21 research outputs found

    Scattered and Fluorescent Photon Track Reconstruction in a Biological Tissue

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    Appropriate analysis of biological tissue deep regions is important for tumor targeting. This paper is concentrated on photons’ paths analysis in such biotissue as brain, because optical probing depth of fluorescent and excitation radiation differs. A method for photon track reconstruction was developed. Images were captured focusing on the transparent wall close and parallel to the source fibres, placed in brain tissue phantoms. The images were processed to reconstruct the photons most probable paths between two fibres. Results were compared with Monte Carlo simulations and diffusion approximation of the radiative transfer equation. It was shown that the excitation radiation optical probing depth is twice more than for the fluorescent photons. The way of fluorescent radiation spreading was discussed. Because of fluorescent and excitation radiation spreads in different ways, and the effective anisotropy factor, geff, was proposed for fluorescent radiation. For the brain tissue phantoms it were found to be 0.62±0.05 and 0.66±0.05 for the irradiation wavelengths 532 nm and 632.8 nm, respectively. These calculations give more accurate information about the tumor location in biotissue. Reconstruction of photon paths allows fluorescent and excitation probing depths determination. The geff can be used as simplified parameter for calculations of fluorescence probing depth


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    The abilities of the optical probe for fluorescence-guided stereotactic biopsy were investigated by means of a multifiber probe under 532 or 632.8 nm excitation. The set of multilayered phantoms representing a border between normal brain-tissue and a tumor with photosensitizer and gold nanoparticles (spheres or stars) in different concentrations were made to investigate the macroscopic parameters observed during the neurosurgical biopsy sample collection by means of the optical probe. These investigantions will allow to define the border of a brain tumor and control the type of tissue being collected by a stereotactic cannula during surgery. The impact of gold nanospheres and gold nanostars added in different concentrations to the bottom-layer of phantom was analyzed by fluorescence quenching or enhancement due to energy transfer between nanoparticles and fluorescent molecules. The results allow determining the tumor border and to make the biopsy uptake more efficient by observing the character of signal change while penetrating a tumor and while going out of it.Исследованы возможности применения зонда для стереотаксической биопсии при флуоресцентной навигации при возбуждении 532 или 632,8 нм. Для исследования макроскопических параметров, наблюдаемых во время забора образцов при стереотаксической биопсии с помощью оптического зонда, был сделан набор полужидких, полутвердых многослойных фантомов, моделирующих границу между нормальной мозговой тканью и опухолью с фотосенсибилизатором и наночастицами золота (сферы и звезды) в различных концентрациях. Было проанализировано влияние золотых наносфер и нанозвезд, добавленных в разных концентрациях к нижнему слою фантома, на усиление флуоресценции за счет переноса энергии между наночастицами и флуоресцентными молекулами. Результаты позволяют определить границу опухоли и повысить эффективность биопсии, наблюдая характер изменения флуоресцентного сигнала при прохождении зонда через опухоль

    Propriétés spectrales, spatiales et temporelles de tissus épithéliaux multicouches in vivo en présence de nanoparticules métalliques en spectroscopie multimodalités

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    Le travail de thèse est consacré aux interactions spatio-, temporo- et spectro- résolue de laser avec des tissus biologiques. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier l'influence des nanoparticules colloïdales embarqués dans les tissus biologiques multicouches sur leurs propriétés optiques afin de fournir plus profond et / ou plus précise de sondage. Pour ce faire, les paramètres spectroscopiques intégrales et durée de vie de fluorophore dans les environs de nanoparticules métalliques ont été analysées théoriquement et expérimentalement. L’autre partie de l'étude était de proposer de nouvelles solutions algorithmiques pour l'amélioration de la performance du processus d'estimation des valeurs des propriétés optiques de la résolution spatiale des mesures spectroscopiques. La dernière partie de la thèse est la modélisation expérimentale et théorique de la cinétique de fluorophores en présence des nanoparticules d'or colloïdales. La composante ultra-courte pico-seconde (environ 100 ps) a été résolue et a été corrélée à champ dipolaire forte des nanoparticules qui compense le dipôle de la moléculeThe thesis work is devoted to spatially-, temporally- and spectrally- resolved laser and biological tissue interactions. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the influence of colloidal nanoparticles embedded into multilayered biological tissues on their optical properties in order to provide deeper and/or more precise probing. To do so, the integral spectroscopic parameters and lifetime of fluorophore in vicinity of metal nanoparticles were analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Another part of the study was to propose new algorithmic solutions for improving the performance of the estimation process of the optical properties values from spatially resolved spectroscopic measurements. The last part of the thesis was the experimental and theoretical modelling of fluorophore’s kinetics in presence of colloidal gold nanoparticles. The ultra-short pico-second component (around 100 ps) was resolved and correlated to strong nanoparticles dipole field which is compensating the molecule’s dipol

    Propriétés spectrale, spatiale et temporelle de tissus épithéliaux multicouches in vivo en présence de nanoparticules métalliques en spectroscopie multimodale

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    The thesis work is devoted to spatially-, temporally- and spectrally resolved laser and biological tissue interactions. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the influence of colloidal nanoparticles embedded into multilayered biological tissues on their optical properties in order to provide deeper and/or more precise probing. To do so, the integral spectroscopic parameters and lifetime of fluorophore in vicinity of metal nanoparticules were analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Another part of the study was to propose new algorithmic solutions for improving the performance of the estimation process of the optical properties values from spatially resolved spectroscopic measurements. The last part of the thesis was the experimental and theoretical modeling of fluorophore's kinetics in presence of colloidal gold nanoparticles. The ultra-short picosecond component (around 100 ps) was resolved and correlated to strong nanoparticles dipole field which is compensating the molecule's dipole.Le travail de thèse est consacré aux interactions spatio-, temporo- et spectro- résolue de laser avec des tissus biologiques. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier l'influence des nanoparticules colloïdales embarqués dans les tissus biologiques multicouches sur leurs propriétés optiques afin de fournir plus profond et / ou plus précise de sondage. Pour ce faire, les paramètres spectroscopiques intégrales et durée de vie de fluorophore dans les environs de nanoparticules métalliques ont été analysées théoriquement et expérimentalement. L'autre partie de l'étude était de proposer de nouvelles solutions algorithmiques pour l'amélioration de la performance du processus d'estimation des valeurs des propriétés optiques de la résolution spatiale des mesures spectroscopiques. La dernière partie de la thèse est la modélisation expérimentale et théorique de la cinétique de fluorophores en présence des nanoparticules d'or colloïdales. La composante ultra-courte pico-seconde (environ 100 ps) a été résolue et a été corrélée à champ dipolaire forte des nanoparticules qui compense le dipôle de la molécule


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    В монографии рассматриваются вопросы инновационного развития индустрии туризма гостеприимства, отмечается, что отдельно взятые предприятия индустрии и отрасль в целом нуждаются в формализации знаний, их аккумуляции и своевременной актуализации, поиске и распространении передового опыта, трансфере инноваций, управлении знаниями и инновациями, чтобы максимально эффективно функционировать в условиях современного общества, стоящего на пути перехода о к обществу информации и знаний. На современном этапе развития инновационная деятельность получает больше возможностей для интенсивного развития, благодаря использованию новых технологий. Монография предназначена для аспирантов и студентов, обучающихся по специальностям «Гостиничное дело», «Туризм», «Сервис», «Инновационные технологии в гостиничном бизнесе», «Менеджмент», преподавателей вузов и специалистов, занятых в индустрии туризма и гостеприимства