789 research outputs found

    Appearance, development of plumage and morphometric measurements in chicks of the Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus from hatching to fledging

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    Die Arbeit behandelt die äußere Entwicklung von Küken des Austernfischers (Haematopus ostralegus) vom Schlüpfen bis zur Flugfähigkeit der Jungvögel im Schleswig-Holsteinischen Wattenmeer. Das Aussehen und die Veränderung von Dunenkleid, Schnabel, Beinen und Lidring sowie die Entwicklung des Gefieders vom ersten bis etwa zum 40. Lebenstag werden beschrieben und durch Fotos illustriert. Gewicht, Flügellänge, Schnabellänge und -höhe von ein-, 18- und 30-tägige Küken werden angegeben. Mehr als 40 Küken wurden nach dem Schlüpfen markiert und ihre Entwicklung bis zum Flüggewerden verfolgt. Am ersten Tag nach dem Schlüpfen trocknet das kontrastreiche Dunenkleid. Die Beine sind zuerst hell fleischfarben, verfärben sich aber schnell blaugrau. Der Schnabel ist mehrfarbig weiß, grau und schwarz und besitzt eine rosa Basis. Bis zum etwa 14. Tag tragen die Küken ein hell sandfarbenes Dunenkleid mit schwarzer Zeichnung. Der Eizahn fällt am dritten oder vierten Tag ab. Die ersten Handschwingen durchbrechen am elften Tag die Blutkiele. Der Schnabel ist dann dunkel braunschwarz mit oranger Unterschnabelbasis. Ab dem etwa 15. Tag wirkt das Dunenkleid deutlich dunkler, was durch nachschiebendes dunkles Gefieder verursacht wird. Der Kontrast der schwarzen Zeichnung nimmt ab. Der Schnabel verfärbt sich zunehmend orange und die Umfärbung des Lidrings zu dunkelgelb beginnt. Ab ca. dem 20. Tag sind auf den meisten Körperpartien die Federn des Jugendkleids durchgebrochen. Dunenreste bleiben noch länger, vor allem auf Kopf und Rücken auffällig. Die Umfärbung des Lidrings wird abgeschlossen und sehr langsam verfärben sich die Beine fleischfarben. Ab ca. dem 30 Tag erscheinen die Jungvögel voll befiedert, man findet aber noch kleinflächige Dunenreste. Der Schnabel ist dann orange mit dunkler Spitze und dunklerem Oberschnabelfirst. Die Umfärbung der Beine wird erst später deutlich. Ab etwa dem 40. Tag sind kaum mehr Dunen zu erkennen. Kopf, Hals, Brust und Oberseite der jetzt flugfähigen Jungvögel sind größtenteils dunkelbraun, nur ein dünner heller Kragen bleibt erhalten. Die Unterseite ist weiß.The paper describes the external changes of chicks of the Eurasian Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) from hatching to fledging. The downy plumage, bill, legs and eye-ring and the growth of plumage from the first until about the 40th day of life are treated and illustrated by photos. Average weight, wing lenght, bill length and bill depth are listed for one, eighteen and thirty days old chicks. More than 40 chicks had been tagged after hatching on Hamburger Hallig/North Frisia (Schleswig- Holstein) and their development was followed therefrom. On the first day after hatching, the contrasting downy plumage dries. Legs are light pinkish at first, soon changing to bluish grey. The bill is multi-coloured white, grey and black with a pink base. Up to c. the 14th day, chicks have a light, sandy downy plumage with black markings. The egg-tooth drops on the third or fourth day. The first primaries break through on the eleventh day. The bill is now dark brownish black with orange lower mandible. From c. the 15th day onwards, the downy plumage appears much darker, caused by dark feathers developping under the downs. The contrast of black markings decreases. The bill changes colour, getting more orange and the colour of the eye-ring starts to change to dark yellow. From about the 20th day, feathers of the juvenile plumage are found on most parts of the body. Remains of the downy plumage are still obvious, especially on the head and back. The eye-ring gets all yellow and the color of legs slowly starts to change to pink. From about the 30th day, juveniles appear fully feathered, showing only few remnants of downs. The bill is orange with a darker tip and darker ridge of the upper mandible. The change of colour of the legs becomes obvious only later. From ca. the 40th day onwards, hardly any downs are visible. The juveniles are now able to fly. Their head, neck, breast and upperparts are largely dark brown and a thin, ligth collar remains. The underparts are now white

    A cross-cultural study of housing adjustment among Korean, Mexican, and American households

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to compare the housing adjustment propensities of Korean, Mexican, and American households. The theoretical framework was the Morris and Winter model of housing adjustment. Every household in every culture was assumed to perform a sequence of housing adjustment behaviors to attain desired housing. The purposes had been accomplished through an analysis of three data sets from different sources. Path analysis was employed for testing the empirical model, and the same procedures were performed individually with the three sets of data. There seemed to be some similarities in adjustment patterns between the Mexican and the U.S. samples even if there were small differences in the effects of the explanatory variables, while the Korean sample showed different patterns compared to the others. The empirical model of housing adjustment did not explain well the propensity to move or propensity to alter and/or add of Korean households

    Therapeutic Options for Localized Carcinoma of the Prostate: The Role of External Beam Radiation Therapy

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    During the last three decades the use of ionizing radiation, both external beam radiotherapy and interstitial radionuclide implant (brachytherapy), has greatly increased for the treatment of cancer of the prostate. The increased use of radiation therapy is in part due to the technological advance of high-energy megavoltage units as well as the steadily improving long-term results of radiotherapy. Because of the comparable tumor control rates, patients with early stage prostate cancer have several therapeutic options for curative treatment including radical prostatectomy, external beam radiation therapy, and interstitial brachytherapy. The role of external beam radiotherapy is discussed in terms of the primary management of early and locally advanced prostate cancers as well as the treatment of residual or recurrent disease after prostatectomy. A new approach combines antimitotic chemotherapeutic agents and radiation therapy for the treatment of locally advanced cancers of the prostate

    «Дитинство-юнацтво» як особлива психосоціокультурна категорія і її спеціальна місія у культурі та мистецтві ХХ століття

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    Purpose of the research is to consider the image of childhood in the national music of XX century within the scope of symbolization of respective sense in artistic sphere in whole, in applied art. Methodology of the research consists of intonation approach of Asafiev’s School taking into account the spiritual grounds of the concept of intonation in signing practice of Christian churches. Position of stylistic comparativeness described in the Asafiev’s work"Symphonic Etudes" dated 1910, is of special importance. Contemporary performance approach in his actual intonation orientation is considered basing on the works of N. Korykhalova, A. Sokol, E. Markova, and P. Muliar. Scientific novelty of the work is seen in originality of theoretical idea of reflection and symbols of childhood in artistic self-sufficient and applied spheres. Consideration of the link with neo-rococo of XX century with the line of childishness in the art of the past century is considered innovative. Conclusions. Multi-aspect link of childish-adolescent is reflected in religious, scientificphilosophical ideas, imaginative tasks of artistic composisions and distribution of systemic approaches in professional education, universally including the consciousness in its logical quality of adult individium, but leaving a special place for extremely early profilization, including in music until now.Метою дослідження є осмислення образу дитинства у вітчизняній музиці ХХ століття в аспектах символізування відповідного сенсу в художній сфері в цілому, в прикладній творчості. Методологічна основа роботи – інтонаційний підхід школи Асаф’єва, з урахуванням духовних підстав концепції інтонації в співецькій практиці Християнських церков. Особливе місце для нас має позиція стилістичної компаративістики, яка закладена в роботі Асафьева 1910 року "Симфонічні етюди". Сучасний виконавський підхід в його актуальному інтонаційному орієн туванні розглядається з опорою на роботи Н. Корихалової, О. Сокола , О. Марковой , П. Муляра та ін. Наукова новизна роботи визначається в оригінальності теоретичної ідеї втілення і символіки дитинства в художній самодостатній і прикладній сферах. Новаційним є усвідомлення зв'язку з неороккоко ХХ століття ліній дитячості в мистецтві минулого століття. Висновки. Багатоаспектний зв'язок дитячо-дорослого позначається в релігійних, науково-філософських представленнях, в образних завданнях художніх композицій і в розподілі системних підходів в професійній освіті, що універсально охоплює свідомість в його логічній якості дорослого індивіда, але залишає спеціальне місце надзвичайно ранній профілізації, у тому числі в музиці до наших днів

    Change in intraindividual ICHD-II headache diagnosis over time: A follow-up of the DMKG headache study

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    Background: Change in headache diagnoses over time within the same individual is not well studied in the adult population. In this study, we prospectively examined the individual variation of migraine and tension-type headache (TTH) diagnoses over time. Methods: As part of the epidemiological Deutsche Migrane und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft (DMKG) headache study, 1312 participants were personally interviewed and 1122 responded to a second mailed questionnaire 2.2 years later. Headaches were assigned to migraine or TTH at two different points in time using the International Headache Classification, ICHD-II. We used broad (definite and probable subtypes) and strict (only definite type) definitions of migraine and TTH. Results: Using the broad definition increased the reproducibility of migraine diagnosis from 48.0% to 62.0% and of TTH from 59.0% to 65.0%. A constant TTH diagnosis was related to a higher social status (OR 2.81; 95% CI 1.43-5.53) a higher level of education (OR 1.96; 95% CI 1.00-3.85) and physical inactivity (OR 2.28; 95% CI 1.16-4.49). A constant diagnosis of definite migraine was associated with severe headache (OR 2.64; 95% CI 0.97-7.21) and frequent use of headache medication (OR 4.73; 95% CI 0.95-23.60). The result that coexisting TTH decreased the likelihood of a constant migraine (OR 0.29; 95% CI 0.10-0.85) is assumed to indicate response variability. Conclusions: In epidemiological studies, definite and probable subtypes should be included in the diagnosis to increase the diagnostic accuracy

    Avian infectious bronchitis and its management in Nepal: a review

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    Avian infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious disease of poultry with high economic importance. Caused by avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), it is transmitted by direct and indirect contact through aerosol or fecal means. Although IB is considered as respiratory disease, various strains of IBV affect the renal as well as the reproductive system. The economic importance of disease is due to lower egg production, poor hatchability of eggs, and decreased quality of the egg, weight loss, growth retardation, and high condemnation rates in meat-type birds. Although the prevalence of IB is lower in Nepal (>1%), it is ranked second as a disease which claims most livestock unit in the world. There is no specific treatment for IB but live and inactivated vaccines are available for the prevention and control of the virus. The lack of research in the infectious bronchitis virus can cause production losses in poultry sector due to the evolution of resistant virus strain in our country. This review discusses the aspects of avian infectious bronchitis prevalence in Nepal

    Commande vectorielle d'une machine asynchrone doublement alimentée : optimisation des pertes dans les convertisseurs, reconfiguration de la commande pour un fonctionnement sécurisé

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    Dans ce travail, l'auteur s'intéresse à la machine asynchrone à rotor bobiné alimentée par deux convertisseurs, l'un au stator et l'autre au rotor. La stratégie de commande développée est basée sur un contrôle vectoriel avec une orientation du flux rotorique, avec une loi de répartition de puissances actives entre le stator et le rotor. Cette loi de répartition de puissance donne lieu à une relation entre la pulsation des grandeurs statoriques et la pulsation des grandeurs rotoriques qui permet d'optimiser le dimensionnement de chaque convertisseur. Une commande sans capteur de vitesse ou de position est développée. La compensation du couple de charge permet d'assurer de bonnes performances avec une bonne robustesse vis-à-vis des variations paramétriques de la machine. L'étude de la reconfiguration du mode de fonctionnement de la MADA face à des défauts au niveau des onduleurs de tension, permet de dégager un avantage majeur de cette machine. En effet, la double alimentation permet d'éliminer l'onduleur défaillant et de fonctionner avec un seul onduleur. Les résultats de simulation présentés témoignent des bonnes performances de cette machine en présence de tels défauts. ABSTRACT : This work is focused on the doubly fed wound rotor asynchronous machine supplied by two Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) voltage inverters, each in rotor and in stator sides. The control strategy used is a rotor filed oriented control (RFOC) with an active power distribution law between stator and rotor. This power distribution law permits to have a relation between stator and rotor frequencies witch allows an optimized design for each inverter. A sensor less control is developed. The torque compensation allows high performances with a good robustness to machine parameters variations. The continuous drive operating under inverters faults is the most important advantage of this machine. In fact, the double fed allows to eliminate the damaged inverter and to drive the machine with one inverter. The continuous drive operating is guaranteed but the power distribution law is not possible. The DFIM speed drive can tolerate the inverter fault apparitions thanking its structural qualities. It is obtained with power electronic structure reconfiguration followed by control strategy adaptation. Simulation results prove the feasibility and the efficiency of the strategy

    Evaluating a subset of ancestry informative SNPs for discriminating among Southwest Asian and circum-Mediterranean populations

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    AbstractMany different published sets of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and/or insertion-deletion polymorphisms (InDels) can serve as ancestry informative markers (AIMs) to distinguish among continental regions of the world. For a focus on Southwest Asian ancestry we chose to start with the Kidd Lab panel of 55 ancestry-informative SNPs (AISNPs) because it already provided good global reference data (FROG-kb: frog.med.yale.edu) in a set of 73 population samples distinguishing at least 8 biogeographic clusters of populations. This panel serves as a good first tier ancestry panel. We are now interested in identifying region-specific second tier panels for more refined distinction among populations within each of the global regions. We have begun studying the global region centered on Southwest Asia and the region encompassing the Mediterranean Sea. We have incorporated 10 populations from North Africa, Turkey and Iran and included 31 of the original 73 populations and eleven 1000 Genomes Phase3 populations for a total of 3129 individuals from 52 populations, all typed for the 55 AISNPs. We have then identified the subset of the 55 AISNPs that are most informative for this region of the world using Heatmap, Fst, and Informativeness analyses to eliminate those SNPs essentially redundant or providing no information among populations in this region, reducing the number of SNPs to 32. STRUCTURE and PCA analyses show the remaining 32 SNPs identify the North African cluster and appropriately include the Turkish and Iranian samples with the Southwest Asian cluster. These markers provide the basis for building an improved, optimized panel of AISNPs that provides additional information on differences among populations in this part of the world. The data have also allowed an examination of the accuracy of the ancestry inference based on 32 SNPs for the newly studied populations from this region. The likelihood ratio approach to ancestry inference embodied in FROG-kb provides highly significant population assignments within one order of magnitude for each individual in the Turkish, Iranian, and Tunisian populations