7 research outputs found

    Some approaches to conceptual and practical decision of the remediation problems of Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone and the zone of absolute resettlement

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    The problems of the substantiation and implementation of a complex rehabilitation of territory of the exclusion zone and the zone of absolute resettlement (EZ&ZAR), as a process of implementation of the countermeasures system, directed to recovery of its normal economic operation, are considered. Normative-legal base, principles, criterion, methods and scenarios of rehabilitation, concept of a full and partial rehabilitation, direction of rehabilitation activity both without change of the territory status and directed on return of territories under the jurisdiction of local government bodies, re-evacuation of the population and maintenance of normal conditions of its residing and habitability are discussed. The preliminary estimations of a capability of practical implementation of different directions of rehabilitation activity on EZ&ZAR territory, obtained with usage of GIS-technologies with taking into account of dynamics of a radioecological situation in natural and semi-natural ecosystems, state of the art of natural and technogenic objects on territory of EZ&ZAR are discussed. The priority kinds of the practical activity, which has been rendered concrete in the normative-legal acts, in EZ&ZAR concepts, namely, - activity on environmental protection, maintenance in a normal condition of phyto- and zoo-sanitary situation; forestry activity, activation of landscape-recovery processes etc. are considered

    Estimation of possible ecological effects of Chernobyl NPP to the environment as a result of shutting-down of CHNPP

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    The problems, which should be analysed and decided in detail for adequate estimation of ecological effects of the ChNPP as well as activities for its shutting-down on the environment are considered. Particularly, these are: nuclear safety control of staff, population and environment during all stages of the ChNPP closing; maintenance of minimal ecological effect on the environment; development of scientific justify programs of radioecological monitoring on the territory of the ChNPP near zone for obtaining the adequate operating information and forecast of radioecological situations during realisation of activities; development and estimation of effectiveness of technologies for recultivation and remediation of territories technogenically changed as a result of activities; development of technologies and design solutions. They provide reliable environmental protection from radioactive materials during all ChNPP closing operations; estimation of modern radioecological situation of ChNPP cooling pond, estimation of various scenario its further maintenance after ChNPP closing, etc. An analysis of parameters of radiological situation on the Exclusion zone, including estimation of sources and fluxes of long-lived radionuclides both inside and outside its borders, it was showed that ChNPP closing would not cause significant change of intensity and direction of long-lived radionuclide fluxes. Nevertheless, ChNPP closing predetermines a change of a state of some sources (in particular, pond-cooler) and origins new (storehouse of a spent nuclear fuel, enterprises on processing of solid and liquid radioactive waste, etc). Changes in a condition of these sources (even at exception of consideration of extreme meteorological conditions and emergencies) are put with a number of new problems, requiring solution. Possible radioecological and ecological problems both of the Exclusion zone and the territory that arranges near to it, which could be appeared dealing with Chernobyl NPP closing are discussed