11 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of training of self-help program toward the parenthood on worry in pregnancy period among the nulliparous women

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    Background and objective: accept of parenting duty needs the psychological and emotional readiness. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of training of self-help program toward the parenthood on worry in pregnancy period among the nulliparous women. Methods:The research method of present study was semi-experimental research with pre-posttest with control group. The study population included 30 nulliparous women who were referred to the health center in 3 phase of Andisheh city, Tehran by 2017. The women were selected by simple randomized sampling and were assigned to two groups (each group was 15 women). The experimental group received nine session of self-help program toward the parenthood. The information were collected by prenatal distress questionnaire (PDQ) made by Alderdice et al (2011). The obtained data were analyzed using ANCOVA. The data utilized by SPSS version 21. Results: The ANCOVA analysis of the data showed that the experimental group had Significant decrease in factor 1 concerns about birth and the baby( F=48.689,

    پايايی و روايی پرسش‌نامه دلايل زندگی بزرگسالان

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    هدف: پژوهش حاضر با هدف هنجاريابی پرسش‌نامه دلايل زندگی بزرگسالان در بزرگسالان ايرانی انجام شد. روش: پ‍ژوهش بر روی نمونه‌ای به حجم 500 نفر (420 نفر عادی و 80 نفر اقدام‌کننده به خودکشی) که به روش نمونه‌گيری تصادفی چندمرحله‌ای (برای جامعه عادی) و تصادفی ساده (برای جامعه اقدام‌کنندگان به خودکشی) انتخاب شدند، اجرا شد. ابزارهای پژوهش شامل پرسش‌نامه دلايل زندگی (RFL)، فرم فارسی مقياس ايده‌های خودکشی بک (BSSI) وپرسش‌نامه شادکامی آکسفورد (OHI) بودند. يافته‌ها: تحليل پرسش‌های مقياس بر پايه محاسبه توان تشخيص و ضريب آلفای کرونباخ نشان داد که ضريب آلفای کرونباخ برای کل پرسش‌نامه برابر با 95/0 و ضريب بازآزمايی با فاصله دو هفته برابر با 93/0 است. نتايج تحليل مؤلفه‌های اصلی به‌کمک چرخش پروماکس نشان داد که پرسش‌نامه (با حذف يک پرسش بدون بار عاملی) از چهار عامل ايده‌های زنده‌ماندن و مسئوليت نسبت به خانواده، ترس از خودکشی، موضوعات اخلاقی و دل‌نگرانی مربوط به فرزندان تشکيل شده است. نتيجه‌گيری: شاخص‌های برازش تحليل عاملی تأييدی برپايه نرم‌افزار LISREL وجود عوامل چهارگانه را تأييد کرد. همبستگی معنی‌دار بين عوامل چهارگانه با مقياس ايده‌های خودکشی بک و پرسش‌نامه شادکامی آکسفورد، روايی واگرا و همگرای پرسش‌نامه دلايل زندگی را تأييد کردند. هم‌چنين، روايی تفکيکی خوب پرسش‌نامه دلايل زندگی نشان می‌دهد که اين مقياس به خوبی می‌تواند افراد عادی را از افراد اقدام‌کننده به خودکشی تفکيک کند


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    A person with a mental disorder can become an ordinary citizen or a criminal at some point in their lives. In the words of the Iranian legislators, free people and people with disabilities who committed a crime; They are considered guilty but irresponsible. One of the important issues in criminal law is the determination of criminal responsibility. The perpetrator of the crime can be attributed to the perpetrator and will be punished according to the crime unless the offender is unable to bear criminal responsibility for some reason. A person commits a crime under the influence of disorders of which he is unaware of the process. In the present study, with an analytical study, we will comparatively study the issue that; Mental disorders have a wide range that in some cases makes the person irresponsible and in some cases makes the person partially responsible and in other cases does not affect the criminal punishment of the person. Also, the difference between the madness mentioned in Article 51 of the Islamic Penal Code is different from the concept of madness considered by psychiatrists, and in the legislation, it only refers to the degrees of madness and does not deal with the types of madness.Uma pessoa com um distúrbio mental pode se tornar um cidadão comum ou um criminoso em algum momento de suas vidas. Nas palavras dos legisladores iranianos, pessoas livres e pessoas com deficiência que cometeram um crime; são consideradas culpadas, mas irresponsáveis. Uma das questões importantes no direito penal é a determinação da responsabilidade criminal. O infrator do crime pode ser atribuído ao infrator e será punido de acordo com o crime, a menos que o infrator seja incapaz de assumir responsabilidade criminal por algum motivo. Uma pessoa comete um crime sob a influência de desordens das quais ela desconhece o processo. No presente estudo, com um estudo analítico, estudaremos comparativamente a questão que; Os distúrbios mentais têm uma ampla gama que em alguns casos torna a pessoa irresponsável e em alguns casos torna a pessoa parcialmente responsável e em outros casos não afeta a punição criminal da pessoa. Além disso, a diferença entre a loucura mencionada no artigo 51 do Código Penal Islâmico é diferente do conceito de loucura considerado pelos psiquiatras, e na legislação, refere-se apenas aos graus de loucura e não lida com os tipos de loucura

    Survival Analysis of Iranian Patients with Breast Cancer Using Joint Frailty Model with a Cure Rate

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    Background: Breast cancer is a common disease among women around the world. In Iran, it is the most prevalent cancer diagnosed in women. The objective of this study was to assess the cure rate of patients and the associated risk factors. Method: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on 446 patients with breast cancer admitted to the Shahid Ramezanzadeh Radiotherapy Center. Using R 3.2.2 software, the Kaplan-Meier curve, log-rank test, and cure joint frailty model were utilized in the analysis. Results: Of the 446 patients, 17.3% died, 20% experienced relapse, and 62.7% were censored. The 1-5-7-year disease-free survival rates were 95.3%, 73.4%, and 69.3%, respectively. In the cure model, stage, involved lymph node, and surgery were statistically significant. In the recurrence model, stage, involved lymph node, lymphovascular invasion, and hormone therapy were statistically significant. In the death model, stage, lymphovascular invasion, and involved lymph node had a statistically significant effect on the survival time. Conclusion: The cure joint frailty model is a good model when there is a high fraction of patients who do not experience any recurrence or death. In addition, this model allows for the separate estimation of explanatory variable effect on recurrence, death, and cure. The findings of our study can be conducive to preventing the unfavorable effects of breast cancer and increasing the survival of patients

    Telomerase therapy reverses vascular senescence and extends lifespan in progeria mice

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    AIMS: Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is an accelerated ageing syndrome associated with premature vascular disease and death due to heart attack and stroke. In HGPS a mutation in lamin A (progerin) alters nuclear morphology and gene expression. Current therapy increases the lifespan of these children only modestly. Thus, greater understanding of the underlying mechanisms of HGPS is required to improve therapy. Endothelial cells (ECs) differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from these patients exhibit hallmarks of senescence including replication arrest, increased expression of inflammatory markers, DNA damage, and telomere erosion. We hypothesized that correction of shortened telomeres may reverse these measures of vascular ageing. METHODS AND RESULTS: We generated ECs from iPSCs belonging to children with HGPS and their unaffected parents. Telomerase mRNA (hTERT) was used to treat HGPS ECs. Endothelial morphology and functions were assessed, as well as proteomic and transcriptional profiles with attention to inflammatory markers, DNA damage, and EC identity genes. In a mouse model of HGPS, we assessed the effects of lentiviral transfection of mTERT on measures of senescence, focusing on the EC phenotype in various organs. hTERT treatment of human HGPS ECs improved replicative capacity; restored endothelial functions such as nitric oxide generation, acetylated low-density lipoprotein uptake and angiogenesis; and reduced the elaboration of inflammatory cytokines. In addition, hTERT treatment improved cellular and nuclear morphology, in association with a normalization of the transcriptional profile, effects that may be mediated in part by a reduction in progerin expression and an increase in sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). Progeria mice treated with mTERT lentivirus manifested similar improvements, with a reduction in inflammatory and DNA damage markers and increased SIRT1 in their vasculature and other organs. Furthermore, mTERT therapy increased the lifespan of HGPS mice. CONCLUSION: Vascular rejuvenation using telomerase mRNA is a promising approach for progeria and other age-related diseases

    Iranian stories from the perspective of prevention in the field of children"From theoretical capacity to practical use"

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    : Statement of the problem: since children and teenagers can be the audience of the legislator, they have the possibility of entering the field of criminal law regarding delinquency, and in terms of special physical and emotional conditions;  They are exposed to all kinds of injuries, especially physical, sexual and mental.  Regardless of the mentioned conditions, some children and teenagers are more exposed to delinquency and victimization due to dangerous situations, and if these conditions are not resolved, they will fall into the trap of delinquency or victimization in the near future.  This category is referred to as "children at risk" in the criminal law of children and teenagers, Since children and teenagers can be the audience of the legislator, they have the possibility to enter the field of criminal law regarding delinquency. They are in terms of special physical and emotional conditions;  They are exposed to all kinds of victimizations, especially physical, sexual and mental.Regardless of the mentioned conditions, some children and teenagers are more exposed to delinquency and victimization due to dangerous situations, and if these conditions are not resolved, they will fall into the trap of delinquency or victimization in the near future.  This category is referred to as "children at risk" in the criminal law of children and teenagers.In the meantime, growth-oriented prevention is one of the sub-branches of social prevention, with a little tolerance and a more general look focused on the types of children mentioned above.  This type of prevention, with its intervention, on the one hand, prevents children from delinquency and victimization, and on the other hand, it prevents delinquency from becoming chronic and the continuation of victimization in them. One of these intervention programs, considering the capacity of Iranian stories in the field of growth-oriented prevention, can be "story therapy" or "story-based programs", in order to prevent the formation and continuation of delinquency and victimization of children and adolescents.In this way, the upcoming article aims to examine the most important stories in the book of ancient Iranian legends, written by Fazlollah Mohtadi "Sobhi", and clarify their capabilities and functions in the field of prevention. Also, following the investigation of the level of attention of Iranian policymakers to this capability in the field of prevention, it will also pay attention.Method: The approach and method used in this article is based on the "content analysis" method.  The meaning of this method in the field of human sciences is to know the relationship between the sentences and to look at the whole text in order to know the main messages hidden in it.  In other words, in this method, their hidden and underlying meanings can be understood from the appearance of the words in the writings.Conclusions and findings: The findings of the present research show the high capacity of Iranian stories to be used in the field of preventing children and teenagers from delinquency and victimization, because children have long been the main audience of legends and stories.  By indirectly responding to children's needs and questions and making their imagination fertile, stories are known as the main source of teaching the most important human, moral, social, legal, cultural, etc. points for children and teenagers.If stories are used correctly, children and teenagers can be taught many tips to prevent delinquency and victimization.  In this case, both during childhood and adulthood, stories have a preventive function.  Such an issue shows itself in the field of delinquency by focusing on teaching social values ​​and beliefs, recognizing needs and managing them, and empowering individuals and society through stories.In the field of victimization, stories can increase general and specific awareness and teach effective skills in their audience, and thus be effective in preventing victimization.  Despite such wide capabilities in the field of action, educational actors such as education and the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents and culture-creating actors such as radio and television have neglected this issue and limited the implemented programs, and the only creative approach of some people  is showing.  Therefore, the lack of proper attention of the policy makers of the Islamic Republic of Iran to this preventive capacity in the field of action in an organized and scientific manner deserves serious criticism.Authors Contributions: Dr. Amin Jafari, as the first author, designed the general framework and ideation for the purpose of writing and revising the article, and Ali Moulabigi, as the responsible author, collected the content, analyzed the content, submitted and edited the research.  The results and findings of the recent research have been discussed by the authors and the final version is approved by both authors.Acknowledgments: The authors would like to express their gratitude to all those who helped to improve this idea during the writing and editing of the article.Conflict of interest: In this study, no conflict of interest was reported by the authors.Funding: This research has not received any financial support from governmental or non-governmental organizations for the purpose of implementing the project

    The Comparison of Identity Formation Styles in Teenagers with/without Substance Abuse

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    Aims: The aim of this research was the study of the role of identity formation styles on substance abuse behavior of referred people to addiction withdrawal and DIC centers of Tehran city and its comparison with non addicted people. Method: The research design was causal effect research method, which 100 substance abusers compared with 100 non substance abusers. The sampling method was cluster random sampling and both groups were matched in consideration of age. Bersinesky’s identity making questionnaire administered in two samples. Results: The results showed that substance abusers were scored higher on normative and confused/avoidant identity formation also the non substance abusers were scored higher on information identity formation style. Conclusion: With different kind of intervention-training trials the parents and people who are effective on children’s identity formation can be mobilized, in order to prevention of identity formation styles which can planning teenagers’ substance abusing

    Investigate and Comparsion Self-Esteem and Happiness Among Residential and Non-Residential Old People

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    Objectives: The main aim of this study was to investigate and to compare elderly happiness and self-esteem among residential and non-residential. Methods & Materials: This research was designed as descriptive. Two groups were selected in convenience method. Member of residential elderly (416 elderly) were chosen based on Morgan Table. Hundred-twenty elderly, 60 residential (30 men and 30 women) and 60 non-residential (30 men and 30 women) were chosen for study. Data used the three questionnaires, like Demographic questionnaires, Oxford Happiness Inventory and Self-esteem Scale&rsquo;s Rozenberg. Data were gathered and analyzed with Pearson test, t-student test. Results: The results were indicated that a significant relationship between happiness and self-esteem, among residential and non- residential old people. The findings showed significant difference in happiness, self-esteem among residential and home participants in both groups (P<0.01). Conclusion: The results were showed that a significant relationship between social support and self-esteem, among residential and non-residential old people. Also, the results were indicated that significant difference between social support. In general, residential participants had lower social support and self-esteem than non-residential participants

    The Effectiveness of training of self-help program toward the parenthood on worry in pregnancy period among the nulliparous women

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    Background and objective: accept of parenting duty needs the psychological and emotional readiness. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of training of self-help program toward the parenthood on worry in pregnancy period among the nulliparous women. Methods:The research method of present study was semi-experimental research with pre-posttest with control group. The study population included 30 nulliparous women who were referred to the health center in 3 phase of Andisheh city, Tehran by 2017.&nbsp;The women were selected by simple randomized sampling and were assigned to two groups (each group was 15 women). The experimental group received nine session of self-help program toward the parenthood. The information were collected by prenatal distress questionnaire (PDQ) made by Alderdice et al (2011). The obtained data were analyzed using ANCOVA. The data utilized by SPSS version 21. Results: The ANCOVA analysis of the data showed that the experimental group had Significant decrease in factor 1 concerns about birth and the baby( F=48.689, P<0.001), also, factor 2 concerns about physical symptoms and body image(F=179.340,P<0.001) and factor 3 concerns about emotions and relationships(F=204.574, P<0.001). Conclusion: the findings revealed that toward the parenthood program could be useful for reducing worry in pregnancy period among the nulliparous women. This program might be offer along with other physical checkup for mothers in health centers and clinics. Paper Type:Research Article