16 research outputs found

    The use of DART mass spectrometry for express confirmation of empirical formulas of heterocyclic compounds

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    The results of studying the possibility of using DART spectrometry with a time-of-flight mass analyzer to confirm the elemental composition of heterocyclic compounds are presented. The method makes it possible to rapidly determine the molecular weight and to calculate the empirical formula of organic synthesis product. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    The use of DART mass spectrometry for express confirmation of empirical formulas of heterocyclic compounds

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    The results of studying the possibility of using DART spectrometry with a time-of-flight mass analyzer to confirm the elemental composition of heterocyclic compounds are presented. The method makes it possible to rapidly determine the molecular weight and to calculate the empirical formula of organic synthesis product. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Investigation of the astrophysical ³⁶S(p,γ) ³⁷Cl reaction AT Ep=1975...2190 keV

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    The ³⁶S(p,γ) ³⁷Cl reaction was investigated in the proton energy range Ep=1975-2190 keV. The observed resonance strengths were evaluated. The γ-decay schemes of the resonances at Ep=2037, 2058, 2069, 2080, 2122 and 2165 keV were constructed and the total γ-widths were determined. The astrophysical ³⁶S(p,γ) ³⁷Cl reaction rate was estimated.Представлено результати дослiджень реакцiї ³⁶S(p,γ) ³⁷Cl в областi енергiй протонiв Ep=1975...2190 кеВ. Оцiнено сили спостережуваних резонансiв. Побудовано схеми розпаду резо- нансiв при Ep=2037, 2058, 2069, 2080, 2122 та 2165 кеВ. Розрахованi повнi радiацiйнi ширини розпаду резонансiв. Проведено оцiнку швидкостi астрофiзичної реакцiї ³⁶S(p,γ) ³⁷Cl.Представлены результаты исследований реакции ³⁶S(p,γ) ³⁷Cl в области энергий протонов Ep=1975...2190 кэВ. Оценены силы наблюдаемых резонансов. Построены схемы распада резонансов при Ep=2037, 2058, 2069, 2080, 2122 и 2165 кэВ. Рассчитаны полные радиационные ширины распада резонансов. Проведена оценка скорости астрофизической реакции ³⁶S(p,γ) ³⁷Cl

    Recent advances in crystal chemistry and isotope geochemistry of organic minerals: Contribution of oxalate and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon minerals to new developments in mineralogy

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