7 research outputs found

    Qualité des eaux destinées à la consommation humaine et à l’utilisation agricole (Cas des eaux souterraines d’Oued-Souf, SE algérien)

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    Les eaux destinées à l'alimentation de la population et d'irrigation dans la vallée d’Oued Souf ont comme origine la nappe du Complexe Terminal (CT), et souffrent de trop de gaspillage, surtout les dernières années, sous l'influence de l'apparition du phénomène de la remontée des eaux de la nappe phréatique. Dans ce travail, on a évalué la qualité des eaux du CT, grâce à l'interprétation des résultats des analyses physico-chimiques des échantillons pris des châteaux d'eau à travers le territoire de la région d'étude. D'après ces analyses, il apparaît que la qualité chimique des eaux en question est médiocre à mauvaise pour la consommation humaine etimpropre à l'utilisation agricole.Mots clés: Vallée d’Oued-Souf– Nappe du Complexe Terminal (CT) - Analyses physico chimiques - Consommation humaine- Utilisation agricole. Water of drinking supply and irrigation water in Oued Souf valley come from groundwater of the Complex Terminal (CT), which suffers, excess use, especially in recent years, under the influence of the rising groundwater phenomenon. In this work, we assess the water quality of CT, through the interpretation of physicochemical analysis results of water samples taken from water reservoirs throughout the territory of the study area. The present data indicate that the quality of the water in question is not suitable neither for human consumption nor for agricultural use.Keywords: Oued Souf Valley- Groundwater of Complex Terminal (CT) - Physico-chemical analyzes - Human consumption - Agricultural use

    Contribution to the experimental study of the hydraulic jump in trapezoidal channel with positive slope

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    The purpose of this study is to study experimentally the hydraulic jump evolving in a symmetric trapezoidal channel with a positive slope, requires the use of an experimental protocol, and to find experimental relations linking the characteristics of the formed projection. The experimental study investigated the variation of the relative height S = s / h1 of the threshold as a function of the Froude F1 number of the incident flow, for five distinct values of the slope of the channel.Keywords: Hydraulic jump, trapezoidal channel, damping basin, trapezoidal channel withpositive slope, suddenly varied flow

    Impact du déversement direct des eaux usées et de drainage dans la nappe libre de l'Oued Souf et son influence sur la qualité des eaux souterraines.

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    Ces vingt dernières années la région de l'Oued Souf souffre du phénomène de la remontée des eaux de la nappe libre, qui inonde les « ghouts » et les maisons, entrainant de graves problèmes sociaux, agriculturaux et environnementaux. Le réseau d'assainissement qui ne couvre qu'une partie de la ville d'El-Oued rend la situation plus dramatique. Jusqu'a la fin de l'année 2010 une zone, située au Nord-Est de la ville d'El-Oued, a été aménagée pour que les eaux de drainage (système pour rabattre la nappe) et les eaux usées soient déversées directement sans aucun traitement préalable. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer l'extension du déversement dans la nappe libre de l'Oued Souf, surtout des eaux usées, et d'évaluer les risques de pollution des eaux souterraines de la nappe libre, plus particulièrement dans la zone de rejet. Six campagnes de mesures hydrochimiques ont été faites : trois durant l'année 2007 (avril, juin et septembre), deux durant l'année 2010 Ganvier et avril) et une en mai 2012 âpres l'arrêt de rejet. L'analyse des échantillons et leur interprétation ont permis l'établissement d'une carte de l'indice de pollution organique. Cette dernière a montre que le terrain a un pouvoir autoépuratoir élève ce qui réduit considérablement les effets de la pollution d'origine organique. Cette tendance est confirmée par les valeurs de la dispersivité longitudinale αL faibles, déterminées au niveau de la zone de rejet. Pour ce qui est des teneurs de certains éléments majeurs naturels (Na+, Ca++, SO4-, Cl-...), celles-ci restent élevées et posent un sérieux problème d'aptitude de ces eaux à l'Irrigation.Mots clés: Nappe libre - Remonte des eaux - Eaux usées - Pollution organique - Oued Souf More than twenty years the region of Oued Soufis suffering from the rising of the water table in the unconfined aquifer, causing flooding of "ghouts" and damaging houses, which induces serious social, agricultural and environmental problems. The sewerage system that covers only a part of the city ofEl-Oued makes the situation more dramatic. Until the end of 2010, the drainage water and wastewater are discharged directly without any preliminary treatment in an area located north-eastern of El-Oued city. Nowadays a wastewater treatment plant was constructed and this area is not more used. The purpose of this study is to determine the extension of the contaminated area by discharged wastewater in the unconfined aquifer and to assess the risk of pollution of groundwater, particularly in the discharging zone. Three hydrochemical surveys were conducted in the discharging area and in its vicinity during 2007 (april, june and september), two during 2010 Ganuary and april) and one in may 2012. The interpretation of analysed samples shows that the pollution has a very short extension and the soil has an important self purifying role that reduces the effects of organic pollution that is shown in the established map of index of organic pollution. The low value of longitudinal dispersivity αL of the soil, evaluated in the discharging area, confirms this trend. We note that the content of some major natural elements such as (Na+, Ca++, SO4-, Cl-...) is high and the use of the groundwater is not advised for irrigation.Keywords: Unconfined aquifer- Rising water level - Wastewater- Organic pollution - Oued Sou

    Contribution to the study of the quality physicochemical of the waters of the water of the complex terminal in the valley of Oued Souf (South-East Algerian)

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    The area of Oued-Souf consists of a good amount of underground water resources. These resources consist of two big aquifers: the Terminal Complex and the Continental Intercalary. The Chemical quality of these waters creates big problems like: the high mineralization and the concentration of some elements that surpass the recommended norms stated by the OMS. The objectives of the present study relate to quality of the waters within this area and their effects on the environment.According to the results obtained from the different methods utilized, diagram and statistical tool, it could be said that the mineralization of these waters is geologic in origin. The mineralization relate to the composition of the strata that make the two layers. The problem of the Oued-Souf area waters is in essence a problem of quality, for this we believe there must be some rigorous research to develop the chemical quality of these waters and to guarantee their accountability to the international norms before mobilizing them to the consumers.Keywords: Terminal Complex, Continental Intercalary, Mineralization, Qualitative aspects, statistical too


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    <p>This study designed to analyze and evaluate the results of trend scenarios of the strategy management of water resources used in the valley of Oued-Souf, who led the region to a truly dramatic situation and almost desperate: rise of groundwater and its adverse consequences. In terms of this work, we seek a model (plan) for the development of these resources according to criteria of sustainability, and will take into account socio-economic and ecosystem aspect. That by adaptation and implementation of integrated management of water resources (IMWR) in this unit of water resources, to meet the needs of decision support in water management, so as to guide and mobilize progressive human resources, information, financial and material, as well as various private and public sectors towards finding concrete and measurable results of water and ecosystems.</p


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    This study designed to analyze and evaluate the results of trend scenarios of the strategy management of water resources used in the valley of Oued-Souf, who led the region to a truly dramatic situation and almost desperate: rise of groundwater and its adverse consequences. In terms of this work, we seek a model (plan) for the development of these resources according to criteria of sustainability, and will take into account socio-economic and ecosystem aspect. That by adaptation and implementation of integrated management of water resources (IMWR) in this unit of water resources, to meet the needs of decision support in water management, so as to guide and mobilize progressive human resources, information, financial and material, as well as various private and public sectors towards finding concrete and measurable results of water and ecosystems