12 research outputs found

    The Relationship between the Principals' Use of Power and Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Pakokku Township, Myanmar

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    These objectives have been pursued throughout the duration of the study 1) to study the principals' use of Power, 2) to study the teachers' job satisfaction and 3) to investigate the relationship between principals' use of Power and teachers' job satisfaction in Basic Education High Schools in Pakokku Township, Myanmar.In this study, the quantitative research method was used. The questionnaire survey was carried out in this study. After reviewing the related literature thoroughly, a set of questionnaires to collect the required data was developed based on Principals' Use of Power of (French Jr & Raven, 1959) and Teachers' Job Satisfaction of (Sepector, 1994).  The reliability coefficient (Cronbach α) was 0.753 for the principals' use of Power and 0.988 for the teachers' job satisfaction. The Principals' use of Power modified by the researcher and the teachers' jpb satisfaction was validated by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and showed the good model fitting and had validity for the use in the study.Three hundred and four teachers were selected as subjects from the four Basic Education High Schools in Pakokku Township by using the random sampling method. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the collected data. The principals' use of Power and the teachers' job satisfaction that perceived by teachers were determined as the mean value and standard deviations. Moreover, independent samples T-test and the Pearson-product moment correlation coefficient were utilized.The principals' use of power (strong level, Mean=3.78, SD=0.318) and the teachers' job satisfaction (high level, Mean=3.83, SD=0.777) that perceived by teachers and the relationship between principals' use of Power and teachers' job satisfaction were identified in this study. There were statistically significant differences in the use of Power and teachers' job satisfaction grouped by the school location (uban and rural). There was a typical association between principals'’ use of Power and teachers' job satisfaction (p<.01). Quantitative findings also suggested that the higher the principals' use of Power, the better the teachers' job satisfaction. This study gave valuable new insights into that the principals can know which types of Power should be used in the appropriate situations while working with their subordinates. Keywords- Principals' Use of Power, Teachers' Job Satisfaction DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-9-06 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Participations and Communications of Myanmar Academicians on Research Gate among Differences Disciplines

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    The purpose of this paper is to know the participating and communication of different disciplines among Myanmar academicians in ResearchGate (RG). The data were manually collected by visiting the profile pages of all members who had an account with the Institution of Myanmar in RG. In total, 1035 RG members and 59 participants' communications were analyzed by using the statistic method—Kruskal-Wallis H test under the five disciplines. The results show that Engineering and Technology disciplines massively participated than other disciplines on ResearchGate, while Natural science disciplines are more in research items. Life Science and Medicine disciplines have the most scholarly communication, respectively. There is no RG metric significant in social science disciplines. But, different disciplines of Myanmar academicians show varying levels of interest in being involved in RG with different significance Keywords: Researchgate, Myanmar academicians, Interaction, academic, social networks, question and answer site. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-2-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Determination of Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypes in Anogenital Cancers in Myanmar

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    Molecular and epidemiologic investigations suggest a causal role for human papillomavirus (HPV) in anogenital cancers. This study identified oncogenic HPV genotypes in anogenital cancers among men and women in a 2013 cross-sectional descriptive study in Myanmar. In total, 100 biopsy tissues of histologically confirmed anogenital cancers collected in 2008-2012 were studied, including 30 penile and 9 anal cancers from Yangon General Hospital and 61 vulvar cancers from Central Women's Hospital, Yangon. HPV-DNA testing and genotyping were performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Overall, 34% of anogenital cancers were HPV-positive. HPV was found in 44.4% of anal (4/9), 36.1% of vulvar (22/61), and 26.7% of penile (8/30) cancers. The most frequent genotypes in anal cancers were HPV 16 (75%) and 18 (25%). In vulvar cancers, HPV 33 was most common (40.9%), followed by 16 (31.8%), 31 (22.7%), and 18 (4.6%). In penile cancers, HPV 16 (62.5%) was most common, followed by 33 (25%) and 18 (12.5%). This is the first report of evidencebased oncogenic HPV genotypes in anogenital cancers among men and women in Myanmar. This research provides valuable information for understanding the burden of HPV-associated cancers of the anus, penis, and vulva and considering the effectiveness of prophylactic HPV vaccination

    Keyword-Based Information Retrieval System b Utilizing Vector Space Model (VSM)

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    The majority of today’s Information Retrieval tasks are based on two main processes: indexing and searching. Indexes and retrieval are at the core of every modern Information Retrieval (IR) System. Many IR systems are based on vector space model (VSM). This paper is focused attention on the VSM of searching and retrieving on “Natural Disaster” information. In this system, index table is used for data structure and VSM also applied to retrieve information which is user’s desirable information. Cosine similarity method is used to compute the similarity between query vector and document vector. HTML parser is used in our system for parsing the HTML pages. And we also use the term frequency and inverse document frequency (tf-idf) weighting scheme for the document indexing. Query is formulated by using terms and then this query is evaluated by processing the index to retrieve all stored information by an appropriate combination of query words

    Implementation of focused crawler by using machine learning approach

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    The rapid growth of web generated on theinternet by millions of users poses many challengesfor general purpose search engines (for example,scaling).Typically a general purpose search engineconsists of three main parts, Crawler, Indexer andQuery processing system. The crawlers of a generalpurpose search engine crawl every page. Soproblems arise when we need to retrieve onlycorresponding portion of the web, especially for atopic or a group of topic. Such requirement can befulfilled by a domain specific crawler or focusedcrawler. Focused crawler crawls only those pagesthat are interested by the system. A focused crawlertraverses the web selecting out relevant pages to apredefined topic and neglecting those out of concern.The focused crawler determines which portion of theweb is relevant and which is not. That can be doneby several machine learning approach used in textcategorization. This thesis proposes a focusedcrawler by using neural network. It can be used tobuild general purpose domain specific search engine

    Distributed Load Balancer Using Estimation Algorithm

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    The growth of distributing systems with thepossibility of sharing the available resources hasled to the ability of executing some jobs arrived ata certain node remotely. Consequently, loadbalancing is aiming at reducing the overallresponse time of jobs execution in any distributedsystem. Load Balancing is the process ofimproving the performance of parallel anddistributed system. This system presents thedistributed load balancing system by estimationalgorithm. In this system, distributed model isdesigned with clusters which have processingnodes. Processing nodes in each cluster havecomputation processes for processing tasks andeach cluster has its own load balancer. The loadbalancers use estimation algorithm to get theworkload of the clusters. Based on the estimatedworkload, the decision making process decidestasks should be transferred or not. Then, the loadbalancer estimates how much tasks to betransferred and perform the task transferringprocess

    Syllable-based Myanmar-English Neural Machine Translation

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    The paper presents the first large scaleevaluation of the quality of Syllable-based NeuralMachine Translation (Syllable-NMT) system forMyanmar-English pair. Neural Machine Translation(NMT) system has reached state-of-the-arts resultson some languages. However, one of the mainchallenges that NMT still faces is dealing with verylarge vocabularies and morphologically richlanguages. Like other low-resources languages,Myanmar Language has a lots of morphologyinformation. This issue lead is to increase theambiguity and to decrease the quality of translationresults. Moreover, rule-based and phrase-basedtechniques were used in the existing research onMyanmar translation with the small amount ofparallel corpus. Therefore, a large amount ofparallel corpus is prepared and introduces a NMTmodel that maps a source syllable sequence to atarget word sequences to address the morphologicalproblems. In addition, this paper shows someexperiments results and compare them. Our resultsshow that syllable-NMT system is able to surpassthan the character-based and word-based NMTsystems by 5 BLEU

    Characterization of Magnesium Ferrite, MgFe2O4

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    Magnesium ferrite, MgFe2O4, was prepared by solid state reaction method. Structural and vibrational characteristics of the sample were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic methods. Morphological features of the sample were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Simultaneous Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) measurement was carried out to investigate the high temperature phases of the sample in the temperature range 303 K – 873 K (30C - 600C). Electrical conductivities and dielectric constants of the pelletized sample were investigated in the temperature range 300 K - 973 K (27C - 700C). It was found that the sample is a thermally high resistance material

    The cropping systems of the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar : productivity constraints and possible solutions

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    The Central Dry Zone (CDZ) of Myanmar is home to an estimated 12 million people, provides 35% of Myanmar's grain cropping, but is underdeveloped and food-insecure. We examined the cropping systems of the CDZ to understand the biophysical drivers of those systems, the need for change to improve productivity and sustainability, and how future research and extension might be framed to best serve the rural communities. Data were sourced from (i) published empirical studies and web-based documents produced by the Myanmar Government and international agencies and (ii) a face to face survey of 190 Central Dry Zone farmers. Our analysis indicates that CDZ cropping systems have low productivity which threatens sustainability and future production. Farmers practice traditional cultivation and remove crop residues to use as animal feed, which together deplete soil organic matter reserves and expose the soil to physical degradation. The soils are generally coarse-textured with low water retention, high leaching potential and nutritionally deficient. Nutrient inputs from farm-yard manure and mineral fertiliser are also low. As a consequence, crop nutrient deficiencies are widespread across the CDZ and a major productivity constraint. Mineral-fertiliser use is increasing however, but farmers are conscious of the need for high-quality advice on how best to use these inputs. A narrow range of crops is grown in the CDZ with ca. 80% of the land used to grow pulse and oilseed legumes and sesame and sunflower, but few cereals. The lack of crop diversity exposes farmers to market price fluctuations and the lack of balance between broadleaf and cereal crops results in disease and yield loss. Climate changes further threaten the sustainability and economic viability of grain cropping with increasing temperatures, more erratic rainfall and fewer but more intense rainfall events during the monsoon. Consequences are more floods and dry periods and increased risk of soil erosion. The imperative now is to transition the upland cropping of Myanmar's CDZ to embrace the basic elements of conservation agriculture, i.e. crop diversity, effective weed control, in situ retention of crop residues, optimised crop nutrition and minimal-to-zero soil disturbance, to sustainably increase crop water use-efficiency and system productivity