68 research outputs found

    To look at the world through the instagram: to the question of influence of the instagram network on visual thinking of users

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    Authors, in this article, give the concept of «Instagram» and its role in the life of a modern society. The authors set a list of objects. Further, the conducted research is described; the researchers' group of participants is analyzed, whereas the used methods and the received results are listed. The visual examples illustrate distinctions in approaches of creating pictures between users and non-users of the very social network. In the research, the criteria of comparing users' pictures is allocated. Moreover, the comparison of the received photos is carried out. Furthermore, Trends in creating pictures and templates, which Instagram users follow are allocated. The theory underlined by authors in the beginning of the article is confirmed, as the conclusion is drawn.В данной статье дается понятие социальной сети Instagram и ее роли в жизни современного общества. Перечисляются цели, поставленные авторами. Далее описывается проведенное исследование, анализируется группа участников исследования, перечисляются использованные методы и полученные результаты. Приведены примеры, наглядно иллюстрирующие различия в подходах к созданию фотографий между пользователями и непользователями социальной сети. Выделяются критерии для сравнения снимков участников исследования. Проводится сравнение полученных фотографий. Выделяются тренды в создании снимков и шаблоны, которым следуют пользователи Instagram. Подтверждается выдвинутая авторами в начале статьи гипотеза и делается заключительный вывод

    Molecular barriers to processes of genetic reprogramming and cell transformation

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Genetic reprogramming by ectopic expression of transcription factor genes induces the pluripotent state in somatic cells. This technology provides an opportunity to establish pluripotent stem cells for each person, as well as to get better understanding of epigenetic mechanisms controlling cell state. Interestingly, some of the molecular processes that accompany somatic cell reprogramming in vitro are also characteristic for tumor manifestation. Thus, similar "molecular barriers" that control the stability of epigenetic state exist for both processes of pluripotency induction and malignant transformation. The reprogramming of tumor cells is interesting in two aspects: first, it will determine the contribution of epigenetic changes in carcinogenesis; second, it gives an approach to evaluate tumor stem cells that are supposed to form the entire cell mass of the tumor. This review discusses the key stages of genetic reprogramming, the similarity and difference between the reprogramming process and malignant transformation

    Construction of a Narrativeabout Socialist Realism in English-Language Art Criticism Discourse (based on Texts of Matthew Bown)

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    Based on the texts of the British expert Matthew Bown, the article deals with the issue of constructing a narrative about the Soviet fine arts. The aim of the study is to analyze the patterns of narrative formation and identify its significant elements. The frame CREATING NEW ART serves as the cognitive basis of the narrative. This frame is characterized by variability and has two main configurations, which can be represented as two scenarios. These scenarios differ in the composition of the actors and the content of the tasks they solve. The actors of the first scenario, actualized in the narrative within the framework of the “friend or foe” opposition, are the ideologists of socialist realism, party leaders and representatives of the creative elite. Their tasks include the formation of the ideology and content of the new art. The actors of the second scenario, updated within the framework of the opposition “self / other”, are Soviet artists. Their task is to develop a language of art that meets ideological requirements and at the same time realizes their creative potential. The article substantiates M. Baun’s willingness to see in socialist realism not only an ideological trend, but also a significant artistic direction. This approach contributes to the disclosure of the value component of socialist realism painting and the transmission of the historical cultural memory of this phenomenon to the world community

    Distant hybridization as a method of haploid production in cereals

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    Elimination of chromosomes is a phenomenon widespread in distant hybrids. It ranges from the loss of one or two chromosomes to elimination of whole chromosome complement of one of the parents. Such elimination leads to the production of haploid plants, which then are treated with colchicine to double the chromosome number and to develop DH‑lines. Homozygosity of doubled haploids serves as a basis for their wide use in plant genetics and breeding. The use of this approach reduces the time required for obtaining homozygous lines by 5 years on the average. It leads to savings in human resources, energy and acreage. The development of the “bulbosum” method for haploid barley production had a strong influence on the chromosome engineering in cereals and its implementation in plant breeding. However, the method developed on that basis could not be used effectively for producing haploids of wheat, triticale, etc. because of Hordeum bulbosum L. pollen sensitivity to genes inhibiting wheat crossability (Kr genes). The crosses with Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch. is an efficient alternative to the widely used wheat × maize and triticale × maize crosses due to abundant pollen supply within a longer time period, significantly higher frequency of embryos formation and haploid plants regeneration

    Влияние интравитреального введения пролонгированных кортикостероидов на динамику внутриглазного давления

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    PURPOSE. To analyze the effects of intravitreal injections of prolonged corticosteroids (Ozurdex®) on intraocular pressure (IOP).METHODS. The study involved 330 patients (142 men, 188 women aged 54.5 (40 to 63) years who received 399 intravitreal injections (IVI) of Ozurdex®. Patients were divided into two main groups: 1st group consisted of 184 (55.7%) patients who did not use antihypertensive therapy before or after IVI of Ozurdex®; 2nd group consisted of 146 (44.3%) patients who used hypotensive drugs before IVI, or immediately after IVI of Ozurdex®. Two subgroups were formed according to main concomitant disease: 1st subgroup — 167 (50.6%) patients with retinal vein occlusion (RVO); 2nd subgroup — 163 (49.4%) patients with diabetic retinopathy (DR). The IOP level was measured before IVI, the next day, and one month after drug administration. In cases of ophthalmic hypertension, local carbonic anhydrase inhibitors were used as monotherapy, or in combination with beta-blockers.RESULTS. An increase in IOP observed in 44% of cases after the first injection was stabilized by medications: in 80.7% with the help of monotherapy, in 19.3% — with combined antihypertensive therapy. In 100% of cases, patients with hypertension and history of laser coagulation did not require IOP correction by a drug combination. The mean IOP values tended to decrease in all patients (p<0.01). Cataract was diagnosed in 69% of cases, phacoemulsification after the first IVI was performed in 9%, and after the second injection — in 19% of cases. There is a more frequent occurrence of ophthalmic hypertension in patients with RVO. The correlation coefficient between the IOP level before and after treatment was r=0.148 in patients with RVO and r=−0.0221 in patients with DR, respectively. There was no statistical relationship between the development of ophthalmic hypertension and the number of Ozurdex® injections received.CONCLUSION. The rise in intraocular pressure after intravitreal introduction of the Ozurdex® implant is diagnosed 17% more often in patients with RVO. IOP increased more often after the first injection, while there was no correlation between hypertension and the number of Ozurdex® injections. In 8.5% of cases, combination therapy was required. In half of patients with ophthalmic hypertension, the IOP has compensated independently within 3–15 months after IVI.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучить влияние интравитреального введения пролонгированных кортикостероидов (Озурдекс®) на динамику внутриглазного давления (ВГД).МЕТОДЫ. Выполнено 399 интравитреальных введений (ИВВ) Озурдекс® 330 пациентам (142 мужчин, 188 женщин), средний возраст 54,5±3,6 года (от 40 до 63 лет). Пациенты были разделены на две основные группы: 1-я группа — 184 (55,7%) пациента, не применявшие гипотензивную терапию ни до, ни после ИВВ Озурдекс®; 2-я группа — 146 (44,3%) пациентов, применявшие гипотензивные препараты до ИВВ, либо сразу после ИВВ Озурдекс®. Из числа всех пациентов сформированы 2 подгруппы по основному заболеванию: 1-я подгруппа — 167 (50,6%) пациентов с окклюзией вен сетчатки (ОВС); 2-я подгруппа — 163 (49,4%) пациента с диабетической ретинопатией (ДРП). Среди обследованных было 28 пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой I и II стадий. Уровень ВГД исследовали до ИВВ, на следующий день и через 1 месяц после введения препарата. В случаях выявления офтальмогипертензии использовали местные ингибиторы карбоангидразы в качестве монотерапии или в комбинации с бета-блокаторами.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Повышение ВГД, возникшее после первой инъекции в 44%, было нормализовано медикаментозно: в 80,7% с помощью монотерапии, в 19,3% применялась комбинированная гипотензивная терапия. В 100% случаев у пациентов с гипертензией и ранее проведенной лазеркоагуляцией сетчатки (ЛКС) не потребовалась комбинированная медикаментозная коррекция офтальмотонуса. Средние значения офтальмотонуса всех пациентов имели тенденцию к снижению (p<0,01). Катаракта была диагностирована в 69% случаев, факоэмульсификация (ФЭ) после первой ИВВ проведена в 9%, а после второй иньекции — в 19% случаев. Прослеживается более частая встречаемость офтальмогипертензии при окклюзии вен сетчатки (ОВС). Коэффициент корреляции между уровнем ВГД до и после лечения составил r=0,148 у пациентов с ОВС и r=−0,0221 у пациентов с ДРП соответственно. Статистической взаимосвязи развития офтальмогипертензии с числом полученных инъекций Озурдекс® выявлено не было. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Подъем ВГД после ИВВ Озурдекс® диагностируется чаще у пациентов с ОВС на 17%. Офтальмотонус повышался чаще после первой иньекции, в то же время не было выявлено кореляции между гипертензией и числом иньекций Озурдекс®. В ряде случаев 8,5% пациентам потребовалась комбинированная терапия. У половины пациентов с офтальмогипертензией в течение 3–15 месяцев после ИВВ офтальмотонус компенсировался самостоятельно.>< 0,01). Катаракта была диагностирована в 69% случаев, факоэмульсификация (ФЭ) после первой ИВВ проведена в 9%, а после второй иньекции — в 19% случаев. Прослеживается более частая встречаемость офтальмогипертензии при окклюзии вен сетчатки (ОВС). Коэффициент корреляции между уровнем ВГД до и после лечения составил r=0,148 у пациентов с ОВС и r=−0,0221 у пациентов с ДРП соответственно. Статистической взаимосвязи развития офтальмогипертензии с числом полученных инъекций Озурдекс® выявлено не было.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Подъем ВГД после ИВВ Озурдекс® диагностируется чаще у пациентов с ОВС на 17%. Офтальмотонус повышался чаще после первой иньекции, в то же время не было выявлено кореляции между гипертензией и числом иньекций Озурдекс®. В ряде случаев 8,5% пациентам потребовалась комбинированная терапия. У половины пациентов с офтальмогипертензией в течение 3–15 месяцев после ИВВ офтальмотонус компенсировался самостоятельно

    Commitment of Yekaterinburg residents to wearing face masks during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The aim of the study - to assess commitment of Yekaterinburg residents to wearing face coverings in crowded and/or enclosed places and to prepare recommendations in the form of a booklet to promote itЦель исследования - оценить соблюдение жителями города Екатеринбург масочного режима в местах массового скопления людей и разработать рекомендации в виде буклета для привлечения населения к его соблюдени

    Hygienic assessment of microclimate parameters of the department of hygiene and occupational diseases of USMU

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    The purpose of the study is to measure the parameters of the microclimate at the Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of USMU and determine their compliance with the norms of SanPiN 1.2.3685-21.Цель исследования – измерить параметры микроклимата на кафедре гигиены и профессиональных болезней УГМУ и определить их соответствие нормам СанПиН 1.2.3685-21

    Proteome-metabolome profiling of ovarian cancer ascites reveals novel components involved in intercellular communication

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    © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Ovarian cancer ascites is a native medium for cancer cells that allows investigation of their secretome in a natural environment. This medium is of interest as a promising source of potential biomarkers, and also as a medium for cell-cell communication. The aim of this study was to elucidate specific features of the malignant ascites metabolome and proteome. In order to omit components of the systemic response to ascites formation, we compared malignant ascites with cirrhosis ascites. Metabolome analysis revealed 41 components that differed significantly between malignant and cirrhosis ascites. Most of the identified cancer-specific metabolites are known to be important signaling molecules. Proteomic analysis identified 2096 and 1855 proteins in the ovarian cancer and cirrhosis ascites, respectively; 424 proteins were specific for the malignant ascites. Functional analysis of the proteome demonstrated that the major differences between cirrhosis and malignant ascites were observed for the cluster of spliceosomal proteins. Additionally, we demonstrate that several splicing RNAs were exclusively detected in malignant ascites, where they probably existed within protein complexes. This result was confirmed in vitro using an ovarian cancer cell line. Identification of spliceosomal proteins and RNAs in an extracellular medium is of particular interest; the finding suggests that they might play a role in the communication between cancer cells. In addition, malignant ascites contains a high number of exosomes that are known to play an important role in signal transduction. Thus our study reveals the specific features of malignant ascites that are associated with its function as a medium of intercellular communication

    Comparing the Epidermal Growth Factor Interaction with Four Different Cell Lines: Intriguing Effects Imply Strong Dependency of Cellular Context

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    The interaction of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) with its receptor (EGFR) is known to be complex, and the common over-expression of EGF receptor family members in a multitude of tumors makes it important to decipher this interaction and the following signaling pathways. We have investigated the affinity and kinetics of 125I-EGF binding to EGFR in four human tumor cell lines, each using four culturing conditions, in real time by use of LigandTracer®