9 research outputs found

    Pitfalls in soft tissue sarcoma imaging: chronic expanding hematomas

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    Solid or nodular enhancement is typical of soft tissue sarcomas although high grade soft tissue sarcomas and those with internal hemorrhage often appear heterogeneous with areas of nonenhancement and solid or nodular enhancement. These MRI findings often prompt an orthopedic oncology referral, a biopsy or surgery. However, not all masses with these imaging findings are malignant. We report the multimodality imaging findings of two surgically proven chronic expanding hematomas (CEH) with imaging features that mimicked sarcomas. A third case of nonenhancing CEH of the lower extremity is also presented as a comparison. It is important that in the correct clinical scenario with typical imaging findings, the differential diagnosis of a chronic expanding hematoma be included in the workup of these patients. An image-guided biopsy of nodular tissue within such masses that proves to be negative for malignancy should not necessarily be considered discordant. A correct diagnosis may prevent a morbid unnecessary surgery and may indicate the need for a conservative noninvasive follow-up with imaging

    An atypical MĂŒllerian duct anomaly: Duplicated cervices and vaginas with a single uterine cavity

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    MĂŒllerian duct anomalies include a wide variety of developmental abnormalities involving the female reproductive system, many of which are not adequately represented by the current classification system used in the United States. Diagnosis can be made with imaging, but initial evaluation first requires a thorough physical exam. A 19-year-old female received a pelvic MRI for evaluation of a MĂŒllerian duct anomaly following an abnormal pelvic exam. Imaging demonstrated a single uterine cavity which divides into 2 distinct cervices and vaginas. The patient received a hysteroscopic resection of her vaginal septum. This type of anomaly is extremely rare and associated clinical outcomes of potential infertility or complications with vaginal delivery are uncertain. Use of a more comprehensive classification system for MĂŒllerian duct anomalies may assist with identification and research of such rare subtypes

    Prenatal testosterone and theory of mind development: Findings from disorders of sex development

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    Women on average perform better than men on the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” test (RMET) which is a measure of Theory of Mind (ToM). The aim of this study was to assess whether these sex differences are influenced by differences in prenatal testosterone levels through a study on individuals with Disorders of Sex Development and matched controls. ToM performance was examined using the RMET in female-assigned-at-birth individuals with increased prenatal testosterone exposure (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) and 5-alpha Reductase type-2 Deficiency (5α-RD-2)), female-assigned-at-birth individuals with testosterone insensitivity (Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS)), and their age-matched unaffected male and female relatives. A total number of 158 individuals participated in the study; 19 with 5α-RD-2, 17 with CAH, 18 women with CAIS, 52 matched unaffected men and 52 matched unaffected women. All subgroups were around 20 years of age. Women with CAH scored significantly lower on RMET than control women and CAIS individuals. CAIS individuals scored significantly higher than control men and participants with 5α-RD. Statistically, CAIS individuals' performance on RMET was similar to control women's, women with CAH did not differ significantly from control men and 5α-RD-2 individuals scored significantly lower than control men. These results, which are in line with previous theories, illustrate that performance on the RMET, as an index of ToM, may be influenced by variations in prenatal androgens levels

    Neuroanatomy of transgender persons in a Non-Western population and improving reliability in clinical neuroimaging

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    Although the neuroanatomy of transgender persons is slowly being charted, findings are presently discrepant. Moreover, the major body of work has focused on Western populations. One important factor is the issue of power and low signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio in neuroimaging studies of rare study populations including endocrine or neurological patient groups. The present study focused on the structural neuroanatomy of a Non-Western (Iranian) sample of 40 transgender men (TM), 40 transgender women (TW), 30 cisgender men (CM), and 30 cisgender women (CW), while assessing whether the reliability of findings across structural anatomical measures including gray matter volume (GMV), cortical surface area (CSA), and cortical thickness (CTh) could be increased by using two back-to-back within-session structural MRI scans. Overall, findings in transgender persons were more consistent with sex assigned at birth in GMV and CSA, while no group differences emerged for CTh. Repeated measures analysis also indicated that having a second scan increased SNR in all regions of interest, most notably bilateral frontal poles, pre- and postcentral gyri and putamina. The results suggest that a simple time and cost-effective measure to improve SNR in rare clinical populations with low prevalence rates is a second anatomical scan when structural MRI is of interest

    Neuroanatomy of transgender persons in a Non‐Western population and improving reliability in clinical neuroimaging

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    Although the neuroanatomy of transgender persons is slowly being charted, findings are presently discrepant. Moreover, the major body of work has focused on Western populations. One important factor is the issue of power and low signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio in neuroimaging studies of rare study populations including endocrine or neurological patient groups. The present study focused on the structural neuroanatomy of a Non-Western (Iranian) sample of 40 transgender men (TM), 40 transgender women (TW), 30 cisgender men (CM), and 30 cisgender women (CW), while assessing whether the reliability of findings across structural anatomical measures including gray matter volume (GMV), cortical surface area (CSA), and cortical thickness (CTh) could be increased by using two back-to-back within-session structural MRI scans. Overall, findings in transgender persons were more consistent with sex assigned at birth in GMV and CSA, while no group differences emerged for CTh. Repeated measures analysis also indicated that having a second scan increased SNR in all regions of interest, most notably bilateral frontal poles, pre- and postcentral gyri and putamina. The results suggest that a simple time and cost-effective measure to improve SNR in rare clinical populations with low prevalence rates is a second anatomical scan when structural MRI is of interest

    Childhood Sex-Typed Behavior and Gender Change in Individuals with 46,XY and 46,XX Disorders of Sex Development: An Iranian Multicenter Study

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD) are congenital conditions in which the typical genetic and hormonal profiles are affected and thereby the usual process of sexual differentiation. Most of these studies, however, have been conducted in Western countries. In the present study, preschool sex-typed activities of Iranian individuals with DSD and their age-matched non-affected male and female relatives were assessed using the Pre-School Activities Inventory (PSAI) modified for retrospective self-report. A total of 192 individuals participated in our study, including 33 46,XX individuals with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH; M age = 10.36, SD = 5.52), 15 46,XY individuals with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS; M age = 19.8, SD = 7.14), and 16 46,XY individuals with 5-alpha reductase deficiency type-2 (5α-RD-2; M age = 17.31, SD = 7.28), as well as one age-matched non-affected male and female relative for each patient. With regard to PSAI scores, male-identifying participants with 5α-RD-2 and male controls reported similar levels of male-typical childhood play. Female-identifying participants with 5α-RD-2 and CAH showed comparable scores: significantly less masculine and more feminine than male controls, but significantly more masculine and less feminine than females with CAIS and female controls. These findings support the role of androgens in the development of sex-typical childhood play behavior, with those being exposed to higher levels of fetal functional androgens expressing more masculine behavior at preschool ages

    The Neuroanatomy of Transgender Identity: Mega-Analytic Findings From the ENIGMA Transgender Persons Working Group

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    Background: In contrast to cisgender persons, transgender persons identify with a different gender than the one assigned at birth. Although research on the underlying neurobiology of transgender persons has been accumulating over the years, neuroimaging studies in this relatively rare population are often based on very small samples resulting in discrepant findings. Aim: To examine the neurobiology of transgender persons in a large sample. Methods: Using a mega-analytic approach, structural MRI data of 803 non-hormonally treated transgender men (TM, n = 214, female assigned at birth with male gender identity), transgender women (TW, n = 172, male assigned at birth with female gender identity), cisgender men (CM, n = 221, male assigned at birth with male gender identity) and cisgender women (CW, n = 196, female assigned at birth with female gender identity) were analyzed. Outcomes: Structural brain measures, including grey matter volume, cortical surface area, and cortical thickness. Results: Transgender persons differed significantly from cisgender persons with respect to (sub)cortical brain volumes and surface area, but not cortical thickness. Contrasting the 4 groups (TM, TW, CM, and CW), we observed a variety of patterns that not only depended on the direction of gender identity (towards male or towards female) but also on the brain measure as well as the brain region examined. Clinical Translation: The outcomes of this large-scale study may provide a normative framework that may become useful in clinical studies. Strengths and Limitations: While this is the largest study of MRI data in transgender persons to date, the analyses conducted were governed (and restricted) by the type of data collected across all participating sites. Conclusion: Rather than being merely shifted towards either end of the male-female spectrum, transgender persons seem to present with their own unique brain phenotype. Mueller SC, Guillamon A, Zubiaurre-Elorza L, et al. The Neuroanatomy of Transgender Identity: Mega-Analytic Findings From the ENIGMA Transgender Persons Working Group. J Sex Med 2021;18:1122–1129