703 research outputs found

    Modeling the High-z Universe: Probing Galaxy Formation

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    We discuss how the conditions at high redshift differ from those at low redshift, and what the impact is on the galaxy population. We focus in particular on the role of gaseous dissipation and its impact on sustaining high star formation rates as well as on driving star-bursts in mergers. Gas accretion onto galaxies at high redshifts occurs on a halo dynamical time allowing for very efficiently sustained star formation. In addition cold accretion flows are able to drive turbulence in high redshift disks at the level observed if at least 20% of the accretion energy is converted into random motion in the gaseous disk. In general we find that the fraction of gas involved in galaxy mergers is a strong function of time and increases with redshift. A model combining the role of dissipation during mergers and continued infall of satellite galaxies allows to reproduce the observed size-evolution of early-type galaxies with redshift. Furthermore we investigate how the evolution of the faint-end of the luminosity function can be explained in terms of the evolution of the underlying dark matter evolution.Comment: To appear in "Reviews in Modern Astronomy", volume 21, Proceedings of JENAM 2008, Vienn

    The imprint of cosmological non-Gaussianities on primordial structure formation

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    We study via numerical N-body/SPH chemistry simulations the effects of primordial non-Gaussianities on the formation of the first stars and galaxies, and investigate the impact of supernova feedback in cosmologies with different fnl. Density distributions are biased to higher values, so star formation and the consequent feedback processes take place earlier in high-fnl models and later in low-fnl ones. Mechanical feedback is responsible for shocking and evacuating the gas from star forming sites earlier in the highly non-Gaussian cases, because of the larger bias at high densities. Chemical feedback translates into high-redshift metal filling factors that are larger by some orders of magnitude for larger fnl, but that converge within one Gyr, for both population III and population II-I stellar regimes. The efficient enrichment process, though, leads to metallicities > 0.01 Zsun by redshift ~9, almost independently from fnl. The impact of non-Gaussianities on the formation of dark-matter haloes at high redshift is directly reflected in the properties of the gas in these haloes, as models with larger fnl show more concentrated gas profiles at early times. Non-Gaussian signatures in the gas behaviour are lost after the first feedback takes place and introduces a significant degree of turbulence and chaotic motions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures - accepted for publication in MNRA

    Revised rate coefficients for H2_2 and H^- destruction by realistic stellar spectra

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    Understanding the processes that can destroy H2_2 and H^- species is quintessential in governing the formation of the first stars, black holes and galaxies. In this study we compute the reaction rate coefficients for H2_2 photo--dissociation by Lyman--Werner photons (11.213.611.2 - 13.6 eV), and H^- photo--detachment by 0.76 eV photons emanating from self-consistent stellar populations that we model using publicly available stellar synthesis codes. So far studies that include chemical networks for the formation of molecular hydrogen take these processes into account by assuming that the source spectra can be approximated by a power-law dependency or a black-body spectrum at 104^4 or 10510^5 K. We show that using spectra generated from realistic stellar population models can alter the reaction rates for photo-dissociation, kdi\rm k_{\rm{di}}, and photo-detachment, kde\rm k_{\rm{de}}, significantly. In particular, kde\rm k_{\rm{de}} can be up to 24\sim 2-4 orders of magnitude lower in the case of realistic stellar spectra suggesting that previous calculations have over-estimated the impact that radiation has on lowering H2_2 abundances. In contrast to burst modes of star formation, we find that models with continuous star formation predict increasing kde\rm k_{\rm{de}} and kdi\rm k_{\rm{di}}, which makes it necessary to include the star formation history of sources to derive self-consistent reaction rates, and that it is not enough to just calculate J21_{21} for the background. For models with constant star formation rate the change in shape of the spectral energy distribution leads to a non-negligible late-time contribution to kde\rm k_{\rm{de}} and kdi\rm k_{\rm{di}}, and we present self-consistently derived cosmological reaction rates based on star formation rates consistent with observations of the high redshift Universe.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 9 pages, 7 figures. Comments and communication welcom

    Suppression of accretion onto low-mass Population III stars

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    Motivated by recent theoretical work suggesting that a substantial fraction of Population (Pop) III stars may have had masses low enough for them to survive to the present day, we consider the role that the accretion of metal-enriched gas may have had in altering their surface composition, thereby disguising them as Pop II stars. We demonstrate that if weak, Solar-like winds are launched from low-mass Pop III stars formed in the progenitors of the dark matter halo of the Galaxy, then such stars are likely to avoid significant enrichment via accretion of material from the interstellar medium. We find that at early times accretion is easily prevented if the stars are ejected from the central regions of the haloes in which they form, either by dynamical interactions with more massive Pop III stars, or by violent relaxation during halo mergers. While accretion may still take place during passage through sufficiently dense molecular clouds at later times, we find that the probability of such a passage is generally low (< 0.1), assuming that stars have velocities of order the maximum circular velocity of their host haloes and accounting for the orbital decay of merging haloes. In turn, due to the higher gas density required for accretion onto stars with higher velocities, we find an even lower probability of accretion (~ 0.01) for the subset of Pop III stars formed at z > 10, which are more quickly incorporated into massive haloes than stars formed at lower redshift. While there is no a priori reason to assume that low-mass Pop III stars do not have Solar-like winds, without them surface enrichment via accretion is likely to be inevitable. We briefly discuss the implications that our results hold for stellar archaeology.Comment: 9 pages; 2 figures; MNRAS accepte

    The specific star formation rate of high redshift galaxies: the case for two modes of star formation

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    We study the specific star formation rate (SSFR) and its evolution at z\gtsim 4, in models of galaxy formation, where the star formation is driven by cold accretion flows. We show that constant star formation and feedback efficiencies cannot reproduce the observed trend of SSFR with stellar mass and its observed lack of evolution at z>4z>4. Model galaxies with \log(M_*) \ltsim 9.5 M_{\odot} show systematically lower specific star formation rates by orders of magnitudes, while massive galaxies with M_* \gtsim 5 \times 10^{10} M_{\odot} have up to an order of magnitude larger SSFRs, compared to recent observations by Stark et al.. To recover these observations we apply an empirical star formation efficiency in galaxies that scales with the host halo velocity dispersion as 1/σ3\propto 1/\sigma^3 during galaxy mergers. We find that this modification needs to be of stochastic nature to reproduce the observations, i.e. only applied during mergers and not during accretion driven star formation phases. Our choice of star formation efficiency during mergers allows us to capture both, the boost in star formation at low masses and the quenching at high masses, and at the same time produce a constant SSFR-stellar mass relation at z\gtsim 4 under the assumption that most of the observed galaxies are in a merger triggered star formation phase. Our results suggest that observed high-z low mass galaxies with high SSFRs are likely to be frequently interacting systems, which experienced bursts in their star formation rate and efficiency (mode 1), in contrast to low redshift z \ltsim 3 galaxies which are cold accretion-regulated star forming systems with lower star formation efficiencies (mode 2).Comment: 5 pages, accepted to MNRAS, replaced by version with including referees comment

    Gravity at Work: How the Build-Up of Environments Shape Galaxy Properties

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    We present results on the heating of the inter-cluster medium (ICM) by gravitational potential energy from in-falling satellites. We calculate the available excess energy of baryons once they are stripped from their satellite and added to the ICM of the hosting environment. this excess energy is a strong function of environment and we find that it can exceed the contribution from AGNs or supernovae (SN) by up to two orders of magnitude in the densest environments/haloes. Cooling by radiative losses is in general fully compensated by gravitational heating in massive groups and clusters with hot gas temperature > 1 keV. The reason for the strong environment dependence is the continued infall of substructure onto dense environments during their formation in contrast to field-like environments. We show that gravitational heating is able to reduce the number of too luminous galaxies in models and to produce model luminosity functions in agreement with observations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Proceedings of JENAM 2010, Symposium 2: "Environment and the formation of galaxies: 30 years later

    The First Billion Years project - IV: Proto-galaxies reionising the Universe

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    The contribution of stars in galaxies to cosmic reionisation depends on the star formation history in the Universe, the abundance of galaxies during reionisation, the escape fraction of ionising photons and the clumping factor of the inter-galactic medium (IGM). We compute the star formation rate and clumping factor during reionisation in a cosmological volume using a high-resolution hydrodynamical simulation. We post-process the output with detailed radiative transfer simulations to compute the escape fraction of ionising photons. Together, this gives us the opportunity to assess the contribution of galaxies to reionisation self-consistently. The strong mass and redshift dependence of the escape fraction indicates that reionisation occurred between z=15 and z=10 and was mainly driven by proto-galaxies forming in dark-matter haloes with masses between 1e7 and 1e8 solar mass. More massive galaxies that are rare at these redshifts and have significantly lower escape fractions contribute less photons to the reionisation process than the more-abundant low-mass galaxies. Star formation in the low-mass haloes is suppressed by radiative feedback from reionisation, therefore these proto-galaxies only contribute when the part of the Universe they live in is still neutral. After z~10, massive galaxies become more abundant and provide most of the ionising photons. In addition, we find that Population (Pop) III stars are too short-lived and not frequent enough to have a major contribution to reionisation. Although the stellar component of the proto-galaxies that produce the bulk of ionising photons during reionisation is too faint to be detected by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), these sources are brightest in the H-alpha and Ly-alpha recombination lines, which will likely be detected by JWST in deep surveys.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter