possesses propagating ultra long lived modes.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. v2: Generalisation of the results to generic massive scalar-tensor gravity; improvements in the discussion, figures and references; main results unchanged; matches published versio

    Double Field Theory and Membrane Sigma-Models

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    We investigate geometric aspects of double field theory (DFT) and its formulation as a doubled membrane sigma-model. Starting from the standard Courant algebroid over the phase space of an open membrane, we determine a splitting and a projection to a subbundle that sends the Courant algebroid operations to the corresponding operations in DFT. This describes precisely how the geometric structure of DFT lies in between two Courant algebroids and is reconciled with generalized geometry. We construct the membrane sigma-model that corresponds to DFT, and demonstrate how the standard T-duality orbit of geometric and non-geometric flux backgrounds is captured by its action functional in a unified way. This also clarifies the appearence of noncommutative and nonassociative deformations of geometry in non-geometric closed string theory. Gauge invariance of the DFT membrane sigma-model is compatible with the flux formulation of DFT and its strong constraint, whose geometric origin is explained. Our approach leads to a new generalization of a Courant algebroid, that we call a DFT algebroid and relate to other known generalizations, such as pre-Courant algebroids and symplectic nearly Lie 2-algebroids. We also describe the construction of a gauge-invariant doubled membrane sigma-model that does not require imposing the strong constraint.Comment: 54 pages, 1 table; v2: clarifying comments and references added; v3: exposition improved; v4: typo corrected, reference added; Final version published in JHE